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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Guys, scientific theories are not just random ideas pulled out of thin air. Theories are highly tested, backed up with mathematics and are able to made predictions which can be falsified/verified, this is how we know a theory is sound. As there's always room for new data, no theory can be said to be 100% true, this is normal. An example is the theory of gravity, we know what gravity does and can calculate what any given object will do in any strength gravity, the theory can be used to predict the locations of planets and satellites to a very high degree of accuracy for millions of years in the future or the past, it's how scientists can determine what the skies looked like when the dinosaurs were around. But there's holes in the knowledge, for instance it's still not really known what gravity is. The term I think some of you are looking for is "hypothesis", this is not yet a theory and requires a great deal of testing before it becomes a theory, these are the "ideas out of thin air" in some cases and most never get any further because testing cannot back them up. Saying something is "just a theory" is missing the point of just how thoroughly these theories are tested, verified and known to be as close to "true" as is humanly possible to get.
  2. You can zero trim with the modifier key and X, so the default on Windows it's Alt+X, and on Linux it's Rightshift+X
  3. The first three are doable with addons I think, well the clouds and painting are at least. Universe replacer is one, Kerbpaint is the other
  4. I'm a Linux KSPer and I say, well done ttb You can find the fonts you need in the Linux compatibility thread by the way
  5. chaoko99, I know you mean well, but challenges need some more thought than this to work. The challenge submission guidelines are there to help players come up with challenges that are fun and explained well, so other players know what they have to do. Also, challenges need some way to win them, even if it's just to beat other players times. I suggest you give the guide a read and have a go at your own challenges, and think how the rules of a challenge can be misconstrued, misinterpreted or just plain misunderstood Closing this one.
  6. JTDismang, if you make a gallery on Imgur you can use the Imgur tags here to display it Like this: [imgur]galleryCode[/imgur ] (Just remove that space at the end)
  7. Guys, it's no use ranting over this, and you've gone completely off-topic from the original post. Sorry but this one's being closed.
  8. Mind linking to that? Stock KSP engines are intended to use basic fuel types, liquid fuel, monopropellent and so on, anything more exotic has been ruled out I think.
  9. You can adjust the levels of fuel and oxidiser in a tank using the right-click context menu in the editor, this is the extent of fuel tweaking at this time
  10. It means half the texture resolution on parts, your screen won't change, just the quality of the part textures or "skins"
  11. There is the tutorial, but it's not easily found, and is not very good anyway.
  12. No, but this thread managed to revive without the usual "+1", so it lives.... ...for now.
  13. This is unsalvagable, sorry, deliberate twisting of the spirit of the challenge has ruined it. My advice? Try again.
  14. Sounds good KSK, the moderation team will like to see the finished article before sticking it though
  15. The Squad developers have deliberately opened up KSP to modders, this was not some afterthought, Felipe and the rest know that a game with modding support and a strong modding community can be a greater game than it could be without. There are some reasons why players might eschew addons though, compatibility of craft files and saves with other players is one, the challenge of accomplishing flights with a restricted feature set is another. Addons can allow just about anything to be added to the game, and some do see them as a means to "cheat", despite KSP's (currently) single player status and the fact that many addons exist that make the game harder. People should remember that the way they derive pleasure from KSP, and indeed from other games, is not the same as the next player, who finds other things fun. As long as you're having fun, then that's great, but there's no need to dictate to others how they should enjoy KSP, stock or modded, it doesn't matter. Fly your own flight, and let others fly theirs
  16. Just put your ideas for KSP, it'll be fun My idea, more sounds, such as electric motor noises and other stuff to improve the feel of the game.
  17. With just one addon that doesn't mess with your craft or persistent files, you too can move craft between buildings
  18. If you make your craft a sub assembly , you can effectively do this
  19. Some fantastic creations here, but no way to "win", though all these designs win in my book Moved to the spacecraft exchange as a craft showcase, lets see moar Kerbal cars!
  20. Internal ducting is narrower, increasing air velocity and pressure into the engines for more performance.
  21. The four intakes feed a collector box or plenum, that goes on to feed the engines
  22. There we go, all tidy It's possible to edit your posts once you are not a Curious George ctbram, and it's best to let others comment in-between yours
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