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  1. Disclaimer: Not affiliated with any mod development team! StarCrusher noted that GU would be down until after KSS2 had been play tested. The info on when KSS2 would be available for download is "Soon" as of Friday 2/16/2024. Here is a link to the KSS2 development tread. (Located in the form's KSP1 Mod Development board as of 2/19/2024.) Should be able to keep an eye on it there.
  2. Here is one I know of. I remember checking it out once a long while ago. While it has not been updated, there are recent posts noting it worked with 1.12. What might need to be done to make it so I do not know. Link is below, and I wish you luck!
  3. See a few posts above. StarCrusher has pulled the mod down while working on KSS2. GU will return once KSS2 has been tested.
  4. I've got a couple success stories to post. Took some stubbornness determination, trial-and-error, and the eventual decision to "SEND IT!", but here are the results! First off, the Thalia class station. An amalgamation of Stock, Restock, Near Future, and Stockalike Station Parts Expanded, she can keep a potential crew of TOO MANY KERBALS quite comfortable and busy for long-term missions. Generation 1 stations of this class were deployed to the orbits of Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus to support extended exploration of each body. However, the Generation 2 long term orbital habitat has been recently developed, and are in the process of replacing the older Thalia design. Next up, the Urania class station. With a potential crew of FAR TOO MANY KERBALS, these behemoths have all most of the comforts of home. (Only about 0.6 G, but better than nothin'!) Stations have already been deployed to Kerbin and the Mun, with Kerbin's station hosting its first crew. Station deployment to Minmus is forthcoming.
  5. My most recent playthrough has been my most successful, and I've had a decent number of personal firsts. One of them feels very appropriate here. She's not stock, including several components from Mk2 Extension and canards from Buffalo 2. Still, she can carry 12 total Kerbals to a station at a 300 km orbit. JUST. She had 39 m/s dv remaining after docking. (Refueled at the station to return to the KSC.) I believe I have a thing or three to learn about proper ascent techniques!
  6. Couldn't tell you, I'm afraid. I didn't get to drive, just gave the orders. Main piece of equipment I got to use directly was the scope. My guys and I came to an agreement; if the officer is turning the valves, we've got problems. One new addition to the herd to show off! Say hello to the Recon Buffalo! Designed to haul a supercomputer to a particular anomalous reading. She can cruise easily at an altitude of 5 km at about 190-200 m/s, and has pretty decent range. Engines are from Airplane Plus. (My wife describes her as, "SO CUTE!!") Could've stood to have more electrical capacity, as she couldn't get far into the research cycle before running out, but she's surprisingly easy to fly. Recommend disabling the inboard ailerons, though. Had a strange issue partway to my destination. Takeoff and landing were manual, but the cruise was done with MechJeb. MJ gave minimal complaints, even at 4x time acceleration, apart from the aforementioned aileron debacle. I'm still working on the Higgs Bison amphibious version. My initial attempt using pontoons was not as stable as I would've hoped, so I switched to making a submarine with wheels. Running on the surface, Higgs Mk2 works pretty well. Still working on stability when submerged. The irony of this is not lost on me. More additions as they emerge!
  7. I was on USS New Hampshire, a Virginia-class, from '10-'13. How about you?
  8. Actually, no. We had a different system on mine. Though I don't recall anything particularly bad about the water. CO2 control, though, was a slightly different matter. Anything you brought aboard for a particular underway had an... entertaining smell when you got home. Can't really describe it. Just called it, "Boat SmellTM".
  9. Good idea. I'm not far enough yet through the tech tree to try that out Though I'm about to return a whole lotta science from the Mun, and Minmus exploration is in progress, so we'll see when I can start practicing with it.
  10. I have a couple more images to pass along. Development of my Buffalo herd continues! First off, here is the Munar Buffalo, Mk.2. This version utilizes a ten TR-2L wheel setup to give better protection to the front of the vehicle's chassis, though this necessitated moving the entrance doors amidships. I've also included several reaciton wheels within the underframe to assisting in keeping the vehicle wheel-side-down when an errant hill sends one on an unexpected flight. In addition, a set of landing gear allows the Mk.2 to remain stationary when on sloped terrain, taming a noticeable stubborn tendency to slide at 0.1 m/s. This image is from when I temporarily removed Parallax during long-range driving. While Parallax's rocks are fake by default, the very real rocks of Breaking Ground love to hide within them. I kinda lost track of the number of times my chassis vanished and I was yeeted across the surface. I'm using Bon Voyage for more of my transits now, so Parallax has been reinstalled. In addition, the first Buffalo is now riding across the surface of Minmus! She had a bit of an argument with her landing frame, which resulted in the loss of her light bar, but beyond that she's running fine. I've learned that I can't go nearly as fast on Minmus, primarily because low gravity means very little traction. I expect Gilly to be... exciting. Been busy of late, so nothing to report in the last couple days. More developments as I have them!
  11. I'd be happy to post! Been keeping a record of my escapades for my coworkers. Got a lot of folks looking forward to KSP2. Here she is in all her glory, the Munar Buffalo. From front to rear, she consists of: Command Pod, Habitat, Observation, Large Logistics, Airlock, Ramp. Full chassis provides power storage. Solar panels up top are from Planetside, each giving 15 EC/sec, which has been more than sufficient. Bon Voyage is included, but so far I've done all the driving manually. Science gear is combination of stock and DMagic, along with a BTDT scanner. Got scanner arms on both sides to simplify scanning surface features. I've got stock girders giving support to my wheels. They also hold additional science gear and four additional cargo storage units. I have a bunch of EVA repair kits and three deployments worth of Breaking Ground science gear. I'm planning to send a resupply mission once everything is deployed. The Munar Buffalo, with those wheels, is shockingly fast. I'll accelerate up to about 20 m/s and coast. Gentle declines build on that, and I've ended up going between 40 and 45 m/s. (So, about 100 mph. On the Mun.) It's only really a "problem" when a real rock hides within Parallax 2.0 rocks. Then I'm yeeted once again. A couple times without my wheels. (Always remember the quicksave option!!) The Buffalo's compartments are extremely resilient, I'm happy to report. She beached herself without complaint, and just waited for the reload. The equipment behind the rover is a remote guidance system and a couple batteries; all that remained of the rig I used for landing. The aforementioned landing rig! I brought her over unkermaned, just in case. TCA was used to maintain stability during landing. Worked surprisingly well! And here's my crew. They've already gone somewhere between 80-100 km, meandering towards the northern polar region. I was initially planning on rotating crews out, but now I'm thinking they'll go the distance. I'm planning my next version to be deployed to Minmus. I'll add in additional reaction wheels so I can better keep her wheel-side-down during unexpected flights, and remove the light bar. I won't be driving at night, and strangely enough it's the one thing to have caused lag thus far. (And this playthrough also included a single launch orbital station in a ludicrously long fairing.) Buffalo will eventually be deployed all over the Kerbin (+OPM) System. Biggest hurtle may be my planned amphibious version. To be named the Higgs Bison, which is the friendliest species of water buffalo, after all. (Shamelessly stolen reference.) If I get any other good images, I'll pass them along! Thoroughly enjoying Buffalo 2, and looking forward to exploring many worlds with the herd!
  12. Depends on the boat. Mine was more like a longer version of what you made, with room for a few people to stand within. Can confirm Ooglak's comments. (Was an Officer of the Deck back in that life.) Semi-related side note: I'm running what I call my Munar Buffalo in my current science playthrough, and thus far have driven further than in all other playthroughs combined. Enough space to hold 11 kerbals (though I'm running a crew of 6), and all the science equipment I have unlocked at the moment. After some testing, I decided to go with a set of 8 TR-2L wheels, as I desired to go recklessly fast. I've learned that, very surprisingly, the things I learned driving a submarine on the surface have served me very well driving on the Mun. Look way ahead, maneuver carefully, and "brakes" are going full reverse. That doesn't help as much when I suddenly discover that what I thought was a hill was, in fact, the rim of a crater, and I proceed to yeet my rover far higher than intended. Thankfully, TR-2Ls provide excellent suspension in 0.166 g.
  13. Question of curiosity: Is there a home system extension in the plan? Something akin to KSS's outer planets, comets, etc.?
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