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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. It probably is, but they are coded to have fixed throttles, that'd have to be overridden. Also, they may lose thrust due to changes in fuel grain, but they gain efficiency with reduced atmospheric pressure just like any other rocket engine
  2. Oh that, no that's deliberate, if you really need to justify it, think of it as a low voltage wake-up circuit.
  3. You can't throttle them in the game during flight, and they don't lose power. But in real life they do change their output depending on the design (shape) of the fuel inside, as they burn that shape changes and surface area changes, affecting thrust. Plus it is possible to reduce the thrust further by blowing off panels, if you put a hole in the combustion chamber you lose pressure, and lose thrust, it's not reversible though
  4. drswagboss, you really need permission from all the addon authors for that download, and you need to supply the licenses, so no surprise that I have to remove it.
  5. I made my own skylon style craft, and suffered from tail strikes if I tried to get the nose up far enough to take off. My solution to this problem was to incorporate a tail wheel, so the craft could not only put its tail on the ground safely, but could also raise itself up on the tail wheel. This allows it to get enough AoA without having to fall off the end of the runway Plus it allows the craft to land tail first and lose speed safely before the main wheels touch down.
  6. Offline craft shouldn't stay offline, but the power was being consumed by the drive before the probe could react, mixed up priorities there :/
  7. Yeah the text is a problem it needs to scale and have its own slider :/
  8. I'm pretty sure that it's broken in 0.25.0, and we all need to wait for an update
  9. "That truck is fake, I can tell by the pixels" Also, WinkAllKerb, please see the opening post and the game rules/instructions.
  10. There's some heavyweight free game engines out there, Godot comes to mind, but I think you may want to start a bit simpler than that. Pygame lets you make simple (and complex) games with python, an easy to learn language that can be used for many things
  11. Moved it for you Cpt, and yeah, odd issue, probably something to do with the shaders and the .png flags
  12. No matter how small, someone will make a smaller one eventually
  13. "Wintersaur says 'Get your teeth into a Chevy today!'"
  14. Congrats on getting back, these kind of flights are the most fun, and the most fraught
  15. When RCS is active use the IJKL HN keys, or docking mode/translate and the EVA controls.
  16. Reaction wheels can also be disabled if you want to use RCS exclusively in space, and tetryds, if you can make your reaction wheels translate your craft you'd not need any fuel at all
  17. I think just having one input resource would be a little boring, find it and you're done. Having two different input resources enables a little bit of complexity and can get the player thinking. More than that and maybe it starts to get overcomplex, though I'd not consider electric charge to enable any such processes to be a problem
  18. Well, with SAS off in rotation mode you could still use the reaction wheel torque to turn, or RCS if you wanted, and SAS wouldn't fight you. Then just press space to switch to translation mode to re-enable SAS automatically, and it'd steady your craft while you tried to translate But SAS isn't reaction wheels, it just makes use of them, Spacemouse wants the controls to not operate the reaction wheels, and instead to have constant dampening (If I understand you correctly Spacemouse). Not currently possible in stock unfortunately.
  19. I'd test reinstalling it too, in case it failed, remove all of the previous folder first though.
  20. You can select the previous stable release in your "Betas" tab, in the Steam launcher properties
  21. SAS used to turn off when in docking/rotation mode, and back on for docking/translation mode, but players said that was weird and it was changed. I really liked that feature :/
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