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Burning Kan

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    pre ksp2 spacetime
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  1. I'm excited for my new radiator* when iam start ksp2 New UI excting new edgecase bugs/bugfixes new IVAs new planet surfaces landing predictions and the way the inspire us to explore/discover a whole new star system with easter eggs! *laptop
  2. It would be cool if duststorms could delete footprints or add some event in case of lifesupport mod is installed. Great work BTW
  3. Hey Zero 2 suggestions 1st the dynamite part looks a bit outdated,and i belive ucould ask for the( explosives) part in the kis video,i belive its open licenced. dont found it right now maybe IGOR now more,i will look later again. 2nd i tought yesterday on the mod the make explosions bigger on parts that filled with fuel ,than a empty tank,maybe can think about intergrate it. sry for grammatik yust wake up the music 4 ya mod:) btw ifound a mod thats like yours.
  4. a storabe part would be cool like the old one in this KIS video.(with actiongroup or staging would be funtastic) no more kessler syndrom debris, or the opposite thanks
  5. In KSP settings ,under graphics tab ,Rendering- Terrain shader quality.
  6. The Martian VR Experience https://fortune.com/2016/03/13/matt-damon-in-virtual-reality/ revese searched by Google images
  7. @Angel-125made one not so long ago, dont now if its actual working but your chance stand good,he is nomaly update hes mods regular.so here it is. https://github.com/Angel-125/KerbalActuators/releases good luck,and please let us now if it work
  8. alexustas made this prop needs RPM and MAS to work AFAIK maybe u can adapt it for your needs
  9. https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=starship&type=things&sort=relevant Thinieverse is a good place 4 models any kind, 4 free of course. or https://www.matterhackers.com/articles/print-your-ships-from-kerbal-space-program Ibought a flashforge finder(not this lite* ver) for 180 Euros(sec hand) 3 years ago and Iam still happy with it.out of a heated bed the have all i need(not laud,easy to make a closed chamber out of it,adisplay where u see the models,buildvolume 14cm x3 ,directextruder(its good for harder print materials like TPU and carbon fiber filled PLAs),easy to fix clogged nozzels,super easy software to use,removeable two sided bed one with glass an one with this blue cover dosnt know the name right now,WIFI i dont use,USB port,A.S.O, After 3 years and 1000 models only haved 7 clogged nozzels and this with special materials like aluminium PLA, and first time TPU(TPU needs slower printspeed and no retraction on FFF)on 0.4mm brazzed nozzle. link to actuall price on amzn:*https://www.amazon.com/Flashforge-Printers-Removable-Platform-Enclosed/dp/B07SNSQZBD happy printing
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