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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. I do think it would be interesting to have both animals and aliens, and it even might be plausible now because KSP has been optimized since 2014, when this thread was started.
  2. This was yesterday, but it was during a football game and I was working the concession stand. I was sent out to do a quick trash pickup behind the stands, but ended up doing an hour long general trash cleanup of the near park area... Most people are instructed to just get the big stuff but there was so much small stuff that it was messing with me and the trash bag ended up with a sizable amount of stuff in it. The little stuff, because nobody will pick it up, is the stuff that is really old. I went over to a tree next to the skate park that had a lot of junk under it, some of which had been there probably years. And under that tree is where I found the time capsule. Okay, it wasn't really a time capsule, but I can't come up with the right name to describe it. It was this tiny container painted to blend in with the dirt, basically 2 pop bottle caps screwed onto a connector, about the size of 2 USB sticks or one of those small orange prescription containers. I picked it up and almost threw it into the trash but then I got curious and twisted one of the caps off - and inside was this *tiny* scroll of paper. If it was more than an inch wide, it wasn't by much. It was several inches long, slightly water damaged, and covered in a list of names and dates. The first names were illegible because they were wound on the outside of the scroll and were the most susceptible to water damage, but the inside was perfectly dry. The very first names on the list were dated from 2008 and the most recent late 2009. That made me the first known person to find it in almost nine years. So I found someone with a pen and signed the paper. I wonder how much longer it will survive... I plan to take it for a day to get pictures at some point and then I will put it right back where I found it. I want to see if I can look up the people and maybe contact them to see if they remember it.
  3. Glad you are enjoying the story, but I'm afraid I must respectively decline. I have planned out this story to the end basically with little room for new tangents... Making this happen during the span of this story is probably out, afterwards *could* work but I haven't gotten the details of the ending set in stone yet, and before hand could end up messing up details and creating inconsistencies. Please don't get your hopes up, but you can PM me your idea if you want.
  4. That's for tanks, very different beasts then fighters and bombers. The advantage of Hydrogen would be longer range per kg of fuel, and maybe faster flying, and if using SABRE really fast flying. But to use liquid hydrogen on a plane you need way bigger tanks (hydrogen is not very dense even in liquid form), cryogenically capable ones, the ability to fuel these (extensive ground equipment), and you need to design the tanks to survive hundreds of cycles. In addition the fuel would probably be more expensive (Jet fuel just around a dollar per kg, hydrogen 3) depending on the type you're using (high grade jet fuels are probably still more expensive though). And being fighters and bombers, if your fuel tank gets hit you have a bigger problem with it being hydrogen than normal fuel.
  5. It's not that old, I checked. I don't remember exactly when it's from, but it's not old enough to be considered very special.
  6. The Notebook Space Program Fleet: Green = Active Yellow = Under Construction or Damaged Red = Yet to be built, retired, or destroyed Should also be under destroyed section: Code Red Info, in approximate order of acquisition and first flight: Somewhat old compilation video with the first Olympian explosion at the end: Note, I have not flown much recently, last year was busy... My last launch was February, and before that probably August. I have to wait until the fields are harvested so I have a place to fly. @cubinator... If you don't mind me asking, which college do you attend? Make sure to keep us posted on that!
  7. I have all of my rockets laying out on a table in my basement. I will take a picture when I get home. In the meantime, how about a night launch passing near the moon?
  8. Hehehehehehehehe. Back when I played on a laptop, KSP RSS RO RP-0 0.90 took 45 minutes to load.
  9. I can't imagine liquid hydrogen being used to fuel fighters and bombers any time soon.
  10. It probably has a little bit of room left. If the gimbal only affects the nozzle, and the pusher reaches up to almost the combustion chamber, then the part of the nozzle that actually moves will be able to so so without obstruction to a certain extent.
  11. I'd tend to guess that BFR will be affected by weather delays much less than any other rocket because of its mass to surface area ratio, although I agree that rockets will probably always be more susceptible to delays than airplanes. You don't get a go-around or an alternate landing site with BFR.
  12. IIRC They are reusing it for cargo missions and maybe non-NASA crew missions, but each NASA crew mission will use a new D2.
  13. By a rough count, the number of man-flights into space is about 1400, being under 600 people. Just in flight, there were 18 deaths, so about 1.3%, you are right... Although it could be argued that the actual chance today is less than that because of improving technology, but it still too dangerous at this point to consider for global transportation.
  14. If the booster of any rocket explodes and the abort system is fired, then it will not accomplish its mission.
  15. If you aren't already watching:

    T-1 minute! A bit late on my part!

    1. Kerbalstar


      I had no idea, thanks!

    2. Piatzin


      Ah, I missed the launch ._.

    3. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGH! i missed the {redacted} launch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Can I get someone to help me right now?

    My internet just got upgraded, and while it probably isn't enough to livestream well, I'm going to try again... Can I get a volunteer to judge stream quality from their end?


    Looking at it I might just be able to stream with a decent framerate, but at 480p. Not good, but worth trying.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ultimate Steve

      Ultimate Steve

      Just realized, the FPS I got on the stream is better than the FPS I got when I first started playing KSP on an ancient Windows XP laptop!

    3. Kerbalstar


      Will, that's good!


    4. qzgy


      Heyy at least the upgrades are working! Would be more of an issue if it was going backwards.

  17. Well, I finally saw Interstellar. Ignoring the lack of astronaut-like integrity among the characters, flaws in orbital mechanics, and questionable scientific representations, I found it a genuinely enjoyable movie and I cried a lot.
  18. I once killed Valentina in my "large scale" mostly no reverts career. I had used a mod cockpit that looks almost exactly like the 1.25m inline cockpit, but instead of ~40m/s impact tolerance it had 4m/s tolerance... She was the first Kerbal in space, but she did not survive touchdown.
  19. This is the point in time where I say I'd be a good man and donate to worthwhile causes to make our world(s) a better place(es). This is also the part where, in the stories, the one who was gifted turns evil and abuses his power. So would I be a good man? Provided I don't go crazy from the wealth... The big things can wait. That takes geniuses with access to technology and money. It takes fresh ideas. And there's been several variations on the quote "If you have a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in you are richer than 75% of the world." I've also heard that if you make 50,000 USD annually you're in the top 1%, although I do not know if that one is true. Assuming the distribution of people with potential, inspiration, and ideas is roughly equal, and only the ones with resources can ever advance the world, then we as a species could potentially only be utilizing 1% of our geniuses. With this in mind I would spend most of my 1 trillion dollars on infrastructure projects in the poorer parts of the world, including large scale development of renewable energy and sustainable farming. I would also try, somehow, to make sure that population won't get out of hand. Unfortunately that money will run out quickly, it is estimated that the US highway system cost about 500 billion dollars in today's money. But if a trillion can power Africa or South America with renewable energy, then we're a big step closer to further expansion and more enabled geniuses who in turn will continue to make the world a better place. And then of course I'd save a couple billion to donate to SpaceX so we can get to Mars soon. But tell them that they need to find a way, at least for early manned flights of the BFR, to include some sort of launch escape system.
  20. If I was going to sabotage the ISS/Soyuz I could certainly think of a better way then drilling a small hole.
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