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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Well, my choice would be to have an actual engine, not just a nozzle, but still have the attach node where it is currently so the player sees the bulk of the engine in going in the craft. But it'd be unnecessary and poke out of many builds.
  2. This issue has nothing to do with thee heat shields by the way, the problem exists with or without them. Invert your parachute by placing it on the pod upside down, or use the rotation gizmo.
  3. The CoM of the jet engines was moved forwards to help reduce the effect of having what was essentially a really heavy exhaust nozzle with no actual engine mesh hanging off the back of our planes, the changed CoM simulates where the engine would be. So you'll see this effect depending on where your crafts CoM is
  4. There's the spaceplane tanks, a little unconventional I know but it's pure sweet LF
  5. Here's some things to test. Pod only, no SAS, try different orientations. Pod with only a parachute. Pod with only an inverted parachute.
  6. Hello Esme, we'll try to help If this is affecting only certain parts it's possible the textures for those parts never downloaded properly, 1.0 saw Squad change from .mbm and .tga files to .dds for textures, so they all should have been replaced. Something to try first would be to verify the game cache in Steam, or see if the patcher is working with the store copy, you can run the launcher to get the latest patcher. Failing that, a redownload of the archive. If that doesn't resolve the issue we'll have to look deeper.
  7. Hmm, do you usually run KSP from the desktop? the trouble with this is that Windows Data Execution Prevention will interfere and prevent KSP from writing some files or compiling some assets correctly. Please copy your current KSP install to a non-Windows folder such as C:\Games\KSP_1.0 and run the copy, if it works the original can be deleted
  8. The KSP.log can be found in the KSP folder, the output_log.txt in the KSPData folder. These can be uploaded to pastebin
  9. It wasn't earlier but Alex is on it, it may be fixed, have to try it to see
  10. Guys, the site DNS address changed and many DNS servers have been slow to update, the only one I know that is working is Googles IPv4 DNS servers at and You'll need to change your DNS server if you are having trouble.
  11. Can you please see the support stickies and provide your game logs the next time this issue occurs
  12. The purpose of the fairings is to shield the payload from atmospheric effects, they could be retained into orbit if the player wants, there's no penalty for doing so or punishment for failing to jettison them as early as possible
  13. This would be a feedback issue on the public tracker, things like this, while not bugs, are still usability issues and having the ability to dismiss the dialogue with the enter key could be useful. Please see the stickies for info on the public tracker
  14. Got it, KSP is getting the scale wrong on revert, it's a bug and should be reported to the public tracker Also, so cute!
  15. That suggests a bad file or settings.cfg Please see the support stickies and post your game logs
  16. Fallback mode is not good, it's for much older cards than most players own, I'd not use that setting to be honest. Please post your logs
  17. Ahh I see, but there seems no way to change it easily, I think this will have to be a suggestion thread in the dev section.
  18. Can't see anything obvious in the logs StealthPlatypus, can you do it again and get another log please?
  19. It might be moddable, but why is it an oversight? It's just a cursor.
  20. The heat shield are for pods it's true, though if you're re-entering carefully enough you'll be okay, spaceplanes have to rely on their built-in heat tolerances
  21. The cursor is new to 1.0 and wasn't in .90, and I don't think there's a way to disable it sorry.
  22. Can't reproduce it here, have you had tweakscale installed in the past? Also please post your game logs
  23. Well that is weird, can you add this to the public bug tracker? The link is in the stickies
  24. Probably need to verify your cache or redownload
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