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Everything posted by pheenix99

  1. I docked with the command module with about 100m/s of monopropellant left. Thankfully I had plenty to spare on the CSM to launch a rescue. Ship was remarkably stable. I just cut it a little too close on fuel.
  2. While I personally think the MOL should be as efficient as the stock lab in a 2 seat configuration (and fully support whatever decision @CobaltWolf makes on the subject as this mod is technically a dictatorship), it really didn't take long to edit the config myself. GameData/bluedog_db/Parts/Gemini/bluedog_MOL_Lab.cfg For research efficiency: researchTime = 7 scienceMultiplier = 5 Changed the following value to suit my own whims and not necessarily for any performance gains: dataStorage = 1200
  3. I have a 2 stage design that's about 90% BlueDog that is about ready for a test flight. I'll probably wait until I pick up another tourist contract since I'll have empty seats in the command module (helps fund some of the flights).
  4. I'm always willing to try it on a backup copy of my save. Besides, whenever I go to install a new mod, I make a backup of my GameData folder as well so I can always revert back to a known good config should something break.
  5. I think we're well past that....I haven't been this excited since I was waiting for the judge to grant me my divorce.
  6. I suppose that the size of the module has increased relevance when one considers the fact that it's in the Gemini folder.....not exactly the pinnacle of miniaturized computing
  7. What is the reasoning behind making it lower power? I like most of the other parts, and your MPL obviously matches in the sense of textures, so I tend to view it more of an aesthetic match that should perform virtually the same. Not questioning your judgement, that's just my personal preference.
  8. I'm using the MOS lab now, and with 2x 1-star scienttists and near max data, the science per day is atrocious (.03 maybe). I just edited the config to up the storage capacity, but won't be able to test it until I get home (yay dropbox).
  9. I'm a bit of a NASA freak who coincidentally works works about 10 miles from the launch complex @ Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, so I'd naturally love to see some form of other "classic" NASA projects implemented such as: Skylab (Though I can see how that can be mostly done with existing components) Curiosity and/or any of the Mars rovers launched over the last 20 or so years. Tweaking of the science lab's default storage capacity (since we can edit the cfg ourselves I wouldn't anticipate much here) ISS style components would be fun, but given the complexity of the ISS itself, I can see this as having the potential to take a lot of work to implement. MMU & Micro docking port (Yes, we can move around in space with our EVA packs, but I was thinking more of an MMU with a small amount of inventory space (perhaps double what a Kerbal could carry). That's all I've got for now....feel free to shoot me down, I freakin' love your mod either way
  10. I edited my post because I noticed Cobalt saying to check the roadmap and post here. I'll throw my thoughts together and post them later.
  11. This mod is right up there with MechJeb on the super short list of "stuff I can't enjoy the game without"
  12. It's an awesome mod, what do you expect? I'm waiting to see IVA views (crew capsults) implemented....fingers crossed.
  13. What config file do I need to edit to modify the data//science capacity of the science lab? I can't seem to figure it out. Id like to add a little to the 350 data cap.
  14. I would condone vanilla life support only if it could be turned on/off when a game save is first created
  15. That took care of things! Had a few textures disappear temporarily (only noticed it on some of the antenna) but that magically fixed itself. thanks
  16. Is there a particular file that I can search for that might contain this block so I can remove the mod? Or perhaps installing RP would fix the issue? I don't know much about mods beyond installing, so this might be a silly question.
  17. Like I said, I want to rule out my own action or inaction before I consider placing suspicion on the mod itself.
  18. I'll try and install .11 instead of .11.1 and then move onto RealPlume experimentation (never used it before) and see what happens. If that doesn't work, I'll post log files.
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