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Everything posted by EpicSpaceTroll139

  1. I'd recommend a bearing similar to @Majorjim!'s thermometer hinge (linked by Dafni), but with the thermometers replaced with a disk-like arrangement of 5 (or more if you want) small static solar panels. It's a bit less compact, but I've found it to be more reliable in high RPM, high stress applications such as helicopter rotors, and probably would do well with a fidget spinner.
  2. Test launched an Ares I. Worked reasonably well. (Note the nosecone has 25 metric tons of lead in it.) Also, apparently in my career save antennas are only recognized as antennas about 10% of the time in my game. Trying to figure out how exactly to get around this. Also don't ask me why that engine is labeled as an antenna. I really don't know
  3. I apparently broke something setting up my RO Career game. Can't get a signal, even at the launchpad lol. @Servo The sun-flare disappearing sounds pretty strange. Does taking a non-KSP screenshot trigger it also (EG taking a full screen screenshot)?
  4. @Arrowstar Here you go! At least, I think that's what's going on in these pictures. That change in velocity on the second Kerbin flyby looks pretty extreme. Not sure if it's relevant given the new pre-release, but I'll put the log here. Hope this helps! I'll check out that new pre-release tomorrow morning.
  5. @Arrowstar I'll check the new pre-release out. The deleting of the appOptions.ini indeed fix the problem of nothing happening. Although with it working I started to consistently get trajectories that sent me through planets lol.
  6. Hmmm... was I supposed to do something other than replace the old .exe with the new .exe? Everything went fine until I tried Compute Flyby Maneuver Sequence. Then... nothing. Nothing happened. Tried putting in a different sequence with no repeats. Still wouldn't do anything. Tried with one flyby. Nothing. Also tried messing with the max number of revolutions. Same results. Tried just going from one planet to another. Nope. I get the feeling I've goofed somewhere. If you don't think I've goofed I can see if I can find the logs. If it works like it looks the update is great! Thanks!
  7. Thanks to the awesome Janitor's Closet mod I've finally gotten rid of most of the Non-RO and Non-RP0 parts in my Realism Overhaul game. Currently trying to decide whether to get rid of duplicate parts (They seem to exist for about half of my engines, and a few of my cockpits. And they have exactly the same names and stats, and a lot of the time, same descriptions. Is this a bug?), and if so, which ones to get rid of. I apparently didn't take screenshots, and I don't feel like loading the game just to get them, but I've made a fair few launchers. Redstone, Atlas, Titan I, II, and III, Saturn V, SLS, and Ares I. I've also made a couple launchers of my own. I've found the M-55 Minuteman first stage rockets to work nice for boosters. They provide nice thrust and control in a fairly compact package. Back in stock KSP, I have 2 grand tour missions in the works. The closest to being launched and completed is an ultralightweight-ship exploit-based tour. The second closest to being launched is something I've shown earlier, with the many hours of ion engine burn time, and a single kerbal. Something else I've been working on:
  8. Sitting here trying to weed out all the non-RO and non-RP0 parts from my Realism Overhaul game. I wish there was some kind of in-game tool that could be used to delete parts from the game, or at put some kind of marker on the part file so I could just mark everything that doesn't work, and then delete it out of gamedata. Wow that was a long sentence. Currently not sure what to do about many life support resource converters not being supported. Kind of need those to keep my Kerbals alive. It would be really convenient if all the parts said which mod they were from... Might have to resort to cutting out all the part mods and reinstalling them one-by-one. Might end up just giving up on this until RO is CKAN viable again. Ah well.
  9. Been doing some final testing of my rover and Mun-base-fixer-thing on Kerbin before sending it to space. Basically the rover carries a mast with a claw on one end and attaches it to the base. It then detaches and drives away. The engine is activated and the pole gives it enough of a moment arm to flip the base over. Still a little worried about the solar panels getting crushed. Might bring some spares just in case. Still need to do a test to confirm that the engine is capable of flipping the base, as the base isn't perfectly round and easy to roll like the orange fuel tank. Then again, the Mun has weaker gravity so... This is my current landing configuration... ...... ...I just realized I still need to bring a whole lot of batteries to the base. Maybe I can attach them to the mast. Anyways, I've got four tourists who want to go to the Mun, so I'll be able to make maximum use of my available crew space. I'll (probably) have the Kolumbine CEV (seen in background) boosting me to the Mun, so I can stick a pilot, a scientist, and an engineer in there, and a pilot and the 4 tourists in the small lander. ...Hmmm... contract says I need another pilot... Anyone volunteer to sit in a rover seat right next to high velocity rocket exhausts? jk I guess I'll bring one of the tourists or the scientist on a later trip. Also tried out 1.3 It's awesome... except that there's still GC stutter. Ah well, my understanding is that that's a problem more with Unity itself than with KSP. So many other bugs fixed though! Thanks Squad!
  10. Oh well there's my problem... I thought I wasn't supposed to download the ones highlighted orange... with any luck it will work now.
  11. @Bornholio Seeing as you're playing in RO, have you also encountered this problem in which many fairings do not generate in the sizes and positions appropriate for their bases? Anyways, I launched an unmanned shuttle with a grabber to recover the other Kerbal who was now in an elliptical orbit around Kerbin after having not been taken all the way home by her original rescue craft (the type that was discovered to disintegrate on reentry). Didn't get a picture of the first launch, but I think I got a vid for later. Anyways, the first launch had a fuel drain issue which resulted in it tumbling out of control at about 10km. Luckily it was not traveling fast enough to be ripped apart, and I was able to ditch the boosters and burn off fuel during the glide back, and recover the most expensive components. The second launch, pictured above, went much more smoothly. Overshot a bit, but had good enough glide capabilities to make the runway. The guidance software has been dubbed "Plowman Hal" though as it clipped the grass on landing. Finally I've been testing a prototype Mun rover. The box girders are nice for crash-resistant battery casings. I might want to move my solar panels though, they're in a great place to get smashed. I've since added a roll bar to protect the kerbals. Might add a small reaction wheel or probe core for maintaining orientation on those long Mun gravity jumps.
  12. Nice! Glad people of other languages can finally get to giggle at the humorous part descriptions and do contracts and stuff without using a translator!* Also love all those bug fixes. Can never have enough of those. Except if you get rid kerbal spaghettification. Please let us keep that! *On a funny note, having versions in other languages finally justifies in my mind the eliminating of the word "curvy" on the Mk2 to Mk3 adapter! lol xD
  13. I wasn't sure if my heli really counted as a light aircraft, seeing its reasonably hefty weight, and I really wanted to enter both of them, so I put it in the whacky category and put the wienermobile in the truck category.
  14. I was actually thinking of attaching my weinermobile to a helicopter, but the resulting combo would be over 520 parts! Anyways, I figured out a solution! I will be submitting my Oskar Mayer Wiener Mobile as a truck (I hope that's ok). Ready to distribute snacks for all the kerbals at the KSC! Yum! I'll also submit my coaxial marine turboshaft, the E-50A Triton to the whacky category. It weighs in at 45.6 tons fully fueled, and has a hover endurance of about 2&1/2 hours. It can carry 16 (or 18 including 2 seats behind pilots) passengers. It can cruise at 50m/s without the assistance of any forward motion jets. Disk loading is ~ 140kg/m2, however this reduces a slightly at high power as the rotors expand a little. Cargo capacity is untested, but I'm guessing it can lift at least 10 tons. Might replace this later with my E-24C Super Champion once I've added rotor locks to it, as it really demonstrates the raw power that turboshaft designs can produce, and has a higher cruise speed.
  15. Can't decide whether to enter a weinermobile or a helicopter for the whacky category... Hmmm...
  16. Ok, for lack of better info, I decided just to play it safe and reupload my plane with default engine stats. I ended up going with doubled up engines, as flying with mono engines just wasn't very much fun. So, without further ado, I'll be entering an A-380 into the heavy aircraft category. Weighing in at almost 430 tons fully fueled, and with room for 644 passengers, this thing is like a small flying city. Luckily it only behaves like a whale. It comes with a full suite of flaps and spoilers. Unfortunately no leading edge slats, but eh, they'd probably make it hard to take off given stock aero. Craft is close to real size (about 5/6ths scale). Wingspan: 63.8m Length: 61m Height: 19.9m Link :)
  17. Thanks! It does however come at the price of having nearly 300 parts in the lander alone. Not exactly great for performance when put together with the rest of the vehicle. I need to work on that... I think the ascent stage has some places where part count can be reduced. Unrelated: Only in KSP can you escape the Sun by climbing a ladder for 10 minutes.
  18. Did some testing of my LM replica. Separation from the S-IVB is a bit iffy due to clipping of invisible fairing collision meshes, but at least there aren't any explosions. I also figured out the issue on the descent stage ∆v. I had the ratio of Lf:Ox backwards. With a minor edit it has 700m/s now. Apparently all the legs don't immediately dock, so I might make some slight tweaks to their struts. Also did some messing around with trying to get a kerbal to the monolith as fast as possible. The kraken ate me.
  19. I would indeed find this useful. However if it's significant work and I'm the sole person looking for it, I wouldn't want to eat your time. Though perhaps if enough other people want it there could be some setting that tells the number of orbits the MFMS will cut the trajectories off at, if it hasn't reached N_max by that point. I see @Drew Kerman seems to like the idea!
  20. Is the objective of the stock requirement to make the craft loadable and flyable for stock players, or to use the stock part capabilities? I'm fine with either, it will just tell me if I need to make some minor adjustments to my craft before uploading them. I'm thinking of either entering an A-380 into the heavy aircraft catergory or a BAE Systems Hawk into the light aircraft category. Both of these currently have some buffs to the engines in the craft file in order to reduce part count, but can be easily made to use unmodified engine power by simply adding more engines. Actually the A-380 can fly with unmodified engine power and the current number of engines, but it needs every inch of the runway to take off! Edit: or I could always enter a helicopter into the whacky category. I don't see any requirements for things being replicas correct?
  21. TOT newb question alert! So I've been looking at trajectories that use gravitational assists to getting Jool using minimal ∆v. So I was using the Multi-Flyby Maneuver sequencer, and giving a it generous window of 0-100 years or so. I figured something like Kerbin-Eve-Jool, Kerbin-Eve-Kerbin-Jool, or Kerbin-Eve-Kerbin-Kerbin-Jool would give me a fairly low ∆v requirement (hoping for worst case of 1.5km/s, which seems reasonable given Eve transfer requirements + significant course adjustments and Oberth maneuvers for later flybys), and that some opportunity for such a sequence of flybys would come up during that time. TOT does indeed give me maneuvers to do these flybys, however they always require at the least ¾km/s more than what it takes to simply go straight to Jool from Kerbin. I've spent hours looking for a nice cheap trajectory, but nope. I think what's going on is that the thing thinks that I don't want to go more than one orbit around the Sun without a flyby, so it will do huge burns to make the next flyby instead of making a minor adjustment and waiting a few orbits. Is there a way for me to change a setting or something for this? Then again maybe I'm just being a newb and not understanding how to set up good trajectories and/or being overly optimistic on the utility of gravity assists in KSP, due to having watched too many crazy smart YouTubers xD. Picture Sorry if a question like this has been asked BTW, I looked around a bit but this thread is huge. This app is awesome though. I'll do more searching, maybe I just need to do a lot of that.
  22. Keeping with the dog theme, maybe Samoyed for the poodle equivalent and... Idk for the mainsail... Need to do some searching. Edit: ninjaed
  23. Currently trying to figure out how to salvage my Mun base. It went full turtle after an attempt to use the landing legs to flip it into the correct orientation, and was not designed with enough reaction wheels to right itself if flipped (I wasn't expecting to really do any maneuvering after landing). I also need to attach about 6700EC worth of batteries, because for whatever reason I didn't notice that while making the contract. Might bring another antenna too. I need to bring 3 pilots and an engineer (not technically required but s/he will help with the mining) so I already needed to make a trip to it anyways. I'm also thinking of adding a rover garage so I can do exploration of my own, so its batteries should help with that. So... how to flip the base over... I'm thinking of retracting the legs and using a mast with a claw on the end to grab the LfOx tank after I've drained the fuel from it, and using a thruster (maybe the crew lander) at the end to roll whole the thing over. I'm kind of worried that I might sheer off another one of the solar panels though... ah well, if I do, they're not too expensive. Oh, I also broke the game:
  24. Been trying my hand at planning routes using gravitational assists. Floating point errors get annoying after a few years worth of trajectory plotting. Stuff likes to jitter around enough that an encounter with a good kicker planet like Eve or Kerbin can get missed. Also sent a narrow band scanner to the Mun to scan for a good spot to land my contract base. So I went on to landing the base at the determined spot. I got down to about 300m going about 40m/s, and had my engine thrusting just enough to maintain this speed. I hit shift to throttle up and slow down for the landing maneuver, which would involve slowing to a hover a couple meters above the surface, then quickly tipping the stack to land horizontally on the legs. And... the throttle didn't move. I glanced up to the left corner of my screen. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I had checked earlier and had thought that I would have a relay available, but it wasn't quite above the horizon. I watched in horror, meanwhile spamming the z key, as the base sped towards the surface. Suddenly by some miracle, I got a brief moment of signal, and the engine went to full throttle. Immediately the signal was gone again, and I once again was left watching. The thing ended up tapping the ground, and started moving up again, leaving me to spam the x key, hoping that my base wouldn't fly off into the great black yonder, although perhaps that would have been safer for it. At about 5m it was high enough to get some signal from the relay again, and the engine cut out. When it came back to the ground it once again had no signal. Well... at least it's on the surface now, if not necessarily in the most ideal orientation. I at least feel vindicated in only having deployed one of the solar panels. It was the only thing to get crushed.
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