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Everything posted by Belerafon

  1. I noticed that DuoDex had five dots under his thingy. He also prominently stated: "THE DOTS ARE FIVE! FIVE!" How the hell do you get five dots?
  2. Factorizing values... Calculating trajectories... Treating kessler syndrome... Results: A lot of numbers. What I found out with a (hacked) K.E.R. was that engines in the stock game are about 200 to 300% less efficient than they should be. Thus meaning, your mün rocket should have enough delta-V to get you at least to Eeloo. So I made a fix. Release in 2 weeks. LOADING...
  3. This was taken from the original RVE thread. You can read about it here. *DISCLAIMER* This is not supported by Pingopete, or at all recommended, This is just what works for me. Use at your own discretion and please do not complain if it doesn't work, or there are bugs. This is COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED. You'll need: Latest version of Scatterer Latest version of EVE RVE for KSP v1.0.5 for linux64 (others may work but this is what I tried it with) First, install Scatterer and EVE as usual, then drop the scatterer folder into your GameData. This contains the scatterer planet configs for RSS. Finally, drop the RVE folder into your GameData. Currently, texture replacement of Earth isn't working so you are stuck with the stock earth texture, but the cloud layers are working, and scatterer is working. performance is great too. Still looks awesome, just like the good ol' days.
  4. Yeah. This thread should not be up, but, what the hell. What should I make for a mod?
  5. Banned for referring to mathematics on a gaming forum.
  6. Anyone have RVE working on 1.1.2?
  7. It's a little bigger than kerbin, but otherwise cool.
  9. Yes. computers are very incompetent. and ps why did you leave?!?! you left us with great planets, but now they're crappy compared to new horizons! come back!
  10. Hmm. is it just me or does this seem overly simple?
  11. The film the Martian really inspired me on missions to mars in RSS. Vogel said that they were the first to go to mars twice, so I tried to do that. I sent Jeb, Bob, and Val on a 16 - Year misison. I want to challenge you guys to do that as well. Try not to kill any Kerbals. You will be disqualified for explosions. (No kidding) RULES: 1. Fuel You can use kerbodyne tanks and kerbodyne tanks only. You are allowed 3 large tanks at the most. You are allowed as much RCS as you want. (use sparingly) 2. Ship design You ship must be launched in 10 separate components. You must assemble them in low kerbin orbit, below 100K. You must use an SSTO to get your crew to the ship. 3. Engines (are overrated) You must not use LV-N atomic engines. For scientific reasons. You may not use any Rockomax engines. You may use only the following engines: LVT30, LVT45, KR2L, Mammoth, Vector, and all of the 0.25m engines that i'm too lazy to list. 4. Cheats No dirty fn+f12 cheating! 5. Mods and plugins None allowed, except for the Tantares mod. You may not use any Tantares engines, except for the LVT15, and the LARJ thruster. Tantares storage compartments, crew blocks, etc. are banned, except for the solar arrays. 6. Trajectory and mission goals You must get to Duna and back to Kerbin twice, without mining, or using ISRUs. Ore tanks are not permitted, and ISRUs, and all their crap is not permitted either. 7. Maneuvers Gravity assists are limited. You get only 1 gravity assist from eve. none else. (too bad if you screw it up) 8. Misc. Have fun, keep the kerbals happy, and don't blow anything up. Leaderboard: 1.Entry Pending 2.Entry Pending 3.Entry Pending 4.Entry Pending 5.Entry Pending
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