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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Another chapter already? I just read the last one though! I have to say, having been under nitrous oxide, I don't remember it being that great. Its made me all nice and light headed and woozy in a bit of an unpleasant way. But I was at the dentist so that might have had an impact.
  2. Tiny Shuttle! Also my VAB sorta vanished. Or cloaked itself. Or something like that.
  3. Not entering yet but just showing progress. https://imgur.com/a/5W27w Still have a full ion shuttle to go places with like 4 km/s of dV
  4. I mean.... cool idea. But wrong subforum. Also, this would mean coding AI for these creatures and some sort of interaction dialogue. Also, why would they make bases/rockets for you? That kinda defeats the point of the game, turning it more into I think an RPG. Cool if you want, but probably not for everyone and this would kinda invovle probably doing a decent amount of base coding or something.
  5. I've only had one experience with VR so far and that has been the HTC vive. (actually thats a lie. I also tried the Playstation VR headset but thats not relevant to this point). Knowing that, I did remember finding the hand controllers relatively intuitive and the overall weight not bad. So I would say its pretty good. Is it the best? I don't know.
  6. Seems quite similar but I like the build up more. I can't really get a sense of T-0 in the sequence. Its a bit muddled. There is some grainy/discordant melody/track which I think is supposed to be the launch, but it meshes with the final chords too much. It might be better if it completely cuts to silence for like half a second before the launch sound and then second melody.
  7. I smell a crossover.... Sounds like it at least. I haven't read your other stories...... probably will start someday.
  8. That sounds kinda nice. Here it was dreary and miserable yesterday, raining heavily and sporadically with sudden bursts of sunlight before chilling somewhat today.
  9. 900 words? You can do a lot in 900 words. A post-AP bio lab report I made recently only had ~700 words total. Granted, it wasn't that great and its not a creative writing assignment, but.... you can still do a lot with 900 words.
  10. We had a neighbour that had a model train set that my sister and I would like to see. Don't know the specifics of anything though. Also don't have any pics. Its a really cool hobby. However, like literally everything. I think it takes a lot of time, effort, and money. Which I lack.
  11. qzgy

    The letter Game.

  12. psst.. Trick you can use to stop tumbling - just quickly jump in and out of time warp (unless you have persistent rotation). Completely kills rotation.
  13. Watched Dr. Strangelove today. It was great. Can definitely see why its a classic.
  14. I've been thinking about making a stupidly huge ship to conquer the system. By stupidly huge, I mean big enough to dwarf.... something big? A large asteroid. Oh, and one of the goals is to look good while doing so. So far, I've only completed the bridge section of the craft. Part count is 751 parts (adn surprisingly not explodey). Probably when fully built, my cpu will be screaming for the end. Then again, its probably seen worse.
  15. And I beat @tater to a reply! Maybe he'll be here....
  16. Ohh, it might be an aero issue. Try adding fins to the bottom of your ET to make it a bit more lawndart-like and see if that helps.
  17. You don't need to have a dedicated main wing and horizontal stabilizer surface. What I would do is make the mainwing/horizontal stabilizer the same part and just add some vertical structural wings on the tank to stop adverse roll. Its hard to explain, but this craft (that isn't mine, its made by the wonderful XB-70A) shows what I'm trying to say.
  18. I am no expert in good hinge designs, but what I can say is that a design that is pretty common is to hold an RCS ball within a cage of thermometers. A stronger and sometimes smoother hinge/bearing is an RCS ball within more RCS balls. Maybe that might work for you? Perhaps it might be a good idea to ping @EpicSpaceTroll139 for more help/suggestions? Oh, and a good mod for this kind of thing is Collide-o-scope. Has been very helpful for me in figuring out the dark arts of stock hinges.
  19. Wait... if you've already got LF/Ox upfront why not also use that for propulsion? Also, hows your CoM/Col? Looking at your dV numbers, it seems like you have enough. Whats your ascent like/are you doing it efficiently? Ascent trajectories greatly affect this kind of thing.
  20. Pics? Pics help. We can't help if we can't see what we're trying to fix.
  21. I still don't understand why you're banning ion engines. It seems like it's because you don't want to have gigantic burns. But the thing is, it's not you who's flying the mission, it's other people. And it's not as if we're all making 1x speed video submissions. It would really only affect the entrant and not the judge which in this case is you. And why are you also making a point that "but then the best strategy" bal blah blah? If it's the best strategy people will use it. In all honesty, an hour is not that bad when compared to the sometimes months it takes for an actual real life probe to do a burn with an ion engine. I really don't understand this limitation.
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