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Everything posted by Duski

  1. Well even with the inflatable heat shield no luck at all. It kinda ticks me off now, is there like anything I can do? If an inflatable shield can't survive, then what can?
  2. Now to finally adore Tellumo much more. And actually try land on it.
  3. I'm definitely having to go with an inflatable shield. As soon as it hits the atmosphere, the heat shield doesn't even last 2 seconds before it blows up. found some weird bugs too. Bugs With the water one, that's over the KSC. Underwater KSC!
  4. Well, about time I posted here again. Hope this mod is coming along well. I decided to get the Nova addon pack and see if I can get a more accurate representation of the SpaceX ITS.
  5. Well i'm going for an aerocapture. I'll experiment with a few combinations now I guess.
  6. Well I'm using a 1.875m Heat Shield from the SSTU labs mod on a 1.25m payload. I'll aim for a higher periapsis next time. Maybe around 30km? Doesn't really matter now, I put an inflatable heat shield on, but it might not be worth the troubles of putting that giant thing on.
  7. By the way, re-entry on Tellumo is kind of like impossible. I was going for re-entry with an SSTU modular heat shield that was 1.875m in diameter with 600 ablator, but then as I was re-entering, the heat shield itself exploded! It was a 6.4km/s re-entry though. I don't know if it's just the heat shield, but i'm going to try with an inflatable heat shield next time. But, I still got some nice pics and some weird bug that keeps happening. Tellumo Porn!
  8. Think i'm going to have to get some more RAM too. Only have 8GB and it uses all my memory even on 64-bit mode. Will getting more RAM give an FPS boost?
  9. These graphics on this pack are unreal, and i'll give a +1 to @Galileo's description. I'm definitely gonna start doing some interplanetary missions.
  10. Well, I can't see Uranus, haven't got powerful enough eyepieces.
  11. The rings on Tellumo though.. If only there was axial tilt to match the inclination of the rings. I would go get my telescope out tonight to look at saturn and take a picture for inspiration of rings, but a 9mm lens on it's own doesn't cut it, you can barely see it. Perhaps I might take a look at Jupiter..
  12. I see Gauss has a different atmosphere colour in that poster. Don't tell me it'll have a different atmosphere colour. :(((((((((
  13. Yes and no I like the idea of Tellumo having a ring. Nero looks good as with the rings. Perhaps Gauss should have some rings? And if Tellumo would end up having rings? Maybe a custom ring texture?
  14. Have to download the new version then i'll be paparazzi all over this mod. I'll be doing simple missions at first, and have to assemble my space station again which is a drag. Hopefully I don't get too addicted to Rust so I can actually post some screenshots.
  15. Well just a heads-up, protractor works. However, only the launch window works, not the time when you have to burn you're going to have to make a manoeuvre node and all the adjustments yourself as burn time didn't work on SSRSS so it's probably not gonna work in this star system. Well, Tellumo is going to be hard to colonise. An atmospheric pressure of 10 atmospheres is going to kraken the hell out of my SpaceX ITS. If only there was a way to make a procedural heat shield that could attach radially so I could do a re-entry like the ITS. D:
  16. Hmm, if @JadeOfMaar has got Gael covered, I'm thinking of Icarus. Icarus is a wonder of the sky ever since the Kerbals moved to the <system name> system. With extreme topology and many geographical features, it is very well known celestial object in the night sky. It's discovery was often mistaken for being a dirty speck on the telescope lens as they never seen anything like Icarus before, as the Kerbals thought of it as the complete opposite of Moho. I kind of going along with the story of the Kerbals moving to this system because I can't think of anything better to tell how the kerbals got to this solar system.
  17. Well, because hyperedit is good as, I brought my K-35B on a journey across the Solar System. It has integrated cameras. o.o
  18. Copied all my ships and subassemblies over now, Gonna go take a stroll through the solar system. If you know what I mean.
  19. Well, I got a list of bugs that I kinda encountered and a few nice screenies. http://imgur.com/a/E5xt7 Well, Gauss is going to be challenging to fly around. I won't be able to get cool low orbits. Either way, i'm still going to think of a planet description for Gael and maybe some other planets. EDIT: For now, need to reinstall SVE on there as it's not working for me. D: EDIT EDIT: By the way, what happened to Nero's striking yellow atmosphere? I thought it looked cool as.
  20. Now I have a different vision of Gael, just a calm, peaceful rocky planet. Perhaps for biome maps all the continents are biomes? But that would really only mean 3 biomes to get science from. By the way, don't know if this was intended or not but, Gauss' atmosphere is 400km. XD
  21. By the way, don't know if this was intended or not, but Tellumo's Atmosphere height is 40km. But you can still get a nice orbit for taking pictures. It's very bugged in this orbit however, Land just disappears and then reappears at the flick of a light switch. It's always happened to me this but not as much as this.
  22. Hmm now to think descriptions after having a look at all the planets. Very impressive I shall say. I'm thinking of a planet description for Gael. How about: Gael is a large Kerbin-like planet that's a new home to the Kerbals. It has 2 large continents which are, <need a name>, <need a name> while the supercontinent is named, <insert name here>. Gael is constantly under threat of large continental drift and so Gael is known for having severe Gaelquakes. Gael has many great geographical features that stand out from afar. I kind of want to name it Aurelius even though that was a suggestion for the name of the solar system but it kind of suits the supercontinent IMO.
  23. LOOL! XDD Don't worry i'll get some GPP porn
  24. Downloaded it overnight. Will I need to uninstall SSRSS for this?
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