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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. No idea if silicon life is possible, but I'd assume it'd need a fluid just as much as carbon based life does, and h20 may not be the most suitable.
  2. Welcome to the Kerbal Space Program community forums joannshelby I think you have misunderstood the purpose of this thread though, the panels the OP seeks are just addon parts for a computer game, not real solar panels
  3. You'd also have to install graphics drivers, that's not really feasible when using a live image in a USB stick unfortunately. You'd be better off with a HD partition.
  4. You've posted this to the modded installs section so I assume you are using addons, but you have not told us what you're using. Please see the support stickies at the top of this section
  5. I'm not sure we'd even use orbital shipyards ourselves, take a look at how the ISS was constructed from parts over time, we already do pretty much the same thing in KSP. Deep space vessels to Mars or Jupiter may be easier to construct in the same way from prefabbed sections, some assembly required
  6. You mean the screen you see after a flight? Try pressing F3 Doh, ninja'd!
  7. Hmmm, how about mounting them radially? The Rockomax Hubmax can be fitted with four docking ports or you could build outwards and hang the landers vertically, parallel to the rocket
  8. You don't need an Imgur account, just upload stuff, but don't lose the URL so you can find it again
  9. Delete the settings.cfg file from the Kerbal Space Program folder and then start KSP, tell us what happens
  10. Screenshot please Edit: Nevermind I looked, that is indeed the 0.25.0 update, if you own a copy of KSP you can update it for free
  11. The UI can be scaled, there's an option in the settings menu, and default resolution support is really down to what the Unity game engine detects from your graphics card. Scaling the UI further and scaling the text is something that should be done though, but it's not a priority at this moment in time, you can force KSP to run at (nearly) any resolution you want though by manually editing the settings.cfg
  12. I'd love this, more science stuff please Squad! And it'd be cool if there was something more than just a click and a report, I'd like to see an actual gravity map for each planet that you can only reveal via gravioli experiments for instance
  13. Actually the highest scoring players are collected by HarvesteR in his personal KerbalX to fly spacecraft for the Kerbals, who existed all along
  14. People need to calm down on the French thing, seriously, but also, really cool boats
  15. This is like the second time today.... NathanKell, where are you!?!
  16. You don't, unless you are a moderator, simple Also, moving to the Kerbal network, and closing.
  17. True, and I'll add that this thread should be open to a variety of end-game scenarios than the simply economic, it'll be interesting to see what other scenarios people can come up with
  18. A quick check shows me I can right click and set an engines thrust to zero and it moves the thrust indicator, so I think that's what you're looking for
  19. The Kraken drives the Kerbals to the stars, now there's an idea.... Don't forget the "game" part of computer game, the end-game for KSP does not have to be financially motivated, and until mankind does colonize other worlds it won't be certain that will be financially motivated either
  20. It's not currently, it's due to be replaced, possibly next update
  21. Well there's species survival, national pride and prestige, research (Imagine if we had a warp drive, we'd find a reason to use it), cultural imperative (Egyptians didn't build pyramids for the money), I'm sure there's plenty of other reasons than purely financial Space exploration can be something Kerbals (and humans) spend money on, not to make money from.
  22. Stock SAS over corrects in FAR, so yeah Regex's PID control can help, but it's more than just that. Flight surfaces behind the CoM will naturally try to return to a position in-line with the airflow, but flight surfaces in front of the CoM will catch more air as they are deflected and will produce more lift, pushing you further round until they stall. You can see this with any rocket that has winglets above the CoM, for example, getting to space becomes a lot more interesting. Canards are great if you want a fighter jet and high manoeuvrability, modern fly-by-wire systems can keep them on track, and you have bags of lift to turn with when you need it. But they aren't so great if you want stability, you can try smaller canards, move them nearer the CoM to reduce the moment arm, or omit them entirely, your elevons look to be far enough rearwards to still be quite effective.
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