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    Drifting Through Interplanetary Space

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  1. Would you be able to unhide the toolbar button in map view (or add a close button to the mod window)? It's a small annoyance, but too often I'm using the mod in flight view, and then when I switch to map view I'm unable to close the window without switching back to flight view, closing it, and switching to map view again. I'm using the Toolbar mod, in case that's pertinent information.
  2. This pack causes an exception when looking at the science archives which prevents them from properly loading. I first noticed this in my (heavily modded) career save, but isolated the cause to this mod. Starting with a clean installation of KSP and adding Kronkus (and dependencies) still causes the error. Screenshot of the science archives KSP.log from the aforementioned clean install And lastly, the exception thrown when viewing science archives (directly from KSP.log linked above): [EXC 14:51:13.887] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KSP.UI.Screens.RDArchivesController.AddPlanetRecursively (.PSystemBody parent, .PSystemBody body, Single offset_pos, Single offset_pos_inc, Int32 hierarchy_level) KSP.UI.Screens.RDArchivesController.AddPlanetRecursively (.PSystemBody parent, .PSystemBody body, Single offset_pos, Single offset_pos_inc, Int32 hierarchy_level) KSP.UI.Screens.RDArchivesController.AddPlanets () KSP.UI.Screens.RDArchivesController.Start ()
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