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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. @Arugela, I've moved your question to gameplay questions and thanks for the report @AHHans.
  2. Welcome to the forum @Rule_DV, One thing you can try, if you have not already, is verifying your game files through steam.
  3. Welcome back to the game and the forum @Beatbox309. Cool lander! There is currently an official challenge for screenshots that you might want to post in also.
  4. Amazing work! I really hope you intend to release this, it would make for an very interesting Elcano.
  5. Welcome to the forum @Leon_. I have added a translation to your question and title and moved your question to tech support, PC, modded. Unfortunately all posts outside of the international section require an English translation for members who don't use a browser with an auto translate feature. We encourage you to use a translation service if you wish to post in the general forum.
  6. Welcome to the forum @jonathonF, I've moved your question to tech support, pc, modded.
  7. Welcome to the forum @BezKartuza. I believe you can use any image hosting service, just paste the link into a your post and it should embed.
  8. Welcome to the forum @Zach Schultz, Even though this is an old thread that's really great advice. I would also like to add that anyone having issues with key mapping should start a new thread in the appropriate technical support subforum and include the native language of your keyboard. This thread is now locked.
  9. Welcome to the forum @Ec60702, I've moved your question to gameplay questions because I think the problem might be that you are orbiting in the wrong direction. If so, don't feel too bad because most of us have done the same thing.
  10. Welcome to the forum @Oqt1, You need to be within 2.2 km for [ and ] to work. You can use the map view or the tracking station if you are further away than that.
  11. @kerced, sorry, I misunderstood. It is quite easy to install manually by downloading from here and putting the JSI folder in the zip into your KSP gamedata folder. You also need module manager to be installed in the gamedata folder if it isn't already there.
  12. Hello @Fadamor, sorry to hear about your issue. The only thing I can think of is that you check the map view to see if the lander or the rover is classed as debris. Can I ask your operating system and are you running any mods?
  13. Welcome to the forum @kerced, If you find a modded craft you like click the 'mods' tab in the upper left and you should see the ckan links:
  14. Hello @DodoOnTheMün, It appears your link is locked and you may need to allow permission for the folder to be available to the public.
  15. @Klapaucius and @Technical Ben, I've moved your posts into this thread, unfortunately this is a technical issue with the forum.
  16. Welcome to the forum @Ben The Starsailorman, The forum itself does not host images so you need to upload pictures to an image hosting service like imgur and then link to them here. This great post explains the process:
  17. Welcome to the forum @Raúl55, Unfortunately all posts outside of the international section of the forum require an English translation. I have also translated the title. We encourage you to use a service like google translate if you wish to post in the general forum. Do you mean you wish to see a projected orbit before you launch? [Translation] Bienvenido al foro @ Raúl55, Lamentablemente, todas las publicaciones fuera de la sección internacional del foro requieren una traducción al inglés. También he traducido el título. Le recomendamos que utilice un servicio como el traductor de Google si desea publicar en el foro general. ¿Quiere decir que desea ver una órbita proyectada antes del lanzamiento?
  18. No worries. I've moved your topic to the lounge and was surprised to find out that Beemans was Chuck Yeager's favorite gum.
  19. Welcome to the forum @Skyroguen. I have to say I'm a little confused (don't worry this is normal) because this sub forum is for KSP discussion. Could you please clarify your topic?
  20. Hello @LucasBrave. Modders volunteer their time to provide the community with awesome free content for the game. Most of us know the feeling when we are waiting for our favorite mod to update to the current version but please try to be patient as these great content creators sometimes have limited time in which to update mods.
  21. Welcome to the forum @ClockworkJeb. I'm sorry to hear you are still having this problem. I have not seen this issue in my own game for many years. Could you expand a little on your KSP setup? Namely which version are you playing and any mods you are running.
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