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  1. haha sorry I mixed up the names! sure, I would be happy if you could share the file with me, thanks
  2. sure it can help, thanks! so the version you released is 3.1.1?
  3. thank you very much! I noticed that the file went from being version 3.0 to 1.0, does this mean that it is an old version or a renewed redistribution?
  4. Me too! is an epiphany to find a ksc focused on aircraft Btw, I'm afraid Parallax will overlap
  5. https://imgur.com/a/hwGCDRF I have a problem where the textures are more opaque and less reflective than the others with this patch, how do you think I can fix it?
  6. I noticed that parallax makes the shadows in the iva view very squared, is there a setting to avoid this effect?
  7. the atmosphere of Mars is equivalent to 1% of that of Earth, and despite this, phenomena such as clouds and sandstorms can be seen. in the image you find yourself on a hill, where the atmosphere is further rarefied
  8. I'm working on updating my cloud settings, and I stumbled upon this beauty <3
  9. hi, i encountered the same bug as this reddit post, and it seems to be related to TUFX, do you have any idea how to fix it? Thank you
  10. Main thread: Needs KSRSS Reborn and the Volumetric Clouds E.V.E by Blackrack! My attempt to bring volumetric clouds to solar system bodies in KSRSS The idea is not only to add clouds, but also atmospheric events consistent with the various celestial bodies (for example, methane rains periodically occur on Titan) Currently: Earth Venus Mars Titan Future plan: more consistent colors improved cloud heights add atmospheric events (rain, fog) to venus clouds and weather events on jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune Enjoy it! ALBUM: https://imgur.com/a/5aSJ1lb DOWNLOAD: https://spacedock.info/mod/3333/KSRSS Volumetric Clouds
  11. short summary of the problems of a dick: On the Macintosh, scatterers give me compatibility problems (perhaps related to textures in .dds) and the planets become yellow and black striped balls. I love playing with increased proportions: at the time of 0.7 I was able to run it with Sigma Dimentions, replacing the all with the sun, but now they seem totally incompatible. Any advice / help? You guys are the best, this game continues to give off an obscure charm in me only thanks to you 521/5000
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