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Everything posted by Anth

  1. Its worse than we think. If we want to use the tower to get a Kerbal on board it needs to extend to the height of the rocket.
  2. I am not a space enthusiast like some people. I like space. I don't love space if that makes any sense. Some people love space and are obsessed about it will notice things like this very easily. Definitely not a high priority but something to look at later on possibly or the ramp isn't extended?
  3. It was a joke. @Ghostii_Space 's response will most likely be swift and decisive on my question in a way that I can predict...or perhaps not respond at all. Forspoken looks kind of interesting, But I cant afford to buy it at this point. I need to get my old computer ready for KSP2 so I can test for performance issues. My old i7 4770K + 1080GTX needs a new monitor + power board + display port cable to get it back up and running. Plus my car has a Warrant of Fitness coming up in a few weeks. My i9 9900K + 3070ti probably wont show me any issues with KSP2 performance wise. OMG it's is going to be fun to try to break KSP2. Maybe its impossible...we will see.
  4. We dont need Blue Origin, we have SpaceX's Amos-6 explosion
  5. Don't be ridiculous. Of course they are natural formations!
  6. The release date was changed from the 24th of February to Coming Soon on the 13th of January 2023 at 8:30:05 UTC We see Beta on the recent screenshots and videos...Beta is what I would consider Early Access worthy. So bring it on!! (please?)
  7. Robotics have their limitations unfortunately. No major changes have been made to robotics to counter issues like that and KSP2 is so close that I doubt they ever will. I have made a few really interesting things in KSP using robotics. 1. Physwarp Paddle Boat 2. Test Video for a forklift/shipping container/drop ship mission that I made for assembling modular bases. All of that can be put back into the shipping containers and taken elsewhere including the forlift 3. I have a crane that integrates rocket stages as well but I havent got a video for it or any good screenshots. Breaking Ground wasn't close to perfect. But I was still able to create some really cool things with it.
  8. The old one was simply replaced with the new one so its not destructible in any way.
  9. Maybe its just a revamp of the old easter eggs?
  10. Nicely done. Hopefully we will get another few of the like?
  11. The new stuff under the arch could just be there from an old Kerbal society that died out blahblah years before hand. The current theory is that the symbols are the planets and moons and sun of Kerbol anyway. Dont need aliens to tell the Kerbals about the Kerbol system
  12. @Ghostii_Space Can you congratulate Howard Mostrom on getting the opportunity to get that close to the rocket and being able to set up everything even better than he thought he would? The VAB would have been awesome too. And his obvious enthusiasm and attention to detail was amazing to see. And one more thing. He said in the video he wanted to experience the sound of the launch without ear protection. He never said in the video how loud it ended up being. Or better yet maybe he could come in and respond to a few posts
  13. You can get KSP and all the free epic games without having to download them. Though it isn't that big anyway if you are worried about it. So you could just download and then uninstall again and it will remain for you to reinstall it at a future date. Also you could go back to the free page and try again. If you own it then it will say its in your library.
  14. If they were intending to make some of the tracks sound close enough to his then they might as well get him to do it and actually pay him for it.
  15. Maybe it will be steam for me as well then. If it wasn't for a few people who I want to gift KSP2 I might have gone with the KSP Store.
  16. I have been avoiding playing KSP since soon after the KSP2 early access video came out. But I still help others with KSP issues sometimes and every now and again someone submits a bug report on the bug tracker that is good to try to figure out/help with. But my hours in KSP1 have severely reduced.
  17. The community aspect of steam is one reason. The other would be that steam records the time played. Though that is flawed because the time the game is paused is also recorded.
  18. As indicated on the following screenshot the lightning tower should extend to above a rocket or will most likely will be ineffective. Someone else noted this when they saw it so I cant take credit for seeing it Its probably just for show regardless but the major space enthusiasts will definitely see this.
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