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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Aelar_Nailo. The forum itself does not host images so you will need to post your images to a third party provider (I use imgur but there are heaps of others) and copy the link from said provider into a post. The forum software should recognize it and insert the image.
  2. R.I.P. Professor Hawking. I think of him as my generations Einstein - A great scientific mind with the ability to cut into mainstream culture.
  3. You could consider starting a thread in the science and spaceflight sub forum on learning theory. While I am not well educated, I intend to force strongly encourage my children to be so and would love to see some of the work being done in this field.
  4. Sorry, Mate. How bout @X Sonic Pro X?
  5. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @lolowl. Google is telling me that you have completed an advanced degree (we don't have grad school here) so congratulations and game on, you've earned it. If you don't mind me asking, what did you study?
  6. Banned because the combination of Beavis and Butthead and science is not allowed. ".......hehe............hehe........he said entangled...........hehe"
  7. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Noryb64. Thank you for becoming a member and I hope you enjoy the game and the forum as much as I do.
  8. Yes, and as you get through the tech tree you unlock better antennae with better range (if you right click on the parts in the VAB/SPH it gives you the range for each tracking station upgrade). Another option is to put a relay satellite in high kerbin orbit to extend range.
  9. Simple instructions on configuring windows firewall to block/unblock software: https://www.technipages.com/blockunblock-programs-in-windows-firewall
  10. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Dragony. I think you are in career mode and talking about the grey goo experiment - if so you require a scientist to reset this particular experiment, same as the science junior.
  11. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Fixsme. For me, the best times I've had are when everything goes south and you manage to land pointing north. Then I turn to one of my kids and say "I totally meant to do that". I'm sorry but I can't help thinking that you would have to be the best qualified person if a job was ever advertised for "Mathematical Ninja".
  12. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Emperoreddy. Mission Reports is where you can create a thread about your mission or can post here:
  13. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @LucasCB. Bear in mind that you can only have 1 world first contract at a time so if you already selected a WFC you need to either comlete it or fail it. If you really want to go to Minmus next, just time-warp 3 or 4 days and check the contracts again - Repeat until you get Minmus missions.
  14. Yes, they try to escape from the astronaut complex when I'm testing new rockets.
  15. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @ElectroMagnet. Think of it as; we are all less than 84 minutes away in low earth orbit.
  16. ^ this is the most interesting and educational rant I have seen in all my time on the internet.
  17. That's right. The first flight to orbit only has stability assist. Here is a list of pilot functions and when they become available: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Pilot
  18. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @LBU.
  19. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @ColdEthyl75. The SAS options become available with better probe cores or more experienced pilots. If I remember rightly, level 0 just gives stability assist, level 1 - prograde/retrograde lock, ect. If you are flying with an inexperienced pilot you will unlock prograde/retrograde hold as soon as your pilot makes orbit. If you are playing in sandbox mode, add a RC-001s remote guidance unit to your rocket to see all the SAS options.
  20. Reckless destruction of property? - you will not be going outside today.
  21. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Howdidigethere. While I cant help you with console commands for docking, getting encounters with the various planets and moons in the game (efficiently using a Hoffman maneuver) is achieved by using a transfer window. Usually I will burn for a rough encounter (stop as soon as I get an intercept) and correct my trajectory halfway through transit so that I fly close to the planet/moon and maximize the oberth effect when making orbit. In short you need to burn for a planet when it is at a particular phase angle from Kerbin. This website explains the concept and provides a calculator: http://ksp.olex.biz/
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