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Everything posted by Aerospike

  1. Hey guys, sorry for my absence in this thread and maintaining and improving KISS. I just came back from family vacation and with my wedding now in the past, my free time should improve noticeable in the next weeks. Thank you for all your input and error reports, I'll take some time this week to look into all the issues and see what I can do. @Tonka CrashNothing that kiss does should influence the audio of KSP, maybe chatterer also uses F8 as a hotkey? That said: I remember that the KSP 1.4.4 or 1.4.5 changelog mentioned some fixed audio issues, maybe that was related?
  2. Thanks for the suggestion guys! I really don't know why I didn't think about padding the game time string, as none-padded numbers and sorting tend to be one of those things that usually drive me crazy in all kinds of software. I'll make sure to add that sometime in the next few days. :-)
  3. @Nikecow I'm really happy to hear that my tiny little mod provides some value to you, thank you for your feedback! :) Regarding replacing the stock menu: I originally wanted to do exactly this (replace the stock save UI completely), but I could not figure out how to do it (I suspect it is currently not possible). Regarding your suggestion: That is not a bad idea, but to make those options meaningful if someone has named their save using different patterns (real time, game time, no time, etc.) It would be required to somehow get the necessary information. I see 2 possible solutions: looking directly into the save file to get things like the game time and the current vessel, even if those are not in the file name. or to put for example both game time AND real time into the file name and make it possible to select which one should be displayed. I have avoided 1. so far to keep things as simple as possible (the acronym for the plugin is no coincidence :D ), and 2. might result in really long file names... I'll definitely keep it on my list of things that I'll try to add with the next version , but I can't promise any release dates. ;) PS: just did some tests in KSP 1.4.3 and seems like everything is working fine without any need for changes, so I bumped the compatible KSP version up here on the thread as well as on spacedock :)
  4. Oh, sorry yes! At the time of me writing the previous post, the thread title still said 1.4.1. When I edited the original post to reflect the updated compatibility, I did not realise that this change might get "lost" for people that only read my previous post after the update of the OP. That and me incorrectly assuming everyone would get the notification through spacedock anyway
  5. Hello linuxgurugamer, first of all let me express a huge Thank You from the bottom of my heart for keeping such an enormous amount of "essential" mods alive and updated! I only have one simple mod that I need to take care of, but as a father of a 2-year old and having a fulltime job I know how hard it can be to find time to sit down and update a mod when a new KSP version is released! Having said that, there are 2 small issues I would like to report: 1) CorrectCoL only shows up when entering the SPH. It continues to be available when using the new switch to go into the VAB. When entering the VAB it is not available, even when switching to the SPH. 2) RCS Build Aid and CorrectCol both complain about unsupported KSP version on KSP 1.4.2 (+MH), even after manually changing the KSP version in their respective .version files to 1.4.2. In the log I find this: [LOG 14:41:47.860] MiniAVC -> Identical remote version found: Using remote version information only. [LOG 14:41:47.860] MiniAVC -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxgurugamer/CorrectCoL/master/CorrectCoL.version NAME: CorrectCOL URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxgurugamer/CorrectCoL/master/CorrectCoL.version DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CorrectCoL/releases GITHUB: linuxgurugamer/CorrectCoL LatestRelease: 1.6.4 AllowPreRelease: False VERSION: 1.6.4 KSP_VERSION: 1.4.1 KSP_VERSION_MIN: NULL KSP_VERSION_MAX: NULL CompatibleKspVersion: False CompatibleKspVersionMin: True CompatibleKspVersionMax: True CompatibleGitHubVersion: True If I understand this correctly, the local version file is overridden by the remote one? In any case: both plugins seem to load and work anyway. non-issue: I just realized that you introduced new hard dependencies (click through blocker and toolbar manager) to some/most of your mods with KSP 1.4.1 and clearly and boldly stated this in the OP of your mod threads. However, you would have saved me a few days of trying to get them to work, if you had also put a note about this on their respective SpaceDock pages... The lastone is not meant as a complaint. It is just a combination of a few unfortunate things coming together: * me having skipped KSP 1.3.0 - 1.4.1 completely in my career. I have only now switched from 1.2.2 to 1.4.2 (when you hardly ever have time to play you don't want to update mods, so you stay at the working version...). * me not checking the forum or github right away when encountering issues. * The not so easy task of keeping up to date with mods outside of SpaceDock (imho). * SpaceDock not having a "dependency" property for mods, or something like this. * etc. Maybe a mod similar to MinAVC that instead of the KSP version checks for the presence of dependencies would be really helpful. Can't expect you to take on another project, so maybe someone else has the time to do this. I might even try to come up with something like that myself, if I can find the time to do so. Best regards, Aerospike
  6. I have just released KISS v2.3.0 for KSP 1.4.x (see original post). I have tested with KSP 1.4.0 and 1.4.1. Could not test with 1.4.2 since the KSP page seems to be down at the moment and I haven't downloaded 1.4.2 yet.
  7. Oh... thanks for the heads up! KISS used to have the startup type [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.FlightAndKSC, false)] so I had to rework that. Since KISS is pretty lightweight (just a save dialog with a bunch of ui styles and some custom settings) I decided to just keep it around permanently (set "once" to true in the above line) and check the currently loaded scene in update to make sure it only reacts to user input in the appropriate scenes.
  8. Thank you for figuring out the solution! I have encountered more or less the same issue, just that in my case the texture didn't show up at all. I just got a black square instead. In the end I had to change this code: _settingsTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("KerbalImprovedSaveSystem/icons/settings", false); into this: _settingsTexture = new Texture2D(20, 20, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); _settingsTexture.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("GameData/KerbalImprovedSaveSystem/icons/settings.png")); Although I'm not sure that the first line is required? I have to admit that is copy and paste coding of the most embarrassing kind.
  9. I just did a quick check in KSP 1.4.0 and it seems that KISS is just working fine, with the exception of the Settings Icon (little green cog) that doesn't want to show up... I'll have to do some research to figure out what was changed. I also noticed, that I do not handle the ".loadmeta" files correctly when deleting saves, that has apparently been an issue for some time now. So I'll try to find some time during the next days to create an updated version of KISS. @Jaeleth Sorry for the late reply: I never intended to have automated saves integrated in KISS. When I started development, there used to be at least 2 mods, that did exactly that. One was "Dated QuickSaves" by magico13 - not sure if that still exists. EDIT 30.03.2018: I have been able to identify and fix the texture issue and tested my solution/workaround. I also have a fix for the "<savegame>.loadmeta" issue, but I did not have time to test it and release a new version. Expect an update sometime during the easter weekend.
  10. Wow, your creativity seems to be equally without limits as are your flying skills! Proud to be a patreon
  11. I did some testing today to check KISS against KSP 1.3.1 and found no issues. I could create saves in situations like in flight and while rolling on the ground and load them in KSP without issues. I could also load saves in my test game back from march, which have been created in KSP 1.2.2. So I'm still in the dark regarding the "missing save file" problem some of you are experiencing...
  12. Well, re-reading my reply, I probably made it sound much more exciting than it really is. What consumes most of my time is work and family (17 months old son ). The minutes that I spend on learning blender don't amount to much when summed up
  13. Would love to be able to give it a try, I just don't find the time to play KSP (or anything else) these days... Every spare minute is spent on learning 3D modelling for a hopefully future KSP mod project
  14. @Craig D I'm sorry to hear about your issues and want to apologize for my late response. Life has kept me too busy lately. I hope to have time to look at the issue next week. However I guess this will be a tough one one to replicate/fix. What you have to know is that KISS does not create or modify any savegames by itself. If you remove all the code for the user interface, KISS simply does 2 things: 1)pause the game . 2)call the stock save function. For that reason, I have currently no clue what might cause the problem some of you guys are experiencing.
  15. Hello, first let me thank you for this great and detailed tutorial! However I seem to have some fundamental problems with Wings 3D, specifically version 2.1.5 (latest) Windows 64b (I'm running latest version of Win 10). That thing seems to be incredibly buggy for me. It is not like it is crashing, but it is like every other time it looses and regains focus (like when looking at the tutorial ), it stops responding to any keyboard input, and sometimes the geometry view also stops responding to any mouse events. This is so frustrating, that I'm about to give up and learn Blender or do the modelling part in freecad... Anyone else encountered this problem? Should I try an older version or the 32b version? Edit: Tried the 32 bit version and got mostly the same behavior. Got the modelling part of the tutorial done, but not being able to use tab to insert absolute values is really annoying. I guess I'll use something else for any future models I want to create.
  16. Wow @Stratzenblitz75 This is seriously epic! Mind -> blown
  17. Wow, I really love that one! A while ago most people in this thread seemed to converge on the Skylon "theme" for SSTOs and that felt a bit boring. But now I return to this thread and see so many great, creative and sometimes unconventional designs. But to me @Aerospacer's minimalist, small (tiny!) and low tech SSTO spaceplanes are something special, even among the creations of the other great engineers here. And the mk1 inline cockpit on the Junior-4 just perfectly completes that "little fighter plane" look!
  18. I understand your frustration, but I do not know how KISS is supposed to cause your problem? What version of KISS are you using? What version of KSP are you using? What operating system do you use? Does the KISS dialog show your savegame? Does the KSP load game dialog show your savegame? Does the file exist physically on your harddrive? Can you open the file with a text editor? I have never had KISS corrupt any savegame in all my testing so far and nobody else has reported such a thing yet. I use KISS myself in my own career game (which is terribly neglected btw ) and never had any issues.
  19. @justjr I have just released KISS v2.2.0 (see original post) Now KISS is finally available while at the space center!
  20. I'm glad that your problem solved itself so easily Making KISS also available while at the KSC is on the top of my TODO list for the plugin (See planned features ). Squad made it actually easier to have a mod that is active while in flight AND at the KSC with one of the last updates (I think it was 1.2.2.), but I just haven't had the time to make the necessary changes. I guess it is time to make sure that the next version of KISS will be available while at the KSC!
  21. Hello, @justjr I have not had time to play KSP in the last few weeks, yet alone to work on the plug-in. However since there is now more than one person with that issue I'll try to find some time to locate the cause and fix it. First I'll create a new version of KISS that does more logging so we can locate the problem. I hope to have that done within a week. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  22. Incredible! I didn't know the previous iterations and I'm blown away that something so asymmetrical as the millennium Falcon actually flies inside the atmosphere!
  23. Looks fairly low tech, I guess I could use that in my career game
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