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Everything posted by Sereneti

  1. i had the controls at the nose... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skylon_%28spacecraft%29 the skylon spaceplane had the controll surfaces on the nose, too... engine gimbal are used in RL too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrust_vectoring
  2. Maybe... and skilled Pilots are useless... Why should i put a pilot to Duna, when a CPU had the same benefits... .... my pilots had less flight time, than the average tourist...
  3. hy there are the 3 adapter from medium to small my sugesstion is, the same adapter for small -> Tiny... to attach some tiny engines on a small fuel tanks... (like 4* ion on a small probe...)
  4. Implement like: higher ISP than the nerv engine , but smaller trust Use Monopropelant or liquid fuel Is posible to use as an RCS Is posible to use as an engine
  5. but, i think that its not the part of the game, to mod it, to hit the game-goals....
  6. 1) Docking 2) no autopilot 3) no info 4) waste a lot of time 5) no fun 6) riski for manned spaceflights -
  7. i build a drone, and tried to go to the planet... if the drone is gone, its only a unmanned drone
  8. The big problem is: a system without time-warp ned an FTL engine to go interplanetary, even to the moon...
  9. i bought not much games... i often get games because its sometimes cheaper to buy a whole bundle then the single game... somethimes there are gratis games (like portal2 - i play with linux, so valve gave me this game for free) btw: KSP chrashed very often on linux... i dont have ... much games...
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcjet_rocket thats an existing engine that sounds good ,
  11. "visited" with drones: Near every planet (jool had destroyed his drone ) The ion-engine is a good engine Visited with kerbals: Only the moon, minmus... If i had managed to build a station on Duna, then i would send some Kerbals... (i would install a good kolonisation mod, that can be used by drones... terraformer/Xenon ftw )
  12. Stayputnik is useles without SAS... stayputnik hasnt a slot to add the fly-by-wire too....
  13. funn part: I had made a shuttle with a drop-tank, that looks like a fish "<=><", so its a dubstep spaceplane... .... it drops the bass...
  14. how did you manage to drop the MK2-parts? That was the concept for the space-shuttles: Drop the cheap tank, save the expensive engines... A SSTO had a lot mor costs as a shuttle with drop tanks.. With a spaceplane its mor easy to make an equatoreal orbit thats the reason i prefer spaceplanes
  15. in RL a Aerospike can gimbal. you only have to lower the pressure on one side.... (or you gimbal the whole engine)
  16. Yes, Spaceplanes with drop-tanks -> compact desing -> drop the cheap (empty) fuel tanks, save the expensive engines -> less weight to aerobreaking. Orbit-Launch: The Spaceplane had the wings and the Air-breathing-Engines, bring the stuff to orbit, and land at the end ... + no dead weight on the deep-space-mission + Air breathing engines, do a lot of the work -> possible in KSP , because things in orbit (>70km) wouldn't be deleted Spaceplanes with JATO... To small wing area to takeoff at low speed, and a to less Ttwr to get enough speed during the runaway (tldr - too short runaway) , + Small wing area (less drag) + a small trust to weight ratio (less engines)
  17. Hi; i had build a SSTO that should be possible to launch a heavy weight... is there a tool that can help me with that? i can launch it to orbit, its ok... on the empy flight, that have a "smal" amount of fuel left..
  18. i wouldnt say that to use a non-infinite recource are a bad idea, - but to use it without thinking are one. look, the oil - oil can be used to make medicine, alkohol and a lot of good stuff. but we burn it... Look at the plastik: We could make oil from that, use it to energy... but we trow it into the ocean...... there are other problems with the renewable energy: Wind - they are using rare-earth magnets for the Wind-power-plants.... Biofuel: They are using a lot of Syntetic Fertilizer, and a lot of phosphor-fertilizer to grow up the plants for Biofuel -> it takes more recources to make Biofuel than to make Gasoline... (and if we run out of phosphor, we ran into big problems...) and so on... there are a lot of big problems, Problems that are caused by "Greed"
  19. look: look: in Germany, they store nuklear waste on a Parking-space, - good planing`, caution? They had lose some Ball.bearing-balls in a pump from a nuklear power-plant. And they had put the pump on again... (and dont find the Ball-Bearing-balls ..., they are still in the Pump) good Planing? Caution? at first they had do a "stress test" of the nuklear power plants... at first all of the power-plants had failed... then they reduced the level of the test, until all of the power-plants "survived"... (they said "all of the power-plants had "survived"...) Caution? and so on... im not against nuklear fuel. But the momentan use , is more an ab-use ...
  20. i have research the woole tech-tree, but if i want to send a Kerbal to the moon, i take the moon-lander that i had created the first time... why should i change what works? i had build a vehicle that can carry X tons of mass to the moon, and land it safely. maybee i can build it a little cheaper with the new tech, but why should i?
  21. a (Presurised) Heavy wather Reaktor can use natural uran. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressurized_heavy-water_reactor but it isnt used in the economy... there are Natural reaktors too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor
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