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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. This is why the challenge guidelines exist, they help people make fun challenges that others will want to try, I suggest you check them out Please try again later.
  2. What on earth gave you that idea? Linux 64bit binaries are in the Linux downloads from the store and Steam right now. As soon as Unity pumps out stable Win and OSX 64bit binaries Squad will bundle them in the downloads too.
  3. Rob is no longer with Squad and the Spaceport is broken, sorry, Squad are looking into alternatives but no news yet :/
  4. Squad know that players want and would benefit from a 64bit version of KSP, unfortunately until Unity 64bit support is stable enough there's nothing Squad can do. Currently only the Linux 64bit version is available and even that is classed as experimental, though it does seem to work pretty well, maybe it'll be good enough in the next Unity update, we just don't know yet. Check out the Unity forums for a ton of threads on 64bit Windows and OSX stability problems, it's not just KSP that could use a 64bit version, but many other Unity games as well.
  5. This has gone badly off topic, and has been a conspiracy theory thread from post one which would normally have been closed by now. I think this thread has run its course, and is going to go over the edge if it keeps up, it's time to move onto other subjects guys. Closing this one.
  6. It does sound like a graphics driver issue, and this looks odd: Have you forced any graphics settings in the nvidia control panel?
  7. Can you imagine how much heat must have been coming off the guy who made this video?
  8. Resources as they currently stand in KSP are your fuel, electric charge and research, this will be expanded to include money and reputation later when contracts are introduced. There were plans for mining of materials but it's been shelved due to it being outside the scope of game, also the devs found during testing that it was grindy and not fun.
  9. Welcome to the community Tochas I had to pop your post into it's own thread as the one you posed in originally was well over a year old, this way you should get the notice you need and no one complaining of necro posting. Good luck with your part, it'd be really useful for space stations and similar and I look forwards to seeing it complete
  10. Hehe, your landing gear is on backwards, they have lights that are pretty powerful and angled downwards, that's why they are bright against the ground. In the 3rd pic you can see the headlights lighting the ground in front of the craft Aww man, double ninja'd.
  11. Oh there's a few broken parts of the forums, spoilers don't work for example, but never mind
  12. Hi version2_1, welcome to the community The mods have been a bit slow in approving new members posts, I'll go look for yours now, sorry about that, and when you've a few more under your belt you won't need to worry about being in the moderation queue
  13. Can you tell us more about what you are doing before this occurs?
  14. Maybe you're sticking, the launchpad collider may be different, try lifting the craft up a bit higher on launch clamps or using decoupler "feet"
  15. Well that's weird, I guess you've closed and opened the map a few times, what about switching to another vessel?
  16. Everything should be here Odo, not sure why your craft would fail to work as before though :/
  17. KSP .sfs files are just plain text, you can use notepad to open and edit them, just don't use wordpad as it'll mangle he file.
  18. Welcome to the community Minmus There's a very good section on gameplay and tutorials here where you'll find a lot of info to help you out, far more than can be put in one thread. Oh and you are a curious George for your first couple of posts, it's an anti-spambot thing, you'll be a bottle rocketeer in no time
  19. It's a convenient way of finding your flags, though it'd be good if the map remembered which items you set to show and which to hide, maybe next update
  20. You're still new TJPrime so you don't know how much of a problem release speculation can be, there's a rule against it, that's how big a problem it is. Closing
  21. Ran into a nice new issue with Ubuntu yesterday that might effect KSP, seems Canonical are quietly removing 32bit libs from the 64bit repos and that can leave games unable to run after an update. This hit the dark mod, ran fine until I ran an update then failed to open because it couldn't find libcurl.so.4, only the 64bit version was in synaptic so I had to force a reinstall with "sudo apt-get install curl:i386" So if you get any sudden issues with KSP 32bit failing to start on a 64bit system, use ldd KSP.x86 | grep "not found" to find what's missing, then reinstall it from the terminal with :i386 at the end to get the 32bit version.
  22. It looks like a super name to me Okay pick another and send it to me via PM please.
  23. All parts beyond the render distance would be on rails, and you'd likely crash KSP You are talking about 2.5km here, good luck trying to build that!
  24. Guys, stay on topic please and no politics.
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