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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Um, guys, this is an OSX thread so openGL is already used, and there is no 64bit OSX binary. But if you want to use command line arguments on Windows it's probably easiest to make a shortcut to the executable and edit its properties, there will be a target box in the shortcut which you can paste arguments into. Don't forget to separate each argument with a space OpenGL is an alternative graphics mode that can use less memory then DirectX9, -force-d3d11 is also an option.
  2. Hi cantab, if you click your "My Profile" button in the top right to go to your profile, you'll see the "Visitor Messages" tab between "My Activity" and "About Me"
  3. It looks like a known issue to the devs, but it was not caught in time for .90 Please see this thread for more
  4. Motokid600, there's no KSP_64_Data file that I am aware of with stock, the only x64 files are really just the KSP.x86_64 and launcher.x86_64, so please use the output_log.txt in the KSP_Data folder. I guess I got so used to the truncated sky I just don't see it anymore :/ And I guess I never really noticed the colour mismatch either, though on my old laptop I get green seas due to shader issues, don't use the fallback shaders, they are bad. The skipping is a very old problem that seems to be caused by Unity itself, not everyone gets it and it doesn't happen in the Unity editor so the devs were unable to track it down, see here and here. I guess it's physics based, a high delta time may exacerbate it. Eleven, I have no idea what to say to that, all that happens here is higher cpu fan activity, can you provide some more info?
  5. Seems strange that Linux is taking so long to start, it should be a lot faster than that, and that suggests the issue is your OS install itself or hardware related. The gnome-disk-utility can check your disks s.m.a.r.t data for issues with those, memtest is included on most Linux live cd's, they may find nothing but peace of mind though.
  6. So, bounds checking on the cache and allocating a reduced cache might solve this? I wonder if that'd mean some stuff just not loading.
  7. The output_log.txt is overwritten each time the game is started, so in order for the file to show any error messages you will need to reproduce the bug, and then send a log. From the log you posted there is no information to suggest what occurred. Please try again and hopefully we'll catch something in the log that tells us what is going on
  8. First Mun landings are special, well done Vexxus9999, and condolences to Burwise.
  9. Glad you got sound working, not sure about the colour though, and yeah openGL is the only option but it's better on Linux You might have to check colour balance settings in the Nvidia settings.
  10. sal_vager


    Your soul lacks and yearns for others steel, and spreads freckles, obviously. Now please stay on topic
  11. sal_vager


    English please Ethanadams, or you'll get bad google translations with all your posts:
  12. Far too political and ideological for a space game forum guys, sorry :/
  13. Well, first I recommend ensuring your files are not corrupted by right clicking KSP in the steam client, selecting "Properties", then the "Local files" tab. Click "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" to repair KSP. Test the game, if it still has problems click "Browse Local Files" in Steam, open "KSP_Data" and find your output_log.txt Open that file, copy the contents to pastebin.com and post the link to it here. We can't determine much more without that info, sorry.
  14. Your map may have probes set to not display, mouse over the top edge of the screen to see a drop-down selector for objects. As for the craft disappearing, we'll need more information
  15. It's probably Pulse audio, the drivers should already be available in Linux but Pulse needs to be using the card. Open PulseAudio Volume Control and check your configuration tab, if you have multiple sound devices they all will be listed, you can disable unused devices so the sound can only come from the Nvidia. While an application with sound is running you can check your Output Devices and Playback tabs, ensure your volume is not zero. You should see the application listed in the playback tab. If there is still no sound I recommend checking the connectors on your soundcard.
  16. Tim_the_Plumber, we do not understand what your issue is, please try to explain more carefully. We will also need your output_log.txt, please see the sticky threads for information on providing this.
  17. Yeah, there must be some other way to render that gizmo, it looks like an alpha mask to me, those typically use magenta as the "alpha" channel and simply don't draw it.
  18. You need to upgrade your launchpad, but you won't really be able to in the 64bit version as it's buggy. You can try editing the persistent.sfs file in your saves folder to set the launchpad level, but really it's recommended to use the normal KSP.exe If you're struggling with RAM I recommend the Active Texture Management addon
  19. After a while you start to intuitively feel how things move in space, and even stuff like rendezvous without nodes becomes something you feel rather than think about. Everything is in a sort of slow-motion dance with gravity, and a little thrust just here can set you on your way to another planet, a landing or a stranded Kerbal. I never figured out windows and angles and delta vee, but I know how to get around the system
  20. Welcome aboard areutheman There's a 3 post automoderation thing to help catch spambots, you're already at 5 so you're fine, though if you mean stuff like pics it's best to put them on imgur first. Have fun and fly safe! rushes off to check the queue for more posts
  21. Yikes, this is old, please make a new thread instead and link to old threads next time
  22. Either you're playing using the 64bit Windows executable, where there's a bug that leaves you with what look like upgraded buildings but no way to actually upgrade them, or you're still in sandbox and he's in career Make sure you're starting the KSP.exe, not KSP_x64.exe, and your facility will also start at level 1 with a new career save.
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