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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. A bladder adds more mass that has to be justified, it's easier to design your flight profile with limited/no restarts in mind.
  2. No trouble here, the addon is licensed under the GPLv3 so redistribution is allowed
  3. RuBisCo, again I have to ask that people watch their conduct here, it is confrontational and unwarranted.
  4. You are going to kick yourself but... Click the brake button on the UI, next to the altimeter
  5. I second Vanamondes message here, the Science labs are not for bickering, argument or personal attacks, questioning others intelligence or ability to learn does not belong on these forums. Many of you are happy to help other players when they ask in the Gameplay Questions section, I ask that you apply that attitude here as well.
  6. I saw it in a few of Cupcakes vids, maybe you overlooked it because it's just a ruined wall?
  7. I'm not certain about this mind you, but I've taken a look and I think they might be ruined walls.
  8. You guys need this It's possible to save your recordings locally for upload.
  9. Not KSP.net, I can't remember what it was called now.
  10. The floppy disk icon has been around for a long time, and has become something of a defacto standard, people see that icon and know it means "save" even if they've never used a floppy disk
  11. You think there's a reason? Stuff is lost or flat out breaks when the server is migrated, pages move, links stop working, or if those links are to other sites then there's other reasons, such as the poster removing the file, the host removing it or going out of business. So yeah, no reason, stuff happens...
  12. I think it was KSP.net as it's what pops up when I try to find this addon. There was another I think, that was shut down by the owners as they couldn't secure their site from abuse.
  13. I wish, I have been looking as well, I will have to pester Maxmaps on this
  14. Yeah, that pic was fine TeeGee, but one of the tags was a bit off and there was a complaint about one of the recommended images. I don't know if you can change the tags that were with that image, but I suggest you use Imgur instead, there's less likelihood of poop stained bottoms there
  15. Got a lot of spent boosters and junk in orbit? Build a craft to gather it up and de-orbit it, challenging and good for the environment (except whatever you drop it on)
  16. I sense a great disturbance in the forums, like millions of voices cried out in terror at a delayed release, and were silenced. Seriously, no asking for release dates
  17. SXSW would be the ones filming this event, same with all the others they host, we'll have to wait for them to make it available
  18. This should help you and this too, I can't do the maths behind these but maybe you can work it out
  19. Very nice, I was wondering how it would turn out, congrats on getting it so close
  20. Ascensiam made some massive craft, but he rarely posted them.
  21. You could do this if you used docking ports on everything, just tow the parts together and attach You might be left with something a bit strange, but that's part of the fun.
  22. I wish capslock worked with EVA, it'd make things so much easier, but alas. Setting "EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE = False" is great though
  23. Place a piece of paper on your hand, the weight you feel is equal to the thrust of most real life Ion engines :/ But the miles per gallon is fantastic! And some people want solar sails, they'd be even weaker
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