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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. I should probably close this tab... I'm trying to watch a YT vid and I keep having to pause it and look back whenever I hear that tell-tale ding... To quote SpaceX, "We're gonna need a bigger rocket hanger."
  2. DEPLOY! FIRST! Edit: Nope. "Show one new reply."
  3. I know! After the first landing (CRS 8?) I checked the Wikipedia article about five minutes later. It was already updated. Also, EVEN MOAR REPLIES!
  4. It said India, Africa, and somewhere else. So, yeah. I was just about to write about the new replies, but then another reply came up. Now, there are 3! The amount of SpaceX hype has reached new levels! EDIT: 3 more new posts one second after I posted this!
  5. *posts reply* *5 new replies* (show replies) *reads replies* *writes post about new reply* *you have 3 new replies* (show replies) *adds more to said post* *writes random text* *realizes implications of landing* *finally shuts up and posts* Go Elon Musk!
  6. Did anyone else see the wasp on the camera? also, YESSSSSSS!
  7. I remember that one person guessed that Wherner was a Kerbulan way early on. Actually, we don't even know if Mort is a Kerbulan robot or not, yet. That was another theory from long ago...
  8. I generally have weird dreams. Unfortunately, only one had a hint of KSP in it. Long story short, there was a giant ancient library made from purple flowers and gold. It was shaped like a space shuttle. I had to pilot a mini space shuttle (like in KSP) out of that giant space shuttle and I crashed it in a fountain. There was one angry tourist in the back screaming his head off. This sound soo much like one tourist story in one of my early career modes... Also, in someone else's dream, I was flying a spaceship, but then it was blown up by a laser-gun-wielding Squidward. I should make a thread about weird dreams.
  9. That was in the experimental version. Sadly, wheels and legs have now been "fixed." I've tried to make one, and have failed.
  10. The only time I have lost kerbals in my old-ish but still most recent career is when my SSTO hit the landing lights, killing all six on board. After that, I lost interest in the save, which is a shame. I had a Gilly mission, interplanetary probes, a mun base, a HUMONGOUS Minmus base, and several stations.
  11. It was this. Since then, I have landed on Moho (in the Mohole, even!) and SpaceX has landed their booster, and a lot of other stuff has happened! Also, this is my 99th post! Yay! I actually joined the forum so I could share this, although it has since been blocked, unblocked, and made private, but the link still works. (Shameless plug) -Ultimate Steve EDIT: Oh, wait... I forgot that it was also in my sig.
  12. Ultimate Steve


    Just out of curiosity, are there any other KSP players in the grand state of Iowa? I probably won't, but I might host a convention of sorts.
  13. Today, I decided to try and find the magic boulder in 1.1 in hope that the engine update may have restored it. It didn't. This is where you come in. I am not a modder by any means, but if one of you could make a small* mod that restores the magic boulder to its rightful location, I would be eternally grateful. As far as I know, the MB is still in the game, but the game refuses to render it, because it isn't a celestial body, or a vessel, or a fixed point object. I don't know what the easiest way to do this would be, but I'm thinking that you could make a tiny "planet" (<10m across and invisible with an impossibly small SOI) and make the magic boulder a "fixed point" on that planet. Thoughts? P.S. here are the orbital parameters:
  14. YAY! New Chapter Moho. I hate Moho. Unless you plan to visit the Mohole, Moho. Well, actually, you could bring back the *Magic Boulder* and delete Moho and Dres in return. Then see millions of kerbals starting to pour out of the MB monolith. Yeah... I guess I'm a bit stuck on that theory... P.S. Someone needs to make a mod that brings back the magic boulder... WAIT! Maybe it is back, but nobody has checked for several versions! *runs off to start game and hopes it doesn't crash every five minutes* EDIT: The game did crash every five minutes until the 8th time I loaded it. But, no magic boulder, unfortunately. But there is hope for a mod!
  15. I think it should stay the way it is. It is part of the game's charm. *DRAMATIC FLASHBACK* With the 2001: A Space Odyssey theme playing in the background, I was landing my new experimental shuttle. However, I had fallen short of the KSC and wasn't even over the mountains. Coming down... nice and easy now... Boom! Boom! BOOM! Perfectly in time with the music, and then I bail out Jeb (also in time with the music) and realize that I didn't need to bail out... I slip off the ladder, and faceslide to a stop several tens of meters away, and then plant a flag in time to the climax of the music! /end DramaticFlashback.exe Anyways, I think it should stay. It makes for good fun. (In my opinion, KSP isn't a simulator, it is a game, and games tend to have their little quirks like this one)
  16. I'm not really good at starting posts, but I'll try with this one. Basically, I got bored at school today and decided to do some Delta-V calculations. Ideally, a 3u cubesat weighs 4kg. This engine weighs just over a 1kg and can have a specific impulse of up to 1300 n-sec. According to This delta-v calculator, if the cubesat weighs 4kg fully loaded with fuel and 2kg empty (leaving 2kg for fuel (I'm not sure that is the right fuel, but the right one is probably similar)) gives the said cubesat about 8.8 kilometers per second of Delta-V. This is theoretically enough to reach Lunar Orbit. First off, I know that you can get a cubesat to the moon by hitching a ride on a larger rocket, but none are scheduled to go there for a while. The question I had asked myself is if you could reach the moon starting from LEO. Space wise, the said fuel has a density of 1.38 g/cc. 2kg of it would be about 1500ml (or cc) and would take up 10*10*15cm of space. A 3u CubeSat measures 10 by 10 by 34 cm (I think). The engine takes up a 6cm long space. Ideally, the propellant would take up a space 15cm long (although it would actually be longer, because of the volume of the tanks). This leaves around 13 cm of usable space left. So, now we know we can reach the moon with a CubeSat. However, my question is: "Is it possible to fit the necessary systems for a CubeSat in a 10*10*13 space and have it weigh less than about 0.8kg?" By necessary systems, I mean electrical power, comms, orientation, computers, tanks, etcetera. So, can it be done?
  17. Spontaneously Constructing... Spontaneously Destructing... Spontaneously Exploding... Spontaneously Combusting... Not going to Space Today... Entering VAB... Re-building VAB... Stress Testing Launch Pad... Re-building Launch Pad... Initiating Kraken Drives... Installing Mods... Crashing game... Does anyone know where the files for these are in-game? I want to add my own.
  18. You're both forgetting about the monolith on... THE LONG LOST MAGIC BOULDER! All joking aside, that may actually be a possibility. I mean, there is really nowhere for the kerbals to go once they get to an orbit around Ike, but it's a step. Yes, I know. The magic boulder was accidentally removed back in... 0.19? However, maybe it's just invisible! #StayDetermined
  19. Lets see - my playlist consists of 26 song now. 4 versions of "The Final Countdown," (Original, Orchestra, Sped up, Nightcore) 7 2sfh songs, (To Glory, Sky Titans, United we Stand, Heart of Courage, Dragon Rider, Archangel, Don't remember) 3 wintergatan songs, (Marble Machine, StarMachine2000, Sommerfagel) the Star Wars theme, 2001 theme, William tell overture, 2 nightcore songs (not counting the final countdown nightcore) (Good time, Firework) Ground Control to Major Tom, (20) Eye of the tiger by the London Symphony Orchestra, 2 versions of "Raining Tacos," (Regular, Sped up) The "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme, Kerbal Space Program Metal theme cover and I cannot remember the other one. I'm not at that computer right now. But nonetheless, it makes for an awesome game experience. I once had a space shuttle crash - and survive - perfectly in line with the 2001 theme.
  20. I did have an Elon Kerman once. Forget which game, though...
  21. @Parkaboy Great Chapter, and also great story so far! Can we get the craft file for that shuttle?
  22. I'm not going to say my real name, but I will say that I do have a literal ton of nicknames. I hate being called "Steve." Unless I'm playing Minecraft. I also wrote a song a while ago called "Planet Steve" (don't ask). I don't know where the "Ultimate" part came, but it sounded good in my head.
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