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Everything posted by Duski

  1. Hey @Galileo, I'm not really sure how to install skyboxes but I just put the texturereplacer folder into the gamedata directory. I didn't get a different skybox. Oh yea a question, does your stock visual terrain work with SSRSS?
  2. Damn, that sucks. It's one of the greatest Earth Porn issues out there too. Perhaps its too good? D: Sweet! Will try them out. Cheers, I don't play on the 0 inclination anymore but I will come up with some mission to go into equatorial orbit.
  3. Thanks! I set the dynamic sky dimming to 0% as I find it as an authentic look to have no stars out. But for night, dunno. I just personally like it without the stars as I kinda don't like the skybox. I wonder if there are some high resolution ones out there as I didn't find the stock skybox too crash hot.
  4. Well guys, after much editing and large decisions of which pictures are worth looking at, the Earth Porn All Time Bests Of the Earth And Moon is out. In, Career Edition! (These were captured from my SSRSS Career save.) It was a very successful mission. Even though we didn't land on the Moon, I still got a ton of science. I got about 600 or 500+ science. I had to go over many biomes as I was orbiting, and some were really hard to get the science from because they were so small I flew past them in a split second. But I was lucky with them and got the science. So it was a great mission. Anyway, enough of all that, here is the Earth Porn! ->Earth Porn All Time Bests Of The Earth And Moon<-
  5. Oh yea I heard about that, hopefully it does. Going to get some screenshots up guys from my career mode, which has already made some successful trips to the moon and back Last trip raking in about 400+ science. I had to go over biomes in orbit that I were only orbiting across for a split second. It was hard work, but I got it done.
  6. Yes you are right, SpaceX could've come up with the idea first (highly unlikely). However it is still like comparing the first man in space to landing on the Moon. which we definitely get our cheese from.
  7. You could use flyby finder, but don't know if it'll work with this. Maybe you are right, god damn ponzo illusion. Haha, it does make me sad that we don't even have a space program. I wish we did but, governments these days. Am I right?
  8. If you looked what's in the download, you'd see a folder named 0 inclination and stock orbits. This will make it visible just like irl but maybe even a bit bigger. However, this'll make it more difficult to get to the moon or any other planet as you have to spend a truck load of delta-v to get your orbits coplanar (same inclination). But that's if you are launching from Cape Canaveral. You could download KSCswitcher to put your KSC on the equator though so you can access them with ease, but I personally like to launch from Cape Canaveral. Which also reminds me, @sDaZe or @Galileo (whoever answers first), Is there a way to make the orbits stock sized without the 0 inclination. Just like @kamikazee said, I wanna see them like real life. Where they are bigger. Oh yeah, is the Moon even tidally locked? I think it is but not in the right place.
  9. Well that most certainly worked! I got to Mars and landed my Boar unmanned lander. I used MechJeb for the transfer window, as it was my first interplanetary mission. In that case, are the launch windows the same as stock and that Mars should be 45 degrees ahead except it's all inclined?
  10. Yes but its payload is only an observation capsule. So of course it's going to be reused. And as for the Falcon 9, it brings back down the dragon capsule, but i'm not sure about reusing the capsule itself.
  11. Ok, will try that out. I tried the 0 inclination stock orbit but I really didn't like it.
  12. Hey, I don't know how to merge posts, but what do you suggest as a launch site for going interplanetary? Because, things can get a little weird on inclined orbits. Especially when you're trying to match orbits with a planet. So, what do people suggest as a launch site for going interplanetary? The regular Cape Canaveral one? or some other one?
  13. Yes, they do make some precise landings, but not all of them go to plan. As a booster has too much horizontal velocity and tipped over. However, the landings are still great accomplishments for a rocket that size. Whereas New Shephard rocket, it would be much easier to land as it is only 16 metre rocket. But in one of the videos, it seemed a bit wonky as the gimbal on the engine was turning it for landing.
  14. Ahh i'm happy with what I got now. Looks nice and unrealistic. XD and pics cos why not. ->IMAGES!!<-
  15. That'd be pretty neat to have a reusable suborbital rocket of your own, even if it's a small one. Wish I had a rocket just to launch as a pastime.
  16. Oh. So did a basically perform a sub-orbital flight in the atmosphere? Well I did read something about the grasshopper somewhere.
  17. yea I just added the whole mars folder into the scatterer config. I wonder if it was the wrong or right way as I came out with a very very bright whitey orange totally unlike the one in the picture. I might try the setting and proland for Duna. Because I quite like the atmosphere you have on SVE for Duna.
  18. Yea that's what I think of the sub-orbital definition. But did the grasshopper even pass the karman line?
  19. Well it didn't turn out as it was supposed to. I'll see if there's any difference by adding the planets list cfg.
  20. Saw what you linked, and he did say some thing he shouldn't have but I guess he is defensive of his grasshopper rocket doing 6 sub-orbital flights whereas New Shephard only doing 4 (According to Wikipedia). At my perspective it looks like a popularity contest.
  21. Well it did say in the screenshots that it was WIP so not sure. But i'll have a look at the RVE thread. Well it does mention the linux version but when I go on the github link, it only says its for windows 32 bit. But that's on the 1.0.5 download. Gonna keep looking. EDIT EDIT: Ok, finally found the linux version (I don't really like github because its a pain) gonna dl now.
  22. But BO wouldn't be very beneficial as being one of the many companies in space because like people have said, they're for space tourism. It's probably only beneficial for people's entertainment. But it would be beneficial for me as I would love to go space for a visit.
  23. Alright, will give it a go. But wouldn't I have to adjust heights to 1/10th the scale or not? P.S what's with the name change?
  24. Well that'll be interesting. I could agree with this as a summary. And as some have said, Blue Origin did launch and reuse their rocket. SpaceX launched F9 and didn't reuse their rocket. Yet they seem to have popularity on their side. Prestige these days.
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