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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. There's no workaround for it, just to back out and try again, but I'm pretty sure it's fixed for 0.90.0
  2. Worked around rather than solved, it'd be better if it didn't happen to begin with.
  3. Please provide the reproduction steps SpaceXray, I'll give them a go
  4. When someone finally comes up with reproduction steps that can be followed that cause this bug to occur the devs will be able to tackle it, but so far no one has been able to :/ I cannot stress this enough, they need repo steps that cause the bug, as simple as possible with as few parts as possible and absolutely no addons, not even installed but not used on the craft. The steps don't have to be 100% certain of causing the bug, but if it only happens in 1 attempt out of 50 it's not a lot of use. So get cracking everyone! Also, moving Development.
  5. FAR makes all parts into wings, so if you pitch over to far (heh) it's like if you put wings on your upper stage, they grab air and throw you over. You can't tilt as far using FAR, turn gradually so you're always near the prograde vector. As for bits being ripped off, your thrust to mass is too high, use fewer engines
  6. Welcome to the KSP forums woodensen 1, It's not just you, the numbers we have in career for rewards and stuff are mostly placeholders to get it working, balancing is coming later. 2, Docking ports have a face and the faces have to come together, but other than that there's no restriction on angle. 3, Not a lot yet without modding the game, again, stuff is coming later. 4, Hoo boy, everyone has their preferences on this one, but the Chatterer addon really improves the experience. Have fun and fly safe
  7. Duck Duck Go here too, I just like it over the others. And Ecellio for science stuff
  8. There's not enough threads for a simpit sub yet, and do you want to be in the Science labs with the [Technology] tag? It might work there, bit far from KSP though.... Maybe a [Hardware] tag for fanworks?...
  9. It's easier to get to orbit with either a rocket or a spaceplane with the FAR addon, just saying Though preventing your plane from flipping out on the way up, and slowing it on the way down? Nah Fun though.
  10. You called? The recently married Rowsdower.
  11. Pretty cool bit of kit MrOnak, keep it up
  12. These things are brilliant, great work so far Hakan, I'm looking forwards to seeing how it turns out
  13. Happy birthday Mach :)

  14. Fantastic stuff One Wheeled Panda, but I had to move it to Fanworks :/
  15. I'm sure you knew this was coming TJPrime, stickied for December, great idea for a challenge thread
  16. Good stuff Spheniscine, this will help, so I've stickied it for December
  17. Woah that's a lot of content, this'll keep anyone busy so I've stuck it for December Rhyunix
  18. Beautiful work gmiezis, if you see this, you're stickied for December
  19. Most people have seen these but not everyone, you're stickied for December White Owl
  20. Interesting xenomorph555, oh and stickied for December
  21. Nice thread Duke23, stickied for December
  22. Happy Wintereenmas everyone! The dark days are upon us and it's the time to stock up on food to get through to the new year, so get ye to the shops and buy all the tasty things! Ahem. It's also a time to spend with good friends and family, to catch up with how they are doing and their hopes for the future. And for us it's also time to look back on a few more threads, some recent, others not so much but still great and still worth a look. ------------------------ Lets open the December TOTM with a challenge shall we? And what better than one that is themed for the time of year? Welcome to TJPrime's Kadvent Kalender - 24 missions leading up to Christmas! These will keep you distracted while Jeb gets the rocket sleigh fuelld up ------------------------ Need help just getting off the ground for those challenges? Then check out Spheniscine's Guide, useful to have open in a window for new players ------------------------ Need a rocket? Need a real life rocket in KSP? Need it stock? Then danilon62 has what you need down at Bespin Aerospace - Completelly Stock Replicas of Real Stuff! - NOW TAKING REQUESTS! Now what was that British design called that was going to use thousands of sep motors.... ------------------------ Maybe your desktop needs a tune up, but any good KSP player uses the loading screen image like a good Kerbal, what to do? How about this new and improved loading screen, er I mean desktop background from gmiezis? C'mon Squad, lets have a makeover, it even has snacks ------------------------ An old thread now, but still alive, is Rhyunix's SESEOR Munbase- A pictorial Mission Report, there's a lot of content here, what will happen next? ------------------------ Everyone who is anyone has heard of TheWinterOwl, but have you seen his video's? Known as White Owl on the KSP forums, he's made a lot of video's and you can check them out here! ------------------------ To the Science labs now and we take a look at xenomorph555's thread on the Mk1 pod from Indian Space Program. I wonder how many Kerbals will fit in there ------------------------ And finally, the Space Lounge, where Duke23 asks where all the retro PC enthusiasts / gamers are? Got any old hardware? Does it still work? Can you show us? ------------------------ That's it for now, have fun and fly safe!
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