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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Congratulations @Janderklander, you have been awarded thread of the month for your great tutorials and also for your helpful support of all our Spanish speaking members. [Translation] Felicitaciones @Janderklander, se le ha otorgado hilo del mes por sus excelentes tutoriales y también por su apoyo útil de todos nuestros miembros de habla hispana.
  2. Congratulations @Triop, your crazy work here has been awarded Thread of the Month.
  3. The KSP Moderation Team is proud to present Threads of the Month Awards, for January 2020! As we march on into a new decade the moderation team wishes everyone a happy new year and we hope you all live long and prosper and play KSP. First we have the amazing and sometimes scary design and piloting skills by the inimitable @Triop: Next is an excellent series of tutorials for our Spanish speaking kerbonauts by @Janderklander: We have a great challenge here by @Mars-Bound Hokie that melds Jules Vern and KSP together (please remember that entries close 20th February): @Oraldo revak has created the third and final cinematic of his 'Mohole' series and boy, what an ending it is: Last but not least we have another fantastic contribution from our thread of the year creator @ManEatingApe - A collaborative caveman Jool mission: Congratulations to all for your wonderful contributions and please remember to report a thread (add the comment 'totm') or PM a moderator if you feel it is worthy of thread of the month. Special thanks go to @5thHorseman, @linuxgurugamer @IncongruousGoat and @Just Jim for nominating. All winners are free to add the great new Thread of the Month badge (created once again by our very own @adsii1970) to their posts, signatures or have it launched into space on the maiden voyage of Starship provided 1) You can afford to pay for it. 1.1) This is approved by your government. 1.2) Complies with all outer space treaties. 1.3) The entire moderation team is at the launch site to witness it from a safe vantage point. 1.3a) There must be snacks.
  4. Moved to gameplay questions because it's about the arcane science of KSP space planes.
  5. Welcome to the forum @Andy76, I've moved your topic to add-on discussions - a place where we discuss mods and I have also added an English translation to your question because all posts outside of the international sections of the forum require an English translation. This is because some browsers and devices do not have auto translate functions. This mod was specifically designed to be a companion to RSS and includes: "Engines have real sizes and performance values, and use real fuels. Most of them have limited ignitions and suffer from ullage." [Translation] Willkommen im Forum @ Andy76, ich habe Ihr Thema zu Zusatzdiskussionen verschoben - ein Ort, an dem wir über Mods diskutieren, und ich habe Ihrer Frage auch eine englische Übersetzung hinzugefügt, da für alle Beiträge außerhalb der internationalen Abschnitte des Forums eine erforderlich ist Englische Übersetzung. Dies liegt daran, dass einige Browser und Geräte keine automatischen Übersetzungsfunktionen haben. Dieser Mod wurde speziell entwickelt, um ein Begleiter von RSS zu sein und beinhaltet: "Motoren haben echte Größen und Leistungswerte und verwenden echte Kraftstoffe. Die meisten von ihnen haben begrenzte Zündungen und leiden unter Leerlauf."
  6. Hello @Jeb-head-mug kerman, I've moved your topic to the lounge. I remember watching the original trilogy as a child followed by a long time before the prequels/sequels came out. I think the franchise may go dormant for a while (again) but Star Wars is so beloved that it will eventually return...unless the heat death theory plays out.
  7. Welcome to the forum @klancy1o, I've moved your topic to add-on discussions.
  8. Hello @Joker58th, seeing as it seems you and the other members are experiencing a bug I've moved your thread to Tech Support.
  9. Hello @Neoks, I've merged your question and the comments following it into this dedicated thread for KSPIE support.
  10. No problem friend. You can change the default in settings like this so you won't need to press z (sorry it's in English): [Translation] Nessun problema Amico. Puoi modificare le impostazioni predefinite in questo modo, quindi non dovrai premere z (scusami se è in inglese):
  11. I can't see anything that would prevent your rocket from firing. By default the engine throttle is set to zero so after you stage (space bar) press 'z' to enable full throttle or you can change it in settings to always be full throttle. [Translation] Non vedo nulla che possa impedire al tuo razzo di sparare. Per impostazione predefinita, l'acceleratore del motore è impostato su zero, quindi dopo aver messo in scena (barra spaziatrice) premere 'z' per abilitare l'acceleratore completo o è possibile modificarlo nelle impostazioni per essere sempre a regime massimo.
  12. The only other thing I can think of is that you have a decoupler in between the engine and the tanks - if so right click on it and 'enable crossfeed'. An image of your rocket would really help. [Tanslation] L'unica altra cosa a cui riesco a pensare è che hai un disaccoppiatore tra il motore e i serbatoi - in tal caso fai clic destro su di esso e "abilita l'alimentazione incrociata". Un'immagine del tuo razzo sarebbe davvero di aiuto.
  13. Look for a combined liquid fuel / oxidizer tank in the VAB and use that instead, if you are playing career or science mode you might need to unlock it first. [Translation] Cerca un serbatoio di carburante / ossidante liquido combinato nel VAB e utilizzalo invece, se stai giocando in modalità carriera o scienza, potresti aver bisogno di sbloccarlo prima.
  14. Welcome to the forum @BlocTheEngineer. Tip for the game: Try to breathe normally as much as possible. Where have you got to so far? Tip for the forum: Gargamel's New Members Guide is an excellent resource if you would like to know more about the forum.
  15. Welcome to the forum @Stryx_Rog, It sounds like you are using an engine that requires both liquid fuel and oxidizer to run however without an image this is just a guess. This post explains how to upload an image to the forum. [Translation] Benvenuto nel forum @Stryx_Rog, Sembra che tu stia utilizzando un motore che richiede sia combustibile liquido che ossidante per funzionare, ma senza un'immagine questa è solo una supposizione. Questo post spiega come caricare un'immagine sul forum.
  16. As a measure to protect the forum you will need to make 5 posts that conform to the forum guidelines before you can edit your profile. This guide from Gargamel explains how the forum works for new members:
  17. Welcome to the forum @Firsty Kerman. Your topic has been moved to add on discussions.
  18. Welcome to the forum @SNAZZ. I've moved your request for advice here, where our knowledgeable members give KSP hardware specification advice.
  19. Welcome to the forum @rocketmanplus. I've moved your question to gameplay questions.
  20. Member titles are just a rank system - they change as you reach certain post counts but you can change it in your profile to whatever you want (provided it complies with the community guidelines).
  21. Welcome to the forum @ABertrand. I'm sorry that you are having an issue and I have moved your post here, the best place to get technical support.
  22. Welcome to the KSP forum @Kerbal4. Firstly your posts are fine, if you have any doubt you can check the forum guidelines before you post but generally we moderators like to keep the place family friendly and welcoming for everybody. If you are looking for help playing KSP then gameplay questions is the place to ask for advice or to read great contributions from members that provide great insight into the game. I've been playing for quite a while and still learn new techniques all the time. Tutorials is an excellent resource for new players as well. If you want to know more about the development of the game you can keep up to date in announcements and The Daily Kerbal. Challenges and mission reports are inspiring and show how other members design and fly vessels. There are many other sub forums and it will take awhile for you to explore them all so please feel free to ask questions if you get stuck. Lastly, Gargamel has created a great New Member Guide if you would like to know more about how the forum works:
  23. Hello @Jebihean Kerman, I've moved your topic to add-on discussions.
  24. Welcome to the forum @NotARobot. TOTM stands for 'Thread of the month' and is a monthly roundup of great threads that members and moderators nominate.
  25. Welcome to the forum @Unknown_Linux. I've moved your question to add on discussions.
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