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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. (sorry if this is in the wrong place)

    Hey everyone, so I've been wanting to make a mod for some time, but being me, I'm absolutely useless at Blender (how do you select something again? :P), which seems to be the go-to program for part modders.

    However, I don't want to let my sparse, at best, knowledge of Blender stop me. I am pretty familiar with Sketchup, as I use it for 3D-printing. I was wondering if it is possible to make modded parts on Sketchup, and if so, what its advantages/disadvantages are.

    Thanks! :) 

  2. On 5/8/2017 at 3:46 AM, Physics Student said:

    Come on, such things happen. Tell him his mistake but don't be a <REDACTED> about it

    I see what you mean, but the thing is that that kid is so stupid (sorry, but it's true), that it simply can't be a one-time slip up. :) 

  3. 7 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:


    From the lower part of page 61:

    To the beginning of page 64:


    It's been only you and @munlander1 who have been posting.


    Nothing personal, but I think you two should be awarded the medal of dishonor. :wink: 


    Also, 2+


  4. 3 hours ago, Azimech said:

    Happy birthday to you too then! So, what's the age difference?

    Many years. And happy birthday to you too!

  5. 14 minutes ago, Uace24 said:

    I will slash prices and give you a price of 18,500 even with the 10% markup that would be cheaper than the Iridum Lifter. And it is able to carry 2 payloads also and the 18,500 is for a dual launch. 

    How can the Theta 1 take two at once? Together, 2 of the VDT weigh 2.8 tons, and your launcher can only take 1.5 tons.

    @Andiron I think my offer is better. :wink: 

  6. 3 hours ago, Andiron said:

    To have goals for manned spacecrafts, I created this docking target equipped with two docking ports (one normal and one Jr.). It was build in the intent of using it with my craft, the Vincin, but everybody can use it! I decided to put it on a 100x100km orbit with an inclination of 120° to make it reachable by rockets from Baikerbanur.

    KerbalX file: https://kerbalx.com/Andiron/VDT


      Reveal hidden contents


        a) Payload name? VDT (Vincin Docking Target)
        b) Payload provider? @Andiron
        c) Type of payload? Docking target
        d) Payload price? 3942 kb
        e) Payload mass, part count and dimensions? 1.485t / 34 parts / 1.78x1.25x1.25
        f) Intended orbit (apoapsis, periapsis, inclination, any other orbital info)? 100 km circular LKO, 120° inclination
        g) Short description of the payload? Docking target for manned spacecraft



    22 minutes ago, Uace24 said:

    I would like to provide the launch for this payload on the Theta 1 launcher from the Baikerbanur launch site assuming you havent picked a Launch Provider yet. 

    My Iridium I can lift two at once. Also, that would give you a launch price of 19,500. This is 500 funds cheaper than Uace's Theta 1, and I can take two at once. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Andiron said:

    Ok, sounds good for LKO flights. Might need 4, though. I still need a less powerful rocket for a suborbital flight first, if someone is interested.


    6 hours ago, Brent Kerman said:

    Its heavy, I need to run some calculations, but initial math says I should be able to get it suborbital for :funds:25,000. (Definitely not orbital)

    I should be able to take one to sub-orbital on an Iridium I first stage (I'll have to check) for the bargain price of :funds:10,000. And I'll add the three Vincin flights to the manifest. PM me if you want the contract expanded. :wink: 

    16 minutes ago, Skylon said:


    Update: All Arthur Series rockets should have RCS turned on from launch. Mechjeb settings should start the gravity turn ASAP also with roll enabled. Q should be limited to 20,000, and the turn shape should be 45%. Roll control on upper stages doesn't seem to work very well, so turn RCS off after separation, but back on if any problems occur (or turn off mechjeb) or if mechjeb is coasting to circularisation.

    Gotcha. Instructions have been copied over to my phone. :) 

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