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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hmm, we never really needed the nodes, but they are a great feature. If anyone is struggling however I invite you to check out Kosmo-not's excellent thread on orbital rendezvous, you can find it here.
  2. The mode you play on has a big impact on this, playing on hard will be more "grindy" than lower difficulty settings, players are able to tailor many settings to their tastes before that start. In later updates there will be more added to the game and there will be many balancing passes, so please don't write off career as too grindy just yet
  3. Players may request all that but it'd be best for Squad to keep such a part fairly simple and generic enough for most applications, though I agree it will need to allow other craft to drive on it
  4. Lol I was wondering how long it'd take to find that. Also, press R to toggle between radial and mirror symmetry, and F to change between part relative and global relative movement in the editor
  5. Hi goldenpeach, make sure you have a pilot Kerbal on board or a probe that has SAS
  6. Hmm, you mean the new mk3 adapter tanks don't you, I expect you'll find the mk3 cargo bays are also textureless. The textures they use are .tga files, and most operating systems do not load .tga by default, you need programs with .tga support built in such as art packages like Photoshop and Gimp. KSP/Unity does have .tga support but it's broken (of course), that's one reason why KSP uses .mbm's instead, which are .tga but with different file headers so they load. With Linux, players can fix the issue by installing libsdl-image, on Windows and OSX though I don't know how to make them load. You can try opening the .tga textures and re-saving them in an art package, that can sometimes work. Look for Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Mk3Adapters.tga
  7. SAS needs tweaking, and too much reaction wheel power just exasperates this issue. All I can suggest is we try Regex's PID plugin.
  8. Contracts that act as, or trigger mini tutorials in the game are a good idea, with short video clips to help people to understand. Stuff like this should be coming actually, and most of the knowledge base stuff is given to Jim (Romfarer) to implement.
  9. There is something like this already, the beginnings of it anyway, you can see in the map screen a few icons on the right, these give info on craft, planets and similar. The back-end is mostly there, all this really needs now is the content, and beta is all about content Interestingly enough, it is actually called the knowledge base.
  10. Hi Amfibrachys and welcome to the KSP forums In docking mode you have two control sub-modes, rotation and linear, these are switched using the space bar, it sounds like you are in rotation mode, so try pressing space to change to linear, you should then find that you can move the craft vertically and horizontally without rotating. You may need to have SAS enabled to help hold you steady as well.
  11. You can get science from experiments though, rep may still be changed a bit as time goes by to have more of a purpose, maybe even by having rep deteriorate over time. Money has to come from contracts unless you can sell stuff later, but there's no plans for that kind of trading that I know of yet.
  12. These are great JoePatrick1, really simple and clean design Any chance of some parts for the new Mk3 though?
  13. Part testing on the ground is pretty poor, you need those juicier altitude and orbit tests for them to matter.
  14. This thread seems to have gone as far as it's going to and has just turned into a vehicle for argument, peoples posting style should not be used to back up or belittle ones claims whether right or wrong. Take peoples data on its own merit and don't turn this thread to any more personal attacks please.
  15. Hmm, something isn't right here, oh I see, you're trolling and trying to see how far you can get away with it.
  16. Actually there's a plugin that can change upgrade costs, probably other stuff too later.
  17. This is a known bug because launch clamps provide power, so that contract appears too soon. To be honest I see nothing wrong with a battery only satellite, it's not like Sputnik had solar panels, I'll ask Arsonide to fix this for 0.91
  18. If anything, the Kerbal X needs rebuilding to take some fuel away, I understand the idea behind providing new players craft that can do various things, but the intent was always for the player to make their own instead.
  19. I have been stuck once or twice with some rockets on the pad, but not seen any errors, can you post your logs please Scooternjng, see the stickies for details.
  20. I'm not so sure about that theersink, as with all other settings left on their Normal defaults, just changing the starting funds had no effect on the upgrade cost of the tracking station, the pics below show the career game on Normal with starting funds of 250k and 500k, the cost to upgrade is the same as the unaltered game. But anyway, it's still a nifty plugin and shows how the game can be rebalanced in various ways
  21. It might slightly effect the angle you launch at by a fraction of a degree, not much more than that though.
  22. You know you can play on easy, right? Or add more funds at the start.....right?
  23. Okay this may be it, you're using Gallium and while great, it's still slow. It is also defaulting to 256mb of RAM for some reason, maybe that is what you have but I doubt it, only very old hardware has that amount of gfx RAM. Do you know what gfx card you have and how much RAM it has? I don't use Gallium so wouldn't know how to set it up without googling. It may be worth trying the proprietary fglrx driver from the repo's, but then again it depends on your card.
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