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  • About me
    Planet Kerbin
  • Location
    Kerbol System, Milky Way Galaxy
  • Interests
    Exploring the cosmos! :3

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  1. Because you forgot to deploy an elite squadron of Kerbals to the undisclosed location in the secret facility. Why does A?
  2. Banned for not having a dash in your username.
  3. Banned for banning a person with an equal like-to-post ratio.
  4. Vroom vroom all 'round town, yo! TUBM has gotten lost inside SCP-3008 once.
  5. Granted. Your wish has granted even more wishes, and those wishes will continue to grant ever more wishes, until the universe is full of wishes and crashes due to stack overflow. I wish for an additional room in my house.
  6. Nope, sadly TUBM has been curious about at least one part of KSP's lore sometime in the past.
  7. I enjoy the piano! Such a beautiful instrument. TUBM is in orbit around a random planet.
  8. Granted. All of the polygons that make up the models are now jumbled together, resulting in a chaotic mess. I wish I had some chicken with me at this moment.
  9. Granted. It came in all of the individual atoms. I wish for more cheese.
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