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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Spaceplanes have more dry mass than conventional rockets so it's always harder to build cargo capability into them. How close to orbit are you getting?
  2. I'm sure you'll get there if you work on the design.
  3. How much mass can it get to orbit? You might be able to carry an exploration rocket to orbit with that!
  4. The forum has a family friendly policy so vulgar or profane words are substituted by a filter (2.2g in the forum guidelines). Please avoid using these terms on the forum. The Pegasus looks pretty big!
  5. Hi @charles9, your question has been moved from Gameplay Questions to Add-on Discussions, a great place to ask about mods.
  6. 9.16 for me too! You shouldn't need ISRU, if your spaceplane can get to Kerbin orbit you have more than enough to do Minmus.
  7. Okay then, you could try building a rocket that can refuel the plane in orbit, You should have enough to fly to Minmus, land and return with full tanks. [edit] Make sure to add a docking port to the spaceplane.
  8. Have you learnt how to dock yet? It's easier than building spaceplanes and it really opens up the system for all kinds of interesting missions.
  9. It sounds like you are getting the hang of it! How much DV do you have left once you are in orbit?
  10. Oh, I forgot to add in case you were unaware that you can see your AP/PE during flight by clicking the manoeuvre mode button in the bottom left so that you can precisely time engine shutoff:
  11. You have many options, you can build it bigger and add crew capability while keeping a probe core in control and I think you can solve some of the stability issues if you add a reaction wheel. I mostly play career mode so the main use I have for spaceplanes is for crew transfers to and from my space station in Kerbin orbit because it saves funds compared to a 2 stage rocket.
  12. First celebrate, then iterate (meaning improve the design). What is your next goal for the spaceplane?
  13. Command pods are a lot tougher (and also heavier) than probe cores, I'm sure one would have survived your landing.
  14. Great success! I consider any spaceplane that does not kill kerbals successful! I think you will be a great pilot once you get some more experience.
  15. It's okay, I think the plane is just stalling (I don't think it would want to stay airborne at 8000m and 40m/s). Once you get under 10000m or so, push the nose down to gain speed and keep airborne (if you have no liquid fuel left) and look for a flat surface to land. If you can keep the speed up it should be controllable.
  16. All design choices are trade offs and spaceplanes have a higher dry mass than conventional rockets because you're carrying a lot of extra stuff that is only useful in atmosphere. You will need to experiment to find a good balance for whatever your mission is. Another option is to add a docking port and refuel the spaceplane in orbit because 3400DV can get you to lots of places in the kerbol system.
  17. Congratulations! Now it's time to try descent!
  18. Try stopping the engines when you get an apoapsis of between 75-80km and then use your final propellant to burn there (just before apoapsis).
  19. Minimal orbital speed for Kerbin is 2279m/s. 3400m/s is roughly the required DV to get to orbit but I think you'll need a little more to account for drag. I think you are really close to making orbit.
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