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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Yep, it appears to not exist in the open driver, and be unalterable on the proprietary driver, where it is known as the flip queue.
  2. Shame there seems no Linux equivalent to "max pre-rendered frames", this seems all the control we penguins have.
  3. Hi Dareptor, if you add it manually to your persistent.sfs it should work, back it up first and look at how other parts are listed in the save.
  4. Just how big are these craft? KSP will lag with large part-count vessels and that isn't the same as the GC stutter, the stutter is a definite pause in motion in the flight scene, which isn't the same as lag from excessive physics calculations.
  5. You can fix this right now by turning PPFX off in your settings, you'll still have heat bars and parts will glow to show that they are hot, the glow even works with the heat bars off, but you won't have the steady increase of memory used.
  6. It's crazy for me, I couldn't think of a better word at the time, "Whackjobian build" maybe? I just don't make big craft, so I tried to go overboard with fuel tanks but it turns out KSP doesn't like lots of round-8's, it doesn't even like loading in the VAB.Oh and guess what, on my max resolution of 1920x1080 and full screen I'm seeing stutter, it's really slight and I have to be looking for it, but it's there, I always played windowed because I am also on the forums and IRC at the same time. katateochi, the stackoverflow stuff is interesting but I don't know if it'd help, as KSP does load everything at the start and just makes instances of each object when one is needed, it's only those instances that are destroyed, ie a reference to an object with its own variables for position, speed and stuff, the instance doesn't have its own texture or mesh, they aren't loaded from disk each time. At least that is how Unity should be handling assets, but even the Unity manual page says excessive garbage collection can cause performance issues. A Unity or Mono dev might be able to tell us more about what controls they have for CG, I don't know if it's fully automatic with no input from a developer or if there's any way to defer collection, also we don't know what efforts Squad have already tried, this issue was reported by HarvesteR years ago so it's fair to assume they have tried to deal with this. I do know though that Unity uses a modified Mono, so even if they stick to the same version for U5, that doesn't mean it won't have also been modified to work better with the newer engine.
  7. This can happen when 0.90 is updated to 1.0, the settings.cfg is a bit different. Try deleting your settings.cfg, KSP will make a new one when you start and docking mode controls should be fixed.
  8. Someone on the #kspofficial IRC channel had this, and traced it to FAR flight assist, so it's worth checking that.
  9. It might be related to the mouse polling issue, gaming mice have high DPI and this causes KSP to struggle, turning the mouse polling down fixes it.
  10. Thankfully Squad have zero intention of adding weapons to KSP, but the player is free to mod their game if they want to.
  11. Linux isn't a fix for crazy builds, no. I keep all my craft to below 200 parts, when I test someone's megawhatsit I have to turn everything down and I still have a low frame rate, but still no obvious pausing. This stutter issue can affect players with only one part.
  12. There is no memory leak on scene change, the only known memory leak is with the PPFX edge highlighter used for the thermal effects, a previous leak with action group sliders has already been fixed. Faile, your log says the last thing to happen before the crash involved infernal robotics. I suggest you ensure IR is up to date, if it is I'd try removing it to see if the crashing stops, if it does it would be worth reporting the issue on the infernal robotics thread.
  13. Also add wings to the bottom of your rocket, and/or add enough gimballing engines to keep control. Also, back off the throttle, the faster you go the higher the aerodynamic forces and the greater the drag on the upper parts of your rocket, causing a flip, I try to keep my acceleration to 2g's maximum. This is not some mysterious force by the way, it's lift and drag acting on your craft. Moving to gameplay questions.
  14. Audio is handled by the Unity3D engine, and changes to how Unity handles audio would require access to source code and breach of the Unity license. Unity stutters even with simple scenes. This is a real problem with the Unity3D game engine, and is worse for some than others, all we can do is try to mitigate this as much as possible and hope that Unity5 fixes the issue. Squad cannot fix this, but are moving to Unity5.
  15. This was not caused by a memory leak. Wojtus, please provide your outpt_log the next time it crashes.
  16. Going to have to stop you there. And that's just the wiki, there's a lot more that the wiki doesn't list. It's easy for a modder to concentrate on one thing, after all they don't have a whole game to work on, just one asset. This thread is going nowhere, the tier 1 buildings are supposed to be basic, you progress to better buildings, starting with tier 3 stuff would make no sense. If you want that you can play sandbox.
  17. You can also disable it in the in-game settings screen, or in flight in the escape menu settings. With it on you get a nice coloured outline to parts you mouse over in the stage list, and which get hot in flight, also every time the edge heat glow effect activates your memory use goes up. With it off you get a more gentle glow over the whole part, and no increase in memory used. The gauges themselves won't be affected by turning off PPFX, but are completely disabled when using F10 as is the edge heat glow, and because the edge glow is off, so is the memory leak. Interestingly, with PPFX off you still have the basic heat glow on the whole part even with the gauges off, so you can still see if parts are getting hot without having little bars all over it, and it also makes it easier to see your craft when in the dark
  18. Nah it's more the repetition, and that Squad have made absolutely no mention of more planets since NovaSilisko left the team. I also prefer Canopus' suggestion that the existing planets be fleshed out, as what is the use of more planets if there's nothing on them?
  19. Needs more ballute from what I can see, maybe even a ballute that drops panels after enough speed has been already lost, becoming a more conventional parachute.
  20. Oh dear gods not this again. Afaik there's no plans for another gas giant, but you can always install that extra planets addon.
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