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Posts posted by Amnesy

  1. Hey @Galileo,

    there is a small typo in the 3.2x config that causes Kopernicus to fail loading any planet system. In line 164 it needs to be 


                    %sunLensFlareColor = 0,0,0,0

    instead of


                    %sunLensFlareColor = 0,0,0,0

    EDIT: I created a Pull Request with the fix.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Space_Coyote said:

    I'm trying to solve a problem when it comes to the inlatable hab units when it comes to inlating them..


    Now here's the  problem..


    I have a spacecraft that is connected to the inflatable part and inside sai space craft are  in fact 4 Engineer Kerbals  (And I know that the max you need for any inflatable part is 3 (and that includes the Centrifuges..)


    So I'm testing this  out on the laungch pad, the space craft connected to the inflatable part, and considering I have 4 enginner kerbals the part should inflate.. 


    I click on inflate, and ... nothing happens, No inflation animation, nothing. I try to trasfer them into inflatable unit and they won't go..


    (Also I am using ship Mani est to transfer crew..)


    It would be kind o nice to explain how you inflate the habitation  unites/Centrifuges  in some hrt detailed method.)

    otherwise I'm sticking to the Non Inflatable stuff. )

    SO i someone can give me an idea on how to do this, that would be most appreciated..



    Do you have MKS installed? In that case you need some Material Kits to inflate the centrifuges and habitats. The exact amount should be in the tooltip of each part.

  3. 5 hours ago, theonegalen said:

    That's a good point. My next career is probably going to be a 2.5x diameter, 5x orbital distance system. Maybe with non-equatorial KSC and simulated axial tilt as well. KR&D could be quite useful as an alternative to installing gobs of OP part mods.

    I can use MM configs to remove the stock upgrades if KR&D is installed, leaving the upgrades to KR&D completely. Do you think that would work?

    Yeah I guess that would be the way to go. Or you could flag that MM patch as opional so that the player can decide if he wants the stock upgrades alongside KRnD or not. I think that's what Nertea does e.g with his NF Electrics mod for depleting RTG Power or the optional LF Patches for the nuclear engines. 

  4. 3 hours ago, theonegalen said:

    I make UBM Extended. I don't use KR&D, what seems to be the issue? V.2.0 of UBM-E had a typo that caused some wonky behavior, but 2.1 should have fixed it.

    On 9.4.2018 at 6:03 PM, Amnesy said:

    In my career save for 1.4.2 i found this to be a minor issue because no matter which upgrades get applied by the stock system, KRnD will still only upgrade based on the first tier values. (e.g. the Kodiak gets a significant ISP Boost from the stock 90Science Tier which gets removed after applying a weight reduction in KRnD - to get the same ISP back one would need like 3 or 4 tiers of upgrades in both ISP categories).


    As described in my post above, when upgrading a part with KRnD it loses it's upgrades from your mod with the stock system . The most notable case is the Kodiak where you apply a series of upgrades over the engine tech line to boost it's thrust and ISP.

    For me it isn't an issue anymore since I've just stopped upgrading that engine with KRnD but if more more mods start using the stock upgrade system, it could be worth finding a way for the two systems to coexist since KRnD (for me at least) is the best way to tackle an upscaled system without messing with SMURF and consorts.

  5. Hey, @blowfish I just wanted to report, that the mod appears to work fine on 1.4.2. I've used it for the past week on my career save and haven't encountered any issues so far. 

    On this note - how much effort would it be to include the texture switching feature from the MH expansion into this mod? Shouldn't that be something B9 Part Switch would be perfect for?


  6. 34 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:


    I know they added some framework for part upgrades a while back, but there are part upgrades in KSP stock?!

    I can't find anything in the config files about this, are you sure? What is the 95 science tier???

    I hereby stand corrected -  I thought the upgrades were applied by squad but as it appears they are a part of the UBM extended mod. The author uses the upgrade framework to place some parts in a weaker form early in the techtree and then created upgrades for them later in the tree. Sorry if i got you excited for nothing :P 

    Nonetheless my "bug-report" stands as the stock and the KRnD system dont play nice with each other but I dont know if that's something that can be fixed without extensive coding.

  7. On 3/29/2018 at 1:55 AM, -MM- said:

    I've uploaded a new version of KRnD which I have recompiled for KSP 1.4.2 (see first post in this thread). I didn't change any features and as far as I can see it seems to be working as expected.
    The only minor annoyance I found was that some engines display the wrong thrust and the note "*** upgrades applied ***" in the menu of the assembly hall. I'm not entirely sure where this comes from but the mod should still work its magic as it did before. If anyone finds any upgrades that have stopped working in this version, please let me know.

    The *** upgrades applied *** seems to come from the stock upgrade system which squad applied on some of the MH-Expansion engines. (Namely the Kodiak). In my career save for 1.4.2 i found this to be a minor issue because no matter which upgrades get applied by the stock system, KRnD will still only upgrade based on the first tier values. (e.g. the Kodiak gets a significant ISP Boost from the stock 95Science Tier which gets removed after applying a weight reduction in KRnD - to get the same ISP back one would need like 3 or 4 tiers of upgrades in both ISP categories).

  8. 11 hours ago, Gilph said:



    9 hours ago, Pleb said:

    It's not as simple as that unfortunately. If you look in the GPP folder there are a few DLLs that would need to be recompiled.


    6 hours ago, Norcalplanner said:

    Simple part packs that don't deviate a lot from stock aren't too sensitive to KSP versions, and will frequently work OK with a few if any modifications. Mods like GPP which alter the game universe and rely on a number of other back-end mods (such as Modular Flight Integrator, Kopernicus, and Module Manager) are extremely sensitive to what version of KSP they're running on.


    5 hours ago, OhioBob said:

    It's my understanding the GPP generally works OK with 1.4.2 using the new Kopernicus, but there are problems with some of the other dependencies and optional mods.  A plain vanilla GPP install will probably be fine, but as soon as you start adding other stuff, you could run into problems.

    Got it - I figured a pack this extensive would be based on a number of background dependencies. In that case I'll just patiently wait until everything gets updated to start a new and exciting journey through the Ciro System :-) 
    Thank you to all the devs that made this pack possible by the way if I haven't posted that before!

  9. 30 minutes ago, DarkFighter said:

    I think he/she meant that he/she didn't update the game yet and gets them to orbit so when he/she updates they don't die.

    Let's hope for the best. 

    yeah, the album is just a mission report about the preparation process!

    But after finishing that I also updated the game and after messing around with the indices I managed to get everything back to normal :D

    The process of rebuilding the base in an improved version is going well and I love the new location!ifNFVh2.png


  10. 12 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    We did indeed had a hiccup or two with the .version file and that would would have thrown anyone off. You'd have been spared this problem if you updated (surely even just copy-pasting on top of the existing installation) and restarted your career back then as anyone else did when they learned of it. :( 

    Ahh I just found out what happened. I did update to 1.0.2 as soon as it was released (been using KSC++ so it should be the right version) but I didn't update to the 'second' 1.0.2 update (see page 11 of the thread). Oh well I guess that's what you get for being hasty :/

    Anyway could I just remove the flightglobals from the cfgs and expect things to be the same as before?

    EDIT: I managed to get everything back to normal by playing around with the indices until I found the matching configuration for my ships! The new Iota looks beautiful and I can't wait to get my base back down and running.

  11. hey, it's me again. In a long and totally kerbal session I removed all of my base from the surface on Iota and put the parts in low-ish orbits between 20 and 50km. (imgur album coming soon)

    Excited about that success I installed the update only to find out that all of my ships orbit totally different bodies now. (Stuff around Gael moved to Icarus e.g.)
    Did you by any chance change some body indices?

  12. 6 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    (@Galileo@Amnesy Your crafts sitting on Iota, Thalia and Tellumo will likely be lost, all for unique reasons. Iota's changed entirely and may swallow your base, Tellumo's land/ocean configuration has changed and you may find your craft splashed and Thalia's curse and danger now extend very far beyond her surface.


    7 hours ago, Galileo said:

    Try to get as much as you can off the surface of all celestial bodies. Everything in orbit should be fine. Your base on iota is really a crapshoot. I watch a stream today and they're based on iota showed up under the terrain and exploded but it really depends on its location 

    Alright, thanks for the info - looks like a preparation mission will have to be scheduled for tonight! I'll have my finger close to the F1 key and attempt to put most parts of my Iota base into orbit. 

    Also I'm quite curious what the newest curse of Thalia may be about :rolleyes:


  13. hey,

    shame on me if I didn't pay enough attention to see my question already answered - but I was wondering about the effects on existing GPP career saves.

    I currently have an infrastructure (sattelites, stations, ferries) deployed mostly around gael and iota including a nice mks base on the surface. These are the bits that I'd love to keep after the update. Additionally I have a couple of probes orbiting Thalia, Tellumo, Gratian and Gauss plus lander probes sitting on Thalia and Tellumo.

    Can anyone tell me which craft I should take care of (e.g. put into orbit) before trying to update?

    Anyway the update looks amazing! Thanks to the whole team for the hard work and I loved the experience so far!

  14. I've been messing around with a GPP career and sstos in it and the only major difference I noticed is the different KSC location. 

    In GPP it's about 8.5° off the equator which means that if you just launch straight 90° from the runway you will end up in an inclined orbit. 

    However I found the beauty of sstos to allow a launch to equatorial orbit by going south (well sort of 130-150°) after liftoff.  Upon reaching 14-18 km level off and cruise south until you reach the equator and then do a turn onto it. This probably means your designs will need more LF than usual but you save loads of lfo for correcting your inclination later. 

    Cheers and have fun trying out this amazing planet pack! 

  15. 1 hour ago, RoverDude said:


    @Amnesy - I thought there was a setting on KAS pipes that blocked fuel flow or enabled it.. check that maybe?

    well the only thing seperating the storage unit from the greenhouse is a flex-o-tube and disconnecting and reconnecting that dosn't change anything.
    I've also tried recreating the issue in sandbox mode but if I just put a base on the launchpad everythign works as expected...

    maybe my kerbals on Iota (GPP mun of kerbin) just like the recycled supplies so much they don't wanna try new ones :D 

  16. 1 hour ago, eddiew said:

    Thanks @OhioBob, @Akira_R, useful answers :) 

    Guess it really is down to whether I want spaceplanes in this career. They certainly get a lot less useful when they provide less than 40% of the orbital velocity on air... Will have to ponder ^^

    If you want more speed out of your airbreathing engines, how about looking into using scramjets in your designs? I know the Mk2 Expansion has one that only activates above Ma = 4 but then will provide good thrust up to I think Ma = 10-12 and pretty high in the atmosphere (40-50km for a 1x game).
    The part itself is pretty far down the CTT Aerospace Technode (1500 Science IIRC) but probably still cheaper than what you have to use in KRnD.

  17. 1 hour ago, Kobymaru said:

    Well water isn't missing, so that's obviously wrong and a bug.

    However, Cultivate(D) stands for Cultivate with Dirt - and I don't see any Dirt in your base. Maybe you should try to switch the converter to Cultivate(S) for Substrate? Alternatively, provide some dirt.

    Edit: Whoops. You got all the things, and your converter should work. I'm afraid I have no explanation. Do you have a save for this base, so I can take a look?

    Well the save is pretty heavily modded and the base also would need procedural parts and KSP:Interstellar. But I'll try and disconnect those bits (Power station and skycrane) and see if the issue persists and then report back.

  18. Hey, quick question - is it intended when running MKS along with KSP Interstellar, that both the narrowband and the surface scanners only show the Interstellar resources?

    If it is intended - how would one get detailed scans for the MKS resources? (Metallic Ore, Minerals etc...)

    If it isn't intended and I found a misbehaviour - can I simply paste the MKS resources under the following MM Patch Part?


    Thanks and merry christmas!

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