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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. No you're right, the rover from the vid is much better, but as well as that it'd be nice to see better ways to carry these smaller rovers, they folded on Apollo but we don't have that option.
  2. Close as you'll get with stock parts I think.
  3. Please don't just bump threads, try to add something meaningful.
  4. I'm also going for this, a carbon core under immense pressure with the heat that goes with it, the largest diamond in the solar system, forever beyond the reach of man or wives
  5. Glad it's working for you now flashcactus, did you need to restart for the fonts to be found?
  6. Cough http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69435-Nuclear-Fusion-Achives-Milestone /Cough
  7. Ahh I see, look in "Staging UI", you'll find them there, and in the other tabs except rovers where they are on the left
  8. We do actually track such behaviour, and if there are prior warnings infractions follow, but it does also depend on severity. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening
  9. This is on the WNTS list, closing! Just kidding Yeah the list definitely needs to be kept more up to date, and your idea of what not to suggest and what not to discuss is a good one, one way this could be handled would be to have a megathread for each frequently suggested topic so posters can be redirected, not closed down. Things we don't want discussed are things in the rules, not things like suggestions, discussion is healthy. Derailment control is a two way street, not just in suggestions but everywhere on the forums, we'll do our best to spot trouble but we do need you guys to use that report button when you see things getting out of hand, it helps us and you. A suggestions tracker kinda exists as the public bug tracker allows for feature requests, but it's a cludge, a cleaner system is required. Not sure about how we'd introduce a downvote system without it being forum wide and open to abuse, so we may have to stick to polls, though those are often too big and are not really suited to this. Templates are a good idea, just have to make sure they get used But yeah, the main point behind the WNTS list was to have a way to stop the endless identical suggestions, especially for things Squad didn't want to add (weapons) or things they didn't think they could do (Multiplayer) or things that just came up over, and over, and over ad infinitum (yeah, you guessed it, L-points). By the way, if you do post your N-body thread, it'll stay open as long as no one breaks the rules, so don't forget that report button, keep civil and have fun
  10. It should be in "specialised control" which you already have researched, my guess is that MechJeb has changed it, don't forget MJ has altered pods with MJ added.
  11. A few updates back this did happen actually, on some new sandbox games at least, support was getting quite full of threads asking where Jeb Bob and Bill were....
  12. Release date requests, speculation, begging, demands, hostage situations and mild ruminations are against the rules, because they cause so much trouble. Please don't ask for, mull, consider, round-a-bout request, attempt to force responses or collude to try to ascertain any KSP update release dates ahead of official news from Squad Also, I better close this, sorry.
  13. Yeah, great game and great film (just the right amount of cheese). Moved to the Lounge as it's more suited here by the way
  14. Overzealous locking inbound! But seriously guys, please start new threads and link back to the old ones instead, it's better forum etiquette
  15. More info on the frequencies ISEE3 uses here. Any HAM operators around?
  16. Okay flashcactus, not sure what's up with your text then, it may be a different issue. Any chance of a pic of your missing text just in case there's differences? Is there text anywhere at all?
  17. Seret, Mbobrik, please try to keep any personal opinions of each other out of the thread, thank you
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtQUePN5y40 I'll let it speak for itself...
  19. Please see the 16/601/medium/moonearth_580.jpg?1247157272"]Challenge Submission Guide and try again
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