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Komander Faul

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Everything posted by Komander Faul

  1. Mines naval artillery mod, and fleet of fog.... Also love bdarmory as well
  2. I usually use fb to do that
  3. were does these erosive torpedoes go? i was hoping to use them, but i think it has no nods to attach things with.... http://spacedock.info/mod/1151/Fleet of fog
  4. I figured out how to make different textures Also, this is in mobile, so idk how to insert pics to the post... https://m.facebook.com/samuel.faul.9/posts/pcb.554442501411376/?photo_id=1832768476993995&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.554442501411376%26photo%3D1832768476993995%26profileid%3D100007825812043%26source%3D48%26refid%3D18%26ref%3Dm_notif%26notif_t%3Dlike%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3Du_d_45&mdf=1
  5. Yea.... The reason why I did say tirpitz ( or 2) is cuz it has 2 torpedo launchers on either side ;-)
  6. I understand... Figured that what I built would be good, apperencely and looks kinda like a Montana and yamato cross hybrid with a hint of a tirpitz... Or 2...but yea.... I like my design a lot
  7. Nice....if you go to curseforge and find the battleship ANTARCTICA, then that's my ship that I made for others to enjoy..... Some of the aa is in the main guns http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=824292372
  8. nice... I mainly build my battleship, and it is not real life, but I feel that it is an acopplishment of speed, armor and firepower.... As well as defenses of aa and antimissile defence
  9. I agree.... What kind of ship is it?
  10. i was curious,,,what would be the part name on the 18.1 in guns on Yamato? was it: or somthing else? i was trying to be sure i got it right for the custom patch that i was planing to do...
  11. I've already fixed the installation part .... Tho I'll remember it next time
  12. Edit #2- seems that I used to not use all of the feature cuz I don't separate the folders from the main one....
  13. Does this only work for aircraft carriers, or does this mod work for battleship and cruisers, as well? And thank you, now I now know why I have the different color of the ship then when I last saw the LBP ships... Edit- Nvm, I found out that it does work on other ships.... Now only if I can figure out how to use it with infertic robotics, or whatever it is pronounced.....
  14. here is some versions of my battleship....but the real question remains - were can i find a catapult launcher for a battleship or cruiser? this is my battleship that i was hoping to get the catapult on.... the ones below are other files from the original and vls designs (seems that i can only post one thing from steam as an image, tho i can still post links here)..... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=822385872 http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/101727046890385524/C853E8796102D6A70594726BFABC510C3A82CD75/ and this one below is my aircraft that i feel needed to be launched by catapult: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/101727046890385655/A4DFCE87B08DCEDD7FF84D231696B795048227AF/ if there are mods already, or if there is instruction video on this, can u post it here? ty!
  15. and 1 last thing- is there a how to vid on changing how a ship looks? i noticed that u can change colors on a warship, and its under the .png file, if i remember correctly?
  16. can we get this bad boy in large boat parts? or if not, then can we get a how to build video on this in ksp?
  17. was thinking to do the same thing, tho its for a 14 cm guns on my submarine, so i was thinking of changing the temp gorge so it can survive under water
  18. can we add surcof and m class main guns in NAS, please? i was also wondering if we can add parts on top of the turrets, like aa on the yamato or iowa main guns....
  19. Yea I wish it was updated to 1.2.1, as well... Also wish that it can be camouflaged so I can make my battleship more realistic, or even make a glow on 1 of my cruisers as if it was in arppegio of blue steel.
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