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Everything posted by septemberWaves

  1. That looks very much like a kitbash. BDB is far too detail-oriented to introduce a rocket with engines superglued to the bottom of a tank instead of a proper engine mount.
  2. BDB does something a little like this. It uses a dedicated interstage fairing part for the Saturn V (and its various unusual siblings). It's a workaround, of course, but it does work. Actually, now that I think of it, putting the engine shroud on a separate part might not be a terrible approach. I imagine some kind of low-profile engine mount (even just a simple ring with minimal greebling) could serve as an extra part for a stageable shroud while minimizing necessary modification to the current engine model. I've not played around with the new Soyuz yet, so this is coming from a place of unfamiliarity with the geometry of the new engine, but it does seem like a potentially viable way to implement this - if there is any interest in implementing it at all, that is.
  3. Does anyone know of a source for the duration of a typical Soyuz hotstaging procedure? I just tried to track down this information to provide it as a reference for how long the in-game Soyuz should be able to survive hotstaging, but I'm struggling to find a source with sufficient detail (possibly not helped by the fact that I don't speak Russian yet so I can't easily look for Russian-language sources or evaluate their quality or validity).
  4. Glad to see this. The original mods have certainly aged, it'll be good to have the european rockets updated to the current standard of quality for mods.
  5. Tantares doesn't have the correct engine (yet), so the build guide uses stock parts as a substitution where necessary. I would suspect that it's chosen based on suitable performance characteristics, but that's really just a guess.
  6. I would suspect that Rogallo wing enthusiasts would not settle for anything less than a proper control surface.
  7. I see, thank you for clarifying. I assumed there may be some relation to capsule aerodynamics due to the way some of the CPM modules are described, and the fact that crew capsules have particularly unique geometry compared to many other parts.
  8. I take it Community Part Modules is for making certain spacecraft (in particular, crew capsules) fly more realistically?
  9. Will the SAF expansion include Vostok and Voskhod fairings? Those need a dedicated part much more than most fairings do in order to replicate them properly (for reasons that are obvious if you know what they look like).
  10. Roll jet data sounds ideal. The way the N1 was controlled is highly unique and is one of the things that makes it stand out so much.
  11. I'm liking the new Mars ascent vehicle. It's probably not far off from how I might be inclined to design one, too; I think the Soviet design style is a major influence on my taste in spacecraft aesthetics.
  12. Well, I'm sure someone will land the X-15 on Duna sooner or later. In seriousness though, BDB already has a lot of parts that are perfect for Saturn V Mars mission architecture, and some associated surface excursion infrastructure would be amazing.
  13. My typical approach with solid kick stages starts by ingoring the position of the Moon (since I play KSRSS or RP-1) entirely. I then do some test flights to produce a launch trajectory that is both consistently repeatable and crosses the orbital path of the Moon. Finally, I figure out the correct time to launch so that this trajectory will cross the Moon's trajectory at the right time for the Moon to be there.
  14. Well, I'm not exactly an expert programmer; if I had even the beginning of an understanding of the programming language in use (or of how to tinker with the code at all, given that it seems to be locked away inside a .dll file even on the Github and I have no idea how that file type works), then I probably would've looked into updating the mod last year. That said, if you know how to write and edit code then I'd be happy to help out. I've never been able to develop the core intuition needed to learn how to code conventionally (and not for lack of trying), but I have recently discovered that I can sometimes reverse-engineer a rudimentary understanding of what a program is doing (and how it might be tweaked to do the same thing slightly differently), so long as it is already doing something that I can conceptualize and work backwards from (the context for this is open-source mods written in a different programming language for a different game, but even so). So, if you have the foundational knowledge to get us started, then I might be able to assist.
  15. It's always fun when someone makes a request and the response is basically "I'm already in the middle of it".
  16. I did wonder how it was intended to move. I was starting to get the suspicion it might be like this. It's extremely unique.
  17. Impressive! Intriguing! In...cinerated by re-entry plasma! Lets hope it's not the last one.
  18. I'm liking the visual style of this Mars infrastructure. It really captures what I love about Soviet spacecraft designs, they have an extremely unique aesthetic and character.
  19. Interesting. I wasn't even aware of the existence of a current US plan for Mars. I was under the impression that they still have little more than an outline for returning to the Moon yet.
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