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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. I almost laughed out loud at that And I actually spelled Laughed as Launched. Been playing too much KSP lately
  2. If you can go back to 1.1.2, un-Klaw everything then re-update, then re-klaw everything.
  3. You update to 1.1.3 and Kopenricus gets deleted. I go find the magic boulder! (It is actually back in the game now, but not in the same way)
  4. I press the button because it is the future and the radioactive materials in the warheads have decayed into lead, making them mostly non-dangerous. If you press the button, You will get a battery that will power the world for 1000 years but will blow up then, destroying the Earth.
  5. I escape to Mars and travel back in time to avert the crisis. I seem to like time machines I throw Phobos and Kerberos at the next user.
  6. @max_creative, Actually, I need less struts for the V2. Instead of boosters radially attached, I have rotated MK3 fuel tanks. Should be much more Stable. The ISRU stuff is in the bays. The thuds should be as balanced as they can be, but I am planning to move them to cargo bays as well. I have yet to do action groups, because this is not the final version (yet). The radiators are in the back. There are SAS units in the cargo bays, as well as quite a few vernors. Just... A... Few... More... Posts... Until... Page... Two! Also, your rep is 555.
  7. OH MY! I just referenced the MB in my mission report, too, thinking I'd need to mod it in somehow. And then this happens! Yeah! YEAH! YEAH!
  8. RUKID: Rapid Unplanned Kraken Induced Disassembly. The image loading is getting progressively worse and worse - if only we could get it to the second page! Part 11:
  9. Okay, then! No need to be sorry - delays are better than no comic at all Good luck with whatever you're going through! I will be patient. I hope nothing breaks with 1.1.3 for you, but just a heads up KAC appears to be broken right now. Got anything special planned for the 50th chapter?
  10. Yes. He's not dead or anything, though. Last visited 3 hours ago, according to his profile page. On a completely unrelated note, his rep is now 2222.
  11. If you are willing to go minimalist, Mk1 pod, heat shield, decoupler, parachute. Then, flt-400 tank and LV-909 engine. Copy-paste. Asparagus staging. You should now have 7LV-909 engines asparagus staged. Add detachable chutes and airbrakes and landing legs. Put it in a fairing and build a transfer stage out of size 3 parts. Then a lifter. Tada! you know have a ship that can do both Duna and Ike in the same trip, but only carries one Kerbal and its a bit tight on fuel if you do both moons. Launch it so that all LV-909's are full when you reach Duna's surface.
  12. I don't have Linux, so press! Press to have a warp drive, but Mars will hit Earth within 10 years.
  13. Because V is the fifth letter of the alphabet and 22 is the alphabet Saturn letter SVIB. What if SpaceX became a marker company?
  14. It hits the runway lamp, causing all of the Kerbals onboard to be killed. I send a cubesat to space in the name of Jebediah Kerman.
  15. 43 is a great universe. 18 is better, 26 is better still, but 29 would be utopia. 30 and 19 are terrible universes, as are 17 and 28, although not as bad as 30 and 19. Laws of physics don't apply in universe √-1. In universe 3.14 everything is infinite, and in universe infinity everything is tiny. In universe zero there is a one way portal to all of the universes. However, they are all 87 years apart from each other. If an asteroid destroyed the moon instead of the Earth, would the surfers be angry or relieved?
  16. @ThatGuyWithALongUsername I didn't use HE. I copy pasted the numbers into the file.
  17. Better than 1.1.2, though. In 1.1.2, once I literally started the game, placed one part, then it crashed. I did that five times in a row before I got so frustrated I ragequitted.
  18. @Brownhair2 I didn't see it. Maybe it is underground, though. I tried looking down there, but it might have been out of the camera's pan range.
  19. Tylo cave isn't in its old spot. Neither is Sagan's face. Must be something new then I vote Pol!
  20. If it still exists, they've moved it. I checked by loading the orbital parameters from Brotoro's save file. I'm going to check the Tylo cave now.
  21. RNG: 58. SpaceX now makes Sharpies. I won't press. I'm already pretty great at KSP. If you press this button, you get a watch that tells the future, but it never tells you if you ask it, and only tells you when it wants to. Also, it can be very frustrating. In the last year of your life, you will be plagued by a thousand arguing voices in your head.
  22. ..................uhhhhhhhh, *press* If you press the button, there is a fifty percent chance KSP gets Multiplayer, 128 bit, no lag, moar planets and galaxies, all your favorite mods, and SpaceX accidentally lands Humans on Mars tomorrow. Also, the Final Countdown becomes SpaceX's Anthem. The other 50% is that KSP gets bought by EA and gets DRM and Subscriptions and forced terrible multiplayer, and SpaceX turns into a Marker company, and its anthem becomes "It's Raining Tacos!" Choose wisely... EDIT: When the next person posts, I will RNG a number. If it is odd, the good things happen. Even, the bad things happen. I'll let you know the fate of your decision...
  23. Probably look stunned for a few seconds, remember this thread, and pull out my reverse-Spanish translator to speak Kerbal. Then I would ask if he was Jebediah Kerman. If he was, then I would tell him to not blow up my house. Then I would ask to see his spaceship. If it ended up being the Intrepid from my mission reports, I would faint.
  24. I turn Kerbin into a giant factory. Send a submarine to Laythe.
  25. 8.2365265627604165/10.00001. He's still smiling
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