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Everything posted by Sereneti

  1. avoid to kill Kerbals (0 kerbal killed...) No cheats (like infinite fuel... btw, i dont know how to enable it XD try to make all missions without kerbals... Think Avoid part Clipping. Struts and Fuel-pipes are allowed, because: Strut: Kerbals are realy bad at Welding, i thake struts to make "welding-points"... Fuel-Pipes: some engines use all tanks, some engines only the tank in the line, fuel pipes can compensate that...
  2. The rover had a probe-core ... I want do drive around with that, that didnt work without a core... i had droped a rover about the space center, landet , recover wessel and the rover its gone...
  3. I have build a smal orbiter, in the new carer-mode... I can give you my craft files, if you want... a smal "space Taxi" for 6 People... a smal "space-lift" for a smal probe (1,75 tonns) both flyer hav (some) more DV that are needet to reach orbit and go back, you can add more payload to the space-lift, i waste some DV because i dont use the "sweet zone" very well, and drop always some fuel with the tank... (i like deployable tanks..., that looks cool, less weithgt to orbit , and less weight to break on the deorbiting) if you need that....
  4. Hi I have a mission on kerbal, ground, that i had to discover the pressure of some points. My idea was "build a drone-"bomber" that drop a smal drone over the zone"... All okay, the Parachute opened (2 blue parachutes vs 0,5 ton of drone) The drone land without explosions.... i bring back "the bomber", look at the drone... Nothing The drone is not there...
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