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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Banned for moderator discrimination.
  2. Oh, do you want to hear a joke? The reaction wheels. And the ion engines. Nah, they're fine for gameplay purposes. In real life they'd be too good to be true.
  3. Well, the new wheels aren't co-operating. I'll see if no crash damage fixes the breaking of the wheels. If it does, I've got coaster number one. EDIT: No crash damage works!
  4. I just noticed this and was going to make a thread on it. Already done, though! Let's name it Minmus! Any chance of a mission any time soon? (It won't happen, but, hey! You never know!)
  5. Amazing... at least, way better than this... Seriously, though. Great job! They do look slightly creepy, but that's probably because I'm used to "real" kerbals. They look less creepy than that guy I linked above. You might want to get Mr. Manley's approval, first, for his head. Summon @illectro!
  6. I tried BD recently. I got it installed, but just as a heads up, it doesn't work in 1.1. I mean, things will shoot, but missile targeting and guard mode are broken. Unless I did something wrong.
  7. I can't see the "Probably not the kind you're expecting" from the main page, so I clicked on it thinking it would be the real dragon/falcon. Well, it was a real dragon/falcon... So then I see the picture, glance up at the title, read the page, and start giggling, my mind filled with images of Elon Musk finding this and deciding to build it in real life Great job! It looks positively amazing, as well as being completely functional! Can't wait for DL!
  8. @Bill the Kerbal Welcome to the forums! It looks like the power came from an RTG hidden away somewhere. Also, this thread is old, it is from 2013. Generally we try to avoid posting in old threads. It's called "necroposting" and it is frowned upon, but you are new here. Welcome to the wonderful world of the forum!
  9. But that can only mean... ...Please? Nice to hear that development is continuing at a steady pace. Keep up the good work! And Mu is the lead dev now? Cool!
  10. I did a lot of roller coasters way back in around 0.90... they just didn't work right... or at all... The Hyper Tube concept looks much more viable. I'll have to revisit roller coasters sometime. Entry Inbound!
  11. I used to run KSP on Windows XP, or something like that. Time ran at 1/4 the normal speed at all times, you could count the frames, and I had one of those "ball" mouses that doesn't have a scroll wheel or a MMB. The graphics card couldn't support re-entry heat, so whenever I re-entered my ship would turn hot pink. I am now on a Windows 10, so way better now!
  12. I know what you mean, appreciating the beauty of the game, using non-efficient engines, etc. However, I got the game in 0.19, so I don't remember the palm trees. That didn't stop me from downloading 0.7.3, though. I'm not new to the game, nor do I consider myself hardcore. I do what I consider fun. Some days that is designing a Jool 5 fleet, some days it is flying a plane around, some days it's a massive Minmus base in career, some days it's building a giant interplanetary cruiser with 10km/s Delta V. There is no right or wrong way to play KSP in my opinion, just play it the way that you enjoy it. Also, I totally think they should bring back the palm trees . Darn, ran out of likes.
  13. I like Pol. It is - wait, why do I like it again? Probably because of the epic sharp mountains and interesting ground scatter. It is the true lair of the Kraken. Many strange things happen there. Teleporting flags, invisible mountains, seemingly sideways gravity, you name it. However, I did not notice any of this on my one mission to Pol so far. To avoid the invisible mountains, if they still exist, don't land near spiky mountains. Try to find a spot that is flat. EDIT: As for your contract, I wouldn't worry about the bugs. Just quicksave before deorbiting and you should be fine.
  14. ...today I humble myself in front of the master of all things rubik and kerbal [by not using caps at all]. There are no words to describe how totally AWESOME this is, so I will create a new word: UheRgaAtappENhASt. It means Awesome3. Pronounced "Who-Er-Ga-Top-En-Hast. Now... for the ULTIMATE challenge! In all seriousness, great job! I don't think I would have the patience to make this work... or the computer to handle 700+parts. My biggest station is only 400... I should make one of your cubes into a space station! Except, Asteroid sized! EDIT: Goes through thread and likes every post then runs out of likes.
  15. I was doing my Jool 5... it ended up being a Jool 4 (come on, Vall) but my Tylo lander had used up more fuel than I expected and I was low before landing. Long story short, I ended up in a 25 by 4 orbit and I got out and pushed. Good thing I jettisoned the science and only brought 2 kerbals instead of 4! (they are in EVA seats).
  16. I actually would really like gimbal on the nuke. For large interplanetary ships during long burns, especially if they are asymmetrical (I like to build mine with a cupola sticking out of one side).
  17. As far as going to Mars, we will eventually get there. I can't say when. it may be in ten years, It may be in two hundred years. I think we have a good chance with SpaceX and the MCT. It has been perhaps the most promising proposal yet, and as far as we know it is actually getting somewhere. Mr. Musk may not get the money for it right away, but he will keep making money off of satellite launches. He will eventually get the money. There are the technical challenges that were mentioned in this thread. Many people in this thread only have pointed out a lot of problems with this plan. Who is to say that the army of rocket scientists at SpaceX haven't thought of solutions to those problems? if a 150 post thread started in 2015 can find problems, and army of rocket scientists working for several years can fix them. I can guarantee there will be people with the resources and will to go to Mars. there are 8-ish billion people in the world. Even if 0.0001% of people want to and have the resources to go to Mars, that's still 8,000 people. There will be problems at Mars, I guarantee it, but as long as the MCT isn't wrecked the colonists can evacuate. As for the space on the transport ship issue, It might be inflatable. Even if it isn't, some people live in smaller spaces. My point is, eventually we will get there. It may not be soon, but we have a good shot with SpaceX's army of rocket scientists.
  18. Guardian of the Galaxy: One man must defend the galaxy from space invaders. Super Mario Bro: With Mario dead, Luigi must - I don't know what he's supposed to do. Men in Back: a bunch of heads growing out of someone's back. Men in Back 2: See above. Men in Back 3: Etc. Me in Black: I try on black tuxedos all day. Men in Lack: There is a severe shortage of men... WarRaft: A raft goes to war! Through the Looking Gass: Someone goes through a Gas giant. I vote Saturn. Ten Age Mutant ninja Turtles: Ten Ninja Turtles do something at age 10. Beauty and the East: Belle goes to the East. She doesn't find anything. That's all. Wait: Not technically following the rules of this thread, but: Herbal Space Program! Power your rockets with Tea!
  19. DLC? Yes. I bought the game before April that one year. I am entitled to all DLC's for free. (If you bought the game before a certain date, you got all future DLC for free)
  20. This is odd. Try re-installing the game and copying the saves over, maybe?
  21. Okay. First off, I admit I am not the best writer. By a very long shot. However, just for fun, I decided to do a story on a series of missions I was already doing... Here is the said story. The beginning is a bit boring, but after all of the cobwebs got out of my head I came up with an idea for a storyline. It gets interesting at around part 4. Any advice or tips for the future of that story? I'm trying to make it "not boring" but it might be coming off as "confusing." I can't go back and rewrite the first chapters to make them less boring, though. I think I'm to far in to do that. Thanks in advance!
  22. Yeah... I remember back when I downloaded KSP 0.90 or something and the settings got reset. I built dozens of rovers but none of them worked. Then I remembered that my keys weren't set to IJKL anymore. We all do slightly dumb things from time to time. At least it wasn't two years...
  23. Oh my goodness, this would be better (almost) than bringing back the magic boulder. Especially since now scroll speed has been reduced with 1.1. There are no words to describe what I would be like if Squad announced this was happening except for: Sorry for that wall of text, but, hey! it's the truth. Awesome Idea! 10/10. Should be easy-ish to implement.
  24. How exactly does it explode? Spontaneously? Is it shaking then exploding? Do you have Klaws on the station? If it is a spontaneous explosion, I can't help you. Maybe it is an asteroid problem (if you have an asteroid on your station). If it starts to shake, try Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. If it has klaws or lots of docking ports, try undocking as many as possible before the explosion. If all else fails, build a replica of it in the VAB and HyperEdit it to orbit. Have you tried approaching it with another vessel yet? Hope I helped, I haven't had this happen before, though. WAIT do you have anything connected with KAS pipes? I have had problems with those before.
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