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Everything posted by alexus

  1. Why does it do with new herbal suit? I have stock TextureReplacer .
  2. Yes, it is. Download kerbal visor Copy the arhive`s content in TextureReplacer\Default folder. have fun
  3. How did you make volumetric clouds???
  4. I do not see stars from earth surface with the mod. Look at this Can you fix it?
  5. What is it in reflection? Why is it in reflection?
  6. Electrocutor, look at this: with your patch without I think what without the patch is better and look at this the ship in the shadow of the earth is light although it must be dark
  7. Hi all. Look at my kerbal`s IVA visor. I think it is more realistic with small scratches.
  8. Hi gays. I want to present some retexturing of this mod. What do you think?
  9. Hello, everybody! It`s milky way skybox with 402 Mpx resolution (8K on one box side). There are two version: normal (light) and dark (darker). How to install? Copy contant of arhive into TextureReplacer\Default folder. Download normal or dark I recommend to use it with "Distan tObject" mod. Have fun!
  10. { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":1, "PATCH":2, "BUILD":15 }, but TexturesUnlimited- ?
  11. I still do not understand how much work there is and if I will have time for it. Show me what you need.
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