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Everything posted by Kermanzooming

  1. Sincerely, I can't see anything wrong with that landing. Returning to Kerbin could be a little tricky, though...
  2. Yeah, I was doing the hi-res scan although, that's why I went so high. By the way, do you know how to get a zoomed map of the ore concentration? When I zoom, it's only biome, slope or altitude.
  3. From my experience with a class B asteroid (approx 20 tons), not much; around 650 m/s for making it orbit Kerbin. And something like 5.2 Km/s to make it from a polar orbit to an equatorial orbit.
  4. Can't remember where but I think I read that the future stock comm system will be downward compatible, so existing unmanned probes will be controllable once you update to 1.2 Have I dreamed it or any of you has heard/read something like that?
  5. Do you have problems with storage space, like Elon Musk has?
  6. I have also noticed this... When two ports are docked, only one of them offers the option for undocking.
  7. You are completely right, I could build a SpaceX-like re-usable rocket... So many things to try and so few time...
  8. I have unlocked basically all the tech tree, but I have avoided all flight related technology. I'm so bad at planes that I avoid them, which makes me have no practice with them which makes me bad at it... It's something I should really devote time to, I definitely could use a SSTO to build my Duna ship.
  9. I hate Kerbin; although I have tried countless times, I have been unable to complete the Kerbin ground and low level flight contracts when the sites where far away from KSC.
  10. Only in KSP; empty space exploding
  11. Hmmm... And specially when doing the ScanSat hi-res scan, that's optimal at a 800 Km orbit. Thanks folks!
  12. Good idea, Claws are really underappreciated in my humble opinion. I have to practice my precision landings however, my closest landing to the target was 2 Km away...
  13. That was also my plan, but I will have to find an alternative...
  14. OMG! Thanks for adding another KSP video to my 'Have to watch this' list
  15. Has anyone been able to land a craft so precisely so as to dock it to a landed one? I'm not talking about landing and then docking while on wheels, but having a landed craft and then landing another one just on top so they dock... (Haven't looked but probably Scott Manley has done it )
  16. Can't understand this; I have a probe scanning Minmus on a nearly perfect polar orbit (see MechJeb window) but the tracks it is doing on the ground while scanning are inclined like 30-45º... I have checked the Wiki and can't find any mention of Minmus axis having any inclination. Any ideas?
  17. Don't know how to interpret this... do you mean that if your rover is small enough you can refuel it on some practical and economical way?
  18. i can see fuel cells as a measure to keep operating during the night but not as the only energy supply; once you run out of fuel, there is no practical/economical way to refuel so you will have a dead rover. That won't happen with solar panels.
  19. I had the same issue, and solved it by putting a service bay between the science junior and the heat shield.
  20. Wow sorry to hear that but congratulations on seeing the opportunity in it, instead of just the negative side. That attitude will take you far away in life... And in KSP.
  21. Pre-launch checklist 1. Are you sure you are not supposed to have an antenna? This mistake gets me every time. As I'm not using RemoteTech, I don't need to include antennas except for science purposes. So if the mission is a Kerbin return one or one without science as a goal, I always forget antennas. In fact right now I have a drilling station attached to an asteroid in Kerbin orbit that's only missing an antenna for fulfilling a very lucrative contract
  22. Wow. Just 5 (4 tourists and one with the right stuff for levelling purposes) for me. Do the Moho 40 carry Life Support supplies? How long is the trip?
  23. This. I wouldn't mind at all paying for some nice DLC, and I think Squad may have a market size problem in the future; there are only so many space nerds interested in a game of serial kerbal killing space exploration. Also; can't encourage enough supporting our dear modders; they make the game so much better that they deserve some kind of compensation.
  24. Agree. Wheels work for me, and I have been using them more than ever. I'm even finishing the design of modular components based on legs and a wheeled base, so for me they are perfectly usable. Not perfect, but good enough to do things with them.
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