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Everything posted by charliepryor

  1. Sorry, but the same thing is happening still in KSP 1.1.3 with this plugin. Everything is fine when installed, but when I come back and load the game again the next day, it's all messed up. None of the UI works at the space center. It doesn't even show me the whole place... it's just all the way zoomed in, and the camera is not controllable either. Only way to 'fix' is to alt-tab out and force the application to quit, and then remove the mod. I've attached the log file here this time as instructed above. When I remove RCS Build Aid, everything returns to normal and operates as expected.
  2. I can successfully get 62t into LKO thanks to this awesome parts pack, even with FAR installed.... I can't get back to the KSC yet though, but I don't have the RAPIER or SABRE engines unlocked yet.
  3. Does this mod add any contracts, or integrate with any contracts specifically? Just curious as I have a career in place and knowing what packs work with contracts is vital for backup purposes (and knowing which mods can be removed and installed later, or at will). Thanks.
  4. Same issue happening here, as reported by several already. Same setup as well, Windows 10 x64
  5. Yes, I'll look into that and get back with you... removing RCSBA didn't exactly solve it right away, but I reverted the KSP folder to a version from before installing (hence why my logs are likely not there now) and everything went back to normal with no noticeable errors. This was a couple days ago. I'll replicate the steps I did before and see about getting you a log here. Thanks.
  6. Rendered everything in the KSC unclickable right after installing this via CKAN. v0.8. My mod list is pretty huge already though, so a conflict with one is likely very hard to track down, and since it appears nobody else has brought this up here yet, I should probably assume that's the case. I don't have a log file... Not sure how to obtain information that helps with that.
  7. I'm assuming that using Ven's Stock Revamp will cause the science experiment part of this to not work.... right?
  8. Exactly the same happening to me. It's putting my surface station plans on hold for now. Huge number of mods though... Mod list: http://hottipscentral.com/ksp-mods Previous version works just fine, although I'll probably be susceptible to the bugs this latest version claims to have fixed (never noticed them myself yet, but I'm not exactly playing every day or anything)
  9. Seeing "14 errors" in the bootup screen for deadly reentry now. Not sure exactly what causes it to say that. It happens when MM patches are applied (I have over 100 mods though). Reverting back to 7.4.4 until errors go away.
  10. Thanks for the 1.2 update for Tweakscale! --- Was looking at OP and saw this in the "Notes" part. A few typos there, in case it matters.
  11. Alt-F10 reveals that this contract pack is disabled for me, and I'm not sure why or how to activate it. It's been installed since the beginning of the campaign. KVC pings me about compatibility every startup, but it does that for a lot of things that are 1.1 and now 1.1.2 in the .version file, and everything else works fine. This however, doesn't get me any contracts, and it's red in the contract configurator window in Alt-F10. Any ideas? I'm in a heavily modded play-through, so perhaps something is busting it that's beyond all control.... Thanks for your time.
  12. I'm new to these forums, so excuse me if this isn't posted in the right place. It says challenges... so I thought I would share the one I've created and taken for myself: Create and deploy a self-sufficient base of operations on every single planet (stock planets only). I have the outer planets mod enabled later in the series (After recording episode 9, my save file became corrupted everywhere when KSP updated to 1.1.2 and I moved mods around... episode 10 explains the problem, and Episode 12 tells the solution). SERIES PLAYLIST SO FAR (YouTube) The parameters of this challenge are pretty much explained in video 1, but due to the video's length, I'll summarize here: CAREER MODE, Unmanned before Manned. TAC Life Support enabled. FAR enabled. Deadly Reentry Enabled. RemoteTech Enabled. ScanSat Enabled 100% self-sustaining base must manage everything about itself autonomously without direct Kerbin assistance, and staff a minimum of one scientist and one engineer to be successful. Life Support systems must also be self-sustaining, meaning food, water, and oxygen must be replenished when consumed, and waste resources properly managed (without Jettison installed). For Gas Giants, an orbital station takes the place of a ground base, with almost all parameters the same. The only difference is that it must store fuel at all times, and it's allowed to take shipments of supplies on a regular basis, as long as the supplies come from an orbital body within its own SOI system, like one of its moons* (*this is something not mentioned in the video and was amended/added after the video was recorded). I've decided against (for now) installing Karbonite Plus for that "gathering stuff in the air" mechanic, because I'm also looking for realism. I'm new to this "recording gaming play-through" stuff, but I've got about 300+ hours in KSP now, and feel as though I can tackle this challenge over the next year or so of playing (hopefully). This is a HEAVILY MODDED play-through, thanks to 64-bit KSP. The mod-list for this play-through, as well as the playlist itself, is located here: http://hottipscentral.com/ksp-mods If you have any tips, or things to add to this, please let me know either in the comments of the videos there on YouTube, or below in this forum (which I think I'll get notified for.. right?). PC Specs, since quite a few people in other areas of the internet were interested, is in the description of every video.
  13. Request: Integration with Filter Extensions, so that TAC LS parts appear in the "Life Support" tab instead of Misc.
  14. Pass savings along to everyone else too? Maybe a small patch somehow? Many peasants would be rejoice, including myself.
  15. I'll ask around over there then, thanks. Sorry, I know what the actual word "provisional" means, I simply wasn't sure as to the extent of compatibility to expect from something marked as provisional. I have a better understanding now. I think I'll actually try and use TAC for this super-ambitious playthrough. Thanks.
  16. Tweakscale + FAR + winglets = Broken. Lots have stated it here.
  17. This is my exact issue. Identical. Sandbox works just fine, as does a new career, but not the existing one. Mod list is here (the second list is what I'm playing with right now, but I only started a new game because this problem happened when I had the first list). Does this only happen when you remove a mod from existing saves? Is there no other known cause?
  18. In career mode, I'm unable to enter the tracking station, VAB or SPH. All other buildings, I can enter, but I cannot leave. Whenever I attempt to enter or exist respectively with those buildings, nothing happens. It's all frozen up. I've attached a photo... Getting this error every time I enter my career, provided by Exception Detector. It's the only error I can see happening, and It's directly prompted by attempting to enter or exist one of those buildings. I pressed "Leave Facility" 18 times here in RnD before having to close the game via Task Manager. Windows 10 64-bit. KSP 1.1.2. - I have no idea where my logs are actually held for this sort of thing.. but if you need them let me know where I can find. - I have to start career all over again, because this will not work. - Starting a new Career is fine. It appears all existing careers are effected, but new ones aren't... at least not yet.
  19. I may be missing something here in my testing here. Still new to me. I'll definitely look there. - I think I may give TAC a try here once it's confirmed stable and reliable with 1.1.2 (not just a "provisional" release as it says in the first post). I'm not sure what provisional really means... but for the sake of not screwing my young youtube series for now, I'll just sit eagerly on the sidelines and study it all in sandbox in spare time. Thanks so much for providing life support for this mod.
  20. Thanks for that. I've been playing with that installed. The problem seems to usually be achieving 100% efficiency. Even with, say, food generation at the base, the efficiency that comes from growing things or converting waste and water waste back to something usable isn't 100%, meaning eventually, things run out. In USI for example, supplies turn to mulch, which is useful for hydroponics and such... but it's only 50% efficient, unless I have fertilizer... in which case it's far more efficient, but still not 100% - and fertilizer isn't available as something that can be produced planetside. It has to be shipped from Kerbin... which isn't self-sufficient. It's only with mining a source of water/etc to help the crops can I supplement fertilizer and produce enough of a third resource to offset consumption and achieve efficiency at very high cost - which is fine, as long as it's possible. I was generally pointing at whether or not such a thing would be possible with TAC LS - that is, with the usage of USI Kolonization for example, and with Planetary Base Systems, is 100% efficiency doable, given money being no object (which it will be in my career, but hypothetical). Just knowing it's possible with USI LS is the only reason I use that... I would prefer TAC because I find the lack of something as simple as "air" being considered troubling in my attempts to make things a bit more realistic. Appreciate your time and patience with my question.
  21. At this time, with USI Life Support and Kolonization, It's technically possible to have 100% self-sufficient surface bases with mining, science, and all that. Life Support resources can feasibly keep up with needs forever. - Is this going to be possible with TAC LS? I much prefer TACLS for sure, and I'm at a critical point in my play-through where I have to commit to a life support mod (because parts on vehicles). The question really is, can 100% efficiency be possible with the additional resources that are needing to be paid attention to in TAC LS? Thanks for your time, and for everything you all are doing for us lowly end-users who absolutely love playing KSP.
  22. Doesnt appear to be working in my game. Latest Kopernicus is installed, and no other planet modifications other than this one. No change happening in Map view.... is it only something I'll see while I'm there, or would it appear in Map view as well? Thanks. PC - Windows 10 64-bit, KSP 1.1.2 - CKAN updated for everything.
  23. Communitron 88-X isn't compatible or integrated with Remote Tech. Can put it on a craft, but it still has the packet transfer rate in the details, and the energy usage as amount/packet. Doesn't connect with other antennas in RT either. Just something I noticed while playing it today. KSP 1.1.2, Win 10 64-bit
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