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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Please see the Challenge Submission Guidelines on how to make a fun, challenging challenge for everyone to enjoy
  2. flashcactus, install the Arial and ArialBold fonts available in the opening post, also you can remap the modifier key in the settings.cfg file, see if that helps hounddowg1, that sounds pretty cool, if you get it working can you post a tutorial on how to do it?
  3. Religion, politics, conspiracy theories, junk "science" and now (insert topic her) denial... Yeah, this thread doesn't really belong on these forums, closing!
  4. What on Kerbin is this doing in the Science labs? To the Space Lounge with you! (Also, this idea is not very good)
  5. This is hardly up to the quality here, but hey Valentines smoke ring.
  6. Your site messes with my eyes, now all I can see are lines.
  7. Above the text input box you will see icons, the icon with the chain link next to the emoticon is the one for adding a link, just highlight the text you want to use for the link, click that button and put the URL in the box
  8. There's a drop down box when creating a thread, or you can use the advanced editor
  9. Funky little rover RocketBlam, and welcome to the community Oh by the way, I added the stock tag for you
  10. KSP actually uses Mono for the plugins so they work across all three platforms, well it's Unity that uses it really. So you could try looking at MonoDevelop
  11. They collude. If she sells sea shells by the sea shore, how much are they?
  12. JebKerboom, rather than post an empty thread, how about you update your first post with your awesome landing?
  13. This wouldn't even count as a bug, it's not preventing gameplay, the only way this would be fixed is by accident when fixing other things It's not a bug, it's a feature
  14. They keep your feet warm though
  15. If you have not scanned your PC in a while it wouldn't hurt to do so now, just in case
  16. It was re-reported today, I think the difference is that they've figured out how to compress the fuel now, but they still lose too much power from the lasers (99%) for this to be any use for generating power.
  17. In the settings.cfg, scroll down to the planet parameters You'll need to edit it for all three graphics levels, low default and high, for every planet you are suffering lag with.
  18. Welcome to the community pyrogod67
  19. Guys, move on, this thread went south. Take the lessons learned from this and start again, I'm going to close this one down, please try to keep civil in the next thread.
  20. Continuing an argument after a moderator has asked you to stop is not the smartest thing one can do by the way.
  21. Backseat moderation is usually frowned upon but Sierra make a valid point, I'd like to ask you all to stay on the topic at hand, which is Ion drives. If you wish to discuss other engines I suggest you create another thread.
  22. The ISEE-3 satellite, launched in 1978, is still functioning and its orbit will bring it back past Earth in August, and 12 of its 13 instruments are still working. Trouble is, NASA scrapped the hardware, and presumably the software they used to control the satellite in 1999. But what would it really take to be able to talk to ISEE-3 again? I assume hardware exists that is flexible enough to send the signals, and software can run on emulators, at a fraction of the costs NASA fears, but could we really? The satellite is by all accounts still in good condition, it'd be a shame to lose this opportunity...
  23. Welcome to the community RocketBoy The first post was missed by the moderators, sorry about that, I'll set you to bottle rocketeer so you don't have to worry about your posts not showing up. Good luck with your challenge
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