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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Winter break is coming up soon. Maybe I'll actually get around to playing again, if you'd like to finish... This could be fun. Good luck to all!
  2. qzgy


    Interestingly 353 is also pretty close
  3. yes, then Val may not consider having lobster tomorrow. Anyways, PDF finally updated. 121124 words or there about for anyone interested.
  4. qzgy


    113 Edit: ninja'd by Kerbart.... Next is 127
  5. Already a thing. Hold down alt while controlling the timewarp keys (< and >) to do solely physical timewarp.
  6. qzgy


    61 Some summers ago actually my father while trying to teach me C wrote a program for exactly that. Worked really well until the numbers got too big.
  7. Apparently I dont think its a driver issue. Loose connection on the speaker, specifically the volume knob.
  8. My speakers unbroke themselves. Basically for a long time, they didn't play in stereo and suddenly today they did! No idea why, just gonna take it.
  9. Depends. Are you playing solely KSP or other games too? Are you doing other tasks that would benefit from better multithreaded performance? If your main focus is pure KSP performance, I would say go with a newer Intel CPU. Your GPU I think should generally be good enough for 1080p unless games have recently gotten a lot more demanding.... but if you are going to do more intensive games other than KSP I would think maybe consider a GPU upgrade. Mother board compatibility/need for upgade depends a bit. I'm not so sure on that, though I think you would be fine supporting the Intel 7xxx series chips, so if thats what you would upgrade to, you shouldn't have to. Anything else would need newer hardware.
  10. Remember that sickness I mentioned earlier? Transformed yesterday into full blown uggggghhghhhghghghhg-itis Sunday. Didn't feel like doing much apart from dying. Or curling up in a ball and napping for a couple hours. Feeling a lot better now though. Hopefully stays that way.
  11. I think I need to look this up and take a listen to this....
  12. Really quite like those sea planes too., especially that use of the mk2 on its side.
  13. Hmm..... Been about a month..... Is there moar? Or are you planning a super special christmas chapter.....
  14. Think I'm getting sick. Was fine yesterday, now my throat is a bit sore and nose is quite stuffy.
  15. Our school doesn't provide laptops. We have to bring or buy them ourselves. In fairness though it is also a boarding school for some of the students (myself not included) so it's basically just a personal use thing too, not dedicated to school.
  16. I've used it before as vac engines for a large shuttle of sorts. Mainly cause I thought it rounded the tank 3nd off nicely was fairly small and also had the high vac ISP
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