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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Not via system management no, you'd need something more capable like Gparted, there's lots of other disk management programs I bet but that's what I use. I have a few USB sticks with more than one partition of different types and even one with a UDF partition, you should still be able to do a full format though.
  2. It's not good to quick format any drive to another file system as quick format just zero's out the existing partition. To be absolutely sure it's going to work it's best to delete the partition completely, then make a new one and format that to whatever you need.
  3. If the gravity is low enough where you send your rover, you can jetpack up to the seat as well
  4. It'd help to know more about your hardware, if it's weak there may be no option other than to upgrade, also some software you may be running while playing KSP can be taking system resources you want for your gaming. 70 parts is very low, how much lag do you get? If it's just a yellow timer but the game is still playable then adjusting the delta timer in the settings may be enough, if it's 1 frame per second then there's something going on.
  5. Yeah if you're at all unsure then it's best not to proceed just in case, while the Ubuntu installer does try to make things as easy as possible there is no way to prevent accidental damage by the user. The safest way I can think of though would be to have only one drive to install to, you unplug the power from the Windows drive so it can't be accidentally overwritten, and use the bios/uefi to switch between hard drives/OS's at boot time. That way you don't risk messing up boot loaders and if you don't want to use Linux you can just format that drive and use it for something else.
  6. The issue is not with Squad unfortunately, it's with the Unity3D game engine, Squad can try to patch things their end but it means fudging around with hex editors and build-time patches to fix stuff that'll just be broken again in the next Unity update. It's saner to post bugs to the Unity support/dev forums so they can fix their software, then later unity builds will be more stable. As for Linux, the Ubuntu installer can handle all the hard work, there are options to install it alongside other operating systems and there are many tutorials and guides available online
  7. Yeah hold on I'll clean it up. Edit: Sorted
  8. Guys, it's really hard to get across ones real thoughts and feelings via text on a screen, so it's really easy to misinterpret peoples sentiments when they post. Please keep this in mind, and use more emoticons
  9. No worries, I can probably post another 10,000 times before the end of the year if I need to
  10. Yeah welcome Arlax, it's great to get new members
  11. There's no reason why you can't give it a go, the great thing about Linux is that it gives you choice
  12. SteamOS is Valves version of Debian, which Ubuntu is also based on, so KSP should work fine as long as you install appropriate graphics drivers. Unity officially supports Ubuntu, and that OS comes with lots of non-free software to make it easier for people to use, Debian doesn't come with this software by default, but as with any Linux distribution if you want to install it you can (with varying degrees of work)
  13. Welcome to the KSP forums DarkBabylon We'd love to see what you can make too, maybe you have an unplanned Munar colony? Have fun and fly safe!
  14. Maybe encourage bigger, less efficient craft with more points awarded for heavier VTOL's Won't see as many high endurance jets that way.
  15. I think if you manually set the resolution in the settings.cfg file it'll work Eiktyrner, but it should automatically switch to fullscreen mode. You might be able to get it working with the -popupwindow command line switch, it's supposed to be a Windows only command but I've had it working in Linux too
  16. Doesn't hurt to ask how basotto Just put the EditorExtensions folder in the GameData folder.
  17. Guys, this thread is dead, it's over 2 years old, and RangerDanger75 hasn't even been on the forums since July. Feel free to make a new challenge based off this one though, but I better close this.
  18. Can you work out the button combination? I want to see if I can get these as well
  19. I see Kerbal alarm clock in your log criverod, I have heard that caused issues before now, can you try removing the .dll ?
  20. This thread is over two years old couchred123, and the links are dead, we prefer it if people don't raise threads like this from the dead, it's called necro posting. Don't forget to check the date of the last post next time
  21. What about Distant Object Enhancement ? Oh wait, you tried that, hmmm no idea then, it'll have to be a new mod I think. I did ask HarvesteR about having this kind of thing ages ago but it was too hard at the time, maybe one day
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