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Everything posted by Sereneti

  1. because radiators "pump" out the energy from the craft. They cool down the next parts (and they cool down the parts next from them) So, a radiator cann cool down the whole craft (but slowly)
  2. at first -> transfer a drone is made for "optional return" missions.... Maybe a techtree that is made for 30% science, at the beginning..
  3. I would be glad if i see a multiplayer in KSP - but this had a low priority.... New Planets - maybe, but low priority... Delta V readout and so on -> there are already mods for that, so it shouldnt be to hard to implement that ... (imho) and so on...
  4. some ideas from my side: 1) contract based storys -> a contract based storyline, that uses parts from previus contract from this storyline... (maybe never exired) 2) Planed-based contracts: Like: there are 5 kerbals on the polar. They want to go to the dessert. Your part -> more usefull airplanes...
  5. or Big Xenon tank, Small drone, ion-drive -> enough DV
  6. Mod free , clean,installation, decreasing orbits confirmed....
  7. Ther is a mod in minecraft "spacecraft"... with this mod, you can go to the moon, or other stars... but thats only a "i have build something -> klick -> now im on the mond"
  8. I play minecraft. - Hard modet -> Feed the Beast. Its funny. I play KSP. Its funny too There two different games: KSP -> Balistic, going interplanetary Minecraft -> Build Base... I would like a game with booth parts, too... (Minecraft in KSP... Build a Base in Minecraft, go interplanetary with KSP )
  9. Do you realy want the credit, for the help of developing nuklear weapons? (a nuke with a big "developed with help of Majiir" .... ) or you can upload it without a lizenz... http://250bpm.com/blog:82 (like 80% of the repositoris on github...)
  10. Theoretical ... yes. you can pump partikles to the speed of light, if you want to put unlimet energy into that... Praktikal: no
  11. about cooling: is it possible to cool the engine ablativ? -> lingter engine, but waste after use.... there are som firms that can create something from a graphit block ...
  12. same problem here... magical disapearing from speed, Sun orbit , too... no mods...
  13. just an idea: do you use Win10? because win10 will shut down USB-devices (yes, Keyboards too...) ... if the Keyboard shut down, it will caused wirde things...
  14. or, land with parachutes... on my first spaceplanes i simply had added enough parachutes to land the spaceplane with parachutes only... .... if you are landing, you dont have only the "average speed" , the speed on some parts of the vessel can be realy higher than that... -> touch down with the back landing gear -> the nose can fall down with a realy high speed...
  15. yes... the big downside on Electric cars are the Lithium... And for Fusion are Lithium the "fuel" (or silver...)
  16. and it should have a "tracking" funktion... That, the vessel "play" the tracked simulation.... and, if you staging something during the simulation, it should "keep" them in place until you switch too it. so it is posible to save boosters.... or do air-to-orbit launches....
  17. there are already a option for that in the game...
  18. why? the problem with electric cars dont go away... and syntetic fuel has in this case the upside from the petroleum cars, and lot less downsides....
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