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Everything posted by BeeGeenie

  1. Your program is good, and you should feel good! I needed to fix some broken docking ports, and this program made it simple to find and fix the problem. Two enthusiastic kerbals up
  2. Granted, the z-100 and z-400 aren't as sleek and stylish as the inline batteries, but they do have one thing going for them: They both use "Nana-nana-nana-nana Batt-man!" Batteries. The pun alone makes them worth the price of admission.
  3. This guy knows what's up. You want the force of the decouple to push the top of the booster away from the ship, so it spins out and away, like so: |[]| \ [] / __ [] __ You still have to be careful to stay near prograde, but it's much safer than leaving the decoupler/booster in their default configuration, with the decoupler attached to the middle of your booster stage.
  4. It almost looks like... Bill just started sculpting his mashed potatoes, everybody. He says "This MEANS something!"
  5. Val had to get out and push to get the crew home from Dres once. Aerobraking for capture was scary, but they made it.
  6. So basically, And it was glorious. You always do great work, Cupcake. Don't ever change
  7. I've used the Science -> Funds one, and the new one that lowers mission rewards and increases exploration rewards. Leadership initiative It helps fund and justify interplanetary flights that I don't have a mission contract for to compensate for the limitations of the contract system.
  8. As Edwin Starr might have sung it: LV-N! Hooah! Good Kraken, y'all! What is it good for? Absolutely efficient burns. Say it again, Yeah! LV-N! Huh! Yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely lower oxidizer weight! Uh-huh! I use them generally for interplanetary transfers, where high TWR isn't as important as it would be on landers or orbital capture at small bodies like Moho or Dres.
  9. Scott Manley did a video on the subject a couple of years ago. He used Gilly, the smallest moon in the game as his example. He estimated it would take 4.4 Trillion tons of fuel to de-orbit Gilly... which could take several million years, depending on how many engines you bring. His conclusion: even if the celestial bodies weren't on rails, it would be extremely impractical to try to move them.
  10. It's been a while since I went further than Duna, but I've had Kerbals on Moho, Dres, and in orbit of Eve (still trying to talk myself into a Kerbaled Eve surface mission). I've never sent Kerbaled missions to the Jool 5, or Eeloo though. My Dres and Moho missions came very close to failure... so I need to "git gud" before I make more attempts. and I tend to restart career mode after every update... although 1.2 seems like a pretty solid "final" version. and I feel bad about the idea of leaving my Kerbals drifting alone in space for decades at a time... So... now I'm just making excuses.
  11. KER still has an intake air readout in the Vessel window. Don't know about MechJeb, but it seems likely.
  12. It might be cool to add Kerbals as scatter on Kerbin. Like, trying to land a plane in the grassland and a random little Kerbal waves, or possibly cowers in fear as you fly by.
  13. I enjoyed that video. That music makes me hope the Kerbals celebrated their safe landing with some fruity drinks with little umbrellas in them.
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