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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. No one asked for this. No one thought of this. No one built this. Until you came along. But its amazing. Props to you. I really enjoy the nice symmetry of the bottom. So satisfying.....
  2. P40? Hawker Typhoon? If its the P40, the intake is far to upfront. Also have double the number of blades as normal.
  3. Oooh a new chapter. Nice. Well written as usual. Too young for the references though.... I reminded myself also halfway through that this was originally about space. Not complaining or anything... but this has taken a far turn from the original chapters.
  4. Ok sorry about that. I was thinking in more general terms, but...... ok. KSP Version Mods. Explodes on loading from launching from the SPH. Some issue in physics (or something similar) starts to make certain segments shake violently before exploding. Craft File. Launch instructions - Doesn't particularly matter. The issue is on loading. Launch clamps may have to be placed to stop the thing from rolling away. When I say "recently" I say as of about sometime last month. Same version, with little to no changes, as in a visual pack update and the addition of hangar extender, which shouldn't have an effect. Beyond that, nothing as far as I can remember. What could just be happening is that I'm misremembering how I loaded in the craft file - enabling no crash damage and unbreakable joints and then timewarping after the initial physics load to fix any misalignments. And I do have the physics ease in enabled, if you were wondering. Advice on reduction of this behavior would still be appreciated though.
  5. Part hacking, IMO, will always win over "normal" methods. I'm also 90% sure that the editor readout is wrong as well..... But yes, I am! Once you find the method though its really an issue of who's game will bug out less.
  6. For the past day or so, just dreary miserable on and off-ish rain. Also somewhere around 5 to 10 degrees maybe? Just miserable.
  7. As an uncultured man would understand, I say feelings to get high off of them (Uncultured language, expletive.)
  8. Pretty self explanatory. I had crafts that I believe were not prone to exploding but are for whatever reason now. I haven't changed versions or really touched them. Any tips for reducing explosiveness?
  9. Literally anything is the general advice. Try drawing something near you that doesn't move for a start. Or something from a reference image. The general rule of thumb is if you draw more, you will improve. Maybe slowly, but eventually.
  10. SEND ME THERE Its just been miserable rain since like yesterday around noon.
  11. And that on a super noodley rocket, pulling will be more stable than pushing. Less worries about the force you have not going where you want.
  12. Maybe use those BIG-S delta wings? I find those to be quite nice for wing construction. For more normal plane-y type things, maybe try under fuselage fuel bulges.
  13. For the anything Goes category! The LongBoi. I swear its there. It just bugs the game so much since the fairing length was set to 1000000000 m. SO.... Anyone else?
  14. Read the entirety in about a sitting. Oh my god this is great. This is very different to your other mission reports (6.4x scale reports) but I like it.
  15. Pretty sure something similar is part of Kerbinside or some other mod like that.
  16. See thats fine if its a minor increase. However, I'm talking about going from a 2x3x(alot) arrangement of mk3 cabins to 5x3x(Even More), Which is quite a significant difference and can't really jut be done simply through extensions. It is a relatively similar design,but each one needs to be made from scratch.
  17. Sauce - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNqRS1gSJFMNPVwye1gyI_g ITS SO CUTE. Though really, if it isn't really annoying me, it probably can live. The exception is the stink bug. Those go down the toilet in a free swimming lesson.
  18. Sadly mine are starting to explode too (the big ones atleast.) I guess I'll have to remake them. Which isn't so bad, the majority of it is just copying parts over.
  19. Alright, Guess I'll give it a try tommorow then.
  20. Nope. Remained pretty much untouched since the last time. Its mostly on loading, if that makes a difference...
  21. Tested out for release those stupidly big airliners from a little while ago. However, they seem more kraken prone now... Any idea why they might be?
  22. Why? I use just the Spectra Pack. Awesome thing that has the majority of the visual enhancements I like. There is one graphical glitch but only shows up if you cheat to orbit with the debug menu.
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