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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. No problems, your issue has been moved to Tech Support PC unmodded for better visibility and we have removed your full log because big posts like that cause loading issues for the forum software. Please use a service like google drive or dropbox to upload your log and then link to it here.
  2. Welcome to the forum @chillboat, I'm sorry you are having problems. Did you install any mods before attempting to start the game?
  3. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I think you may be having a translation error, In English it's Kerbal Space Program and don't worry, we love talking about the game.
  4. One of our moderators has written a great guide for new members: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/184448-new-member-guide-92021/ And we have the official forum guidelines here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/guidelines/
  5. Welcome to the forum @Itsjustasmallboxofs!
  6. Welcome to the forum @Gevdei! You will need to make 5 moderator approved posts outside of the lounge before you will be able to edit your profile. We apologise for this however it is a necessary measure to protect the forum.
  7. Welcome to the forum @KSP1369, it looks like you are trying to link an image from your computer directly to the forum. Unfortunately the forum itself cannot host pictures so we use hosting services like imgur or google drive to upload our images and then link to them here.
  8. Hi @Nazalassa, your question has been moved from KSP Discussion to our Mod Development Help and Support subforum.
  9. A big welcome to the forum to you too, @tajwo!
  10. I'm really sorry about this, you seem to have come across a very uncommon problem. Selecting a new language should prompt steam to update your game files so I think something is definitely broken here and I have exhausted my knowledge so please consider emailing KSP support about this and include a link to this thread to prevent duplicate troubleshooting efforts.
  11. When you select another language in steam do you see any progress on the update?
  12. Steam has a function that will directly compare the files in your install to the current version. See if this process does anything.
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