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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Banned for having waaaaaay too many badges
  2. Boost/atmo stage for an x-37-like craft. Coupled
  3. 7/10 You show up from time to time! Still think your profile picture is too grey.
  4. About 2.2 spoons, sir. Waiter! What is the half-life of that other waiter!
  5. Very accurate representation of what I use when going short distances.
  6. About z-fighting - is there any ure fire way to get rid of it besides offsetting the part slightly?
  7. Did the shuttle challenge Crashed only a little bit!
  8. What sound does a horse make?. Neigh! (Nope) @Red Iron Crown We call for you
  9. I build things wither for functionality or aesthetics, like replicas. Guess that's engineer.
  10. Sillies mistake ever (and one I guess there is a mod for to fix) - I have a craft which does not have a cabin as the root part, or a probe core. Forgot to put a kerbal in it. It was fine, until it crashed after reentry.
  11. Well, pausing land based exploits for the moment, I tried to make a horizontal space shuttle (for both the weekly challenge and space shuttle challenge). I forgot to add kerbals, but did successfully get into orbit and survive reentry (apart from crashing into the ground)
  12. Have you looked at this? Gives a decent guide on how to build an airplane
  13. Wha.... So what is an "avionic part"? Since that is a bit vague...
  14. Support not I do not. Anybody else notice how weird the word "support" is?
  15. 2/10 You pop up from time to time.
  16. Tried to make a replica of a HP.80 Victor (British V-Bomber).
  17. @V7 Aerospace showed me a 3 view for a Handley page Victor, one of the three British V Bombers designed for nuclear bomber. I am trying to make something similar, but for dropping fuel (or anything, really).
  18. Hey, is it almost finished? Raptor is from circa 1990s or so, don't think there are too many left. I quite enjoyed this thread. Would be interesting to do another kind of jet-of the day (though maybe of the week might be easier to do)
  19. Nope. Thanks for the ninja, @kerbinorbiter. You shall come now.
  20. Thanks. They were actually based off of Hazard-ish's Laythe craft. Personally, I like them a lot too.
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