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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hi everyone, this months notable threads were delayed but I'm sure you don't mind, what with having ASTEROIDS! -------------------- Now, not everyone is great at intercepting those things, if this is you then Starwhip is here to help you out with his very thorough tutorial on the navball, rendezvous, docking (or grabbing in this case) and even some help on building stations, and who doesn't want a station on an asteroid! Lets see those science platforms and rocky habitats guys and gals -------------------- Catching asteroids can be expensive, so why not see if you can save your space program a few Munnies and send a reusable craft? Luckily SirJoab has just the challenge to help you practice, can you run a reusable space program? -------------------- I have no doubt that soon the spacecraft exchange will be full of size 3 SLS vehicles, lofting nuclear powered grabber equipped science beasts... er I mean bases to orbit. But what if one of these 'roids had turned up near Earth? Could we have reached it with a Space Shuttle? Giggleplex777 lets us do more than just imagine the possibilities with his excellent Shuttle, oh and keep an eye out for strange metal plates -------------------- I have seen a lot of great fanworks submissions recently, but one really stood out, arc5555 put together an amazing papercraft Kerbal and you can download it and make it yourself! Can anyone get a pic of one of these on a big rock? -------------------- That's it for this month, see you next time
  2. It's loading here, I suggest you eliminate any outside interference and see if a fresh install will start, you can copy over your saves afterwards
  3. Lol, Nova wishes he'd thought of this one
  4. Just a reaction image, it was painful on the eyes, please don't post weird gifs and similar guys )
  5. Shame it was messing with the links, the K in kerbalspaceprogram.com was being removed. I'm so glad I didn't set that this morning before going to work, imagine the carnage!
  6. That duplicates parts sure, but it's tricky with struts, you need to click the first node quite accurately to get it or you just copy the part underneath Also, you just get a new strut that's ready to place, you don't copy the whole of an existing strut.
  7. Lol no, it's just something I thought of last night
  8. Guys, don't get worked up over this
  9. The Wiki is maintained by volunteers and they need time to work on this stuff, they are doing the best they can
  10. You would be better off dual booting to be honest, VM's are great for lots of things but gaming isn't one of them, I think Virtualbox still only supports directX7 for example.
  11. I don't have any links to info on discovery mechanics, sorry guys, it's just something that's been mentioned in livestreams and similar, what it ends up looking like is unknown. I'd like telescopes though, it'd be so cool to do spectral analysis in KSP
  12. Squad still want to do outer planets, but wants a solid discovery mechanic in place before they return to this idea, the ARM asteroid discovery mechanic may be a very early version of this But like with all things in a project like this, there's lots* the devs want to do and only so many hours in a day to code and stuff, so many features will be delayed, they just need more time.
  13. Going a bit overboard there Nemrav.... Plus, maybe this needs to be on the "what not to suggest" list, science is for career mode not sandbox
  14. Just hold shift while you scroll with the mouse, and you'll zoom instead of move vertically
  15. Yeah, no, keep things civil and move on please
  16. Wow lammatt, are you ever going to look like a silly sausage when 0.24 is released!
  17. Ho hum, so bored... Oh look a thread on KSP website drop-down menu's! Meh, boring!
  18. Hmmm, yeah sure I'll watch it, don't forget to post it in Live From Mission Control
  19. The old pods were 1 meter wide, but making Kerbals small enough to fit 3 to a pod caused Unity to freak out, so the old pod was replaced with a one Kerbal pod, we gained a 3 Kerbal pod, 1 meter became 1.25 meters and a Kerbal with helmet was made 1 meter tall to avoid Unity issues. And that's why parts are a funny size
  20. It works for me but my USB sticks use posix compatible file systems, a couple are ext3/4 and another is UDF, KSP for Linux won't run on fat32 or ntfs directly, but it may work if you mount the USB stick as a network drive
  21. I'd also like to see this thread continue, so please guys, no bickering. Maximus97, don't forget the report button exists I my gaming experience, very few games have really tried to simulate rocketry or space travel in any real world way, only KSP, Frontier and Orbiter even come to mind.
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